Evaluate Intersection Count

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Available with ArcGIS Pro Standard and Data Reviewer licenses.


The Evaluate Intersection Count check finds polyline features that intersect other polyline or polygon features a specified number of times.

Supported workflows

ArcGIS Data Reviewer checks support multiple methods for implementing automated review of data. The following table identifies the supported implementation methods for this check:

Validation attribute ruleConstraint attribute rule


(ArcGIS Pro 2.9 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later)



The Evaluate Intersection Count check finds polyline features that intersect the boundary of other polyline or polygon features a specified number of times. Features can be compared from the same polyline data source or from a different polyline or polygon source.

An error is created for each input feature when it intersects another polyline or polygon feature the number of times specified in the rule.

Industry scenarios

In topographic mapping, linear features of the same type, such as railroads, that intersect more than two times may be an indication of intertwined features that you can merge or generalize. Other linear features include power lines and water courses.





The subtype to which the rule is applied.




A query that identifies the features to which the rule is applied.


Features to Compare


Input features are returned as errors based on their relationship to the features from this data source.

Valid inputs are polyline and polygon features with a datum that matches the datum of the input features.


Features to Compare Filter


A query that identifies the features to include in the rule, from the data source specified in the Features to Compare parameter.


Number of Intersections


A query that defines the number of intersections that are not allowed between the input features and the features to compare. Any input feature with an intersection count that matches what is defined in this parameter is returned as an error.

  • is equal to—The number of intersections is equal to the specified value. For example, if the value is 2, input features that intersect twice with features from the Features to Compare data source are returned as errors.
  • is not equal—The number of intersections is not equal to the specified value.
  • is less than—The number of intersections is less than the specified value.
  • is less than or equal to—The number of intersections is equal to or less than the specified value.
  • is greater than—The number of intersections is greater than the specified value.
  • is greater than or equal to—The number of intersections is equal to or greater than the specified value.
  • is between (including bounds)—The number of intersections is between or equal to the lower bound (minimum) and upper bound (maximum) values.
  • is between (excluding bounds)—The number of intersections is between the lower bound (minimum) and upper bound (maximum) values.
  • is not between (including bounds)—The number of intersections is not between or equal to the lower bound (minimum) and upper bound (maximum) values.
  • is not between (excluding bounds)—The number of intersections is not between the lower bound (minimum) and upper bound (maximum) values.

More input is required if you choose an operator with upper and lower bounding values.




A unique name for the rule.

This information is used to support data quality requirement traceability, automated reporting, and corrective workflows.




A description of the error you define when a noncompliant feature is found.

This information is used to provide guidance for corrective workflows.




The severity of the error assigned when a noncompliant feature is found.

This value indicates the importance of the error relative to other errors. Values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.




The tag property of the rule.

This information is used in rule authoring and management workflows to support traceability and reporting of data quality requirements.



Keep the following in mind when using the check:

  • Only polyline features are supported as an input data source.
  • The data sources of the input features and Features to Compare parameter must share a common datum.

    Learn more about spatial references

  • When using z-enabled data sources, the z-value of a feature is not considered when evaluating for intersections.
  • The Validation Status attribute values of both the input features and the data sources included in the Features to Compare parameter are ignored during evaluation. For example, input features with a validation status of 0 (No calculation required, no validation required, no error), 1 (No calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)), 4 (Calculation required, no validation required, no error), or 5 (Calculation required, no validation required, has error(s)) are still included during rule evaluation.
  • Include the data source for the Features to Compare parameter when creating map or project packages and when sharing web layers with the Validation capability enabled.
  • The Attribute and Features to Compare Filter parameters are limited to comparison (=, <>, >, <, >=, <=) and logical (AND/OR, IN/NOT IN, LIKE/NOT LIKE, IS NULL) operators.
  • Data sources for the Features to Compare parameter must include a global ID field.
  • The Attribute and the Features to Compare filter parameters do not support the following field types: Big Integer, Date Only, Time Only, and Timestamp Offset. If selected, the row header is marked in red and does not allow the rule to be saved.

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