Disperse Markers (Cartography)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive


Finds point symbols that overlap or are too close to one another based on symbology at reference scale and spreads them apart based on a minimum spacing and dispersal pattern.


Disperse Markers tool illustration
Points that are clustered within a specified distance are dispersed in the pattern selected.


  • The input must be a symbolized point feature layer. Multipoint features are not a valid input. The input feature class is changed by this tool.

  • This tool operates by assessing proximity of symbolized point features. The symbology extent and the reference scale are considered in conjunction with one another. Run this tool only after you finalize the appearance of the symbols, and ensure that the reference scale corresponds to the final intended output scale.

  • Clustered or coincident point symbols are assessed and processed in groups. The analysis of marker groups is based on a minimum rectangular envelope around each marker. Groups are composed of markers with envelopes that overlap or are within the minimum spacing of others. In each group, markers are dispersed to the minimum spacing.

  • Graphical overlaps may be introduced between point groups. Use the Detect Graphic Conflict tool to identify conflicts.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Point Features

The input point feature layer to be dispersed.

Minimum Spacing

The minimum separation distance between individual point symbols in page units. A distance must be specified and must be greater than or equal to zero. When a positive value is specified, markers will be separated by that value; when a value of zero is specified, point symbols will touch. The default page unit is Points.

Linear Unit
Dispersal Pattern

Specifies the pattern that will be used to place the dispersed point symbols. A group of point symbols will have a center of mass derived from the locations of all points in the group. The center of mass is used as the anchor point around which the dispersal pattern operates.

  • ExpandedThe general pattern of the point symbols will be maintained as they are spread apart. Points that were exactly coincident will be dispersed to a circle around their center of mass. This is the default.
  • RandomPoint symbols will be placed around the center of mass in a random dispersal that respects the minimum spacing.
  • SquaresPoint symbols will be placed in multiple square rings around the center of mass, ensuring that all points are placed as closely together as allowable by the minimum spacing parameter.
  • RingsPoint symbols will be placed in multiple circular rings around the center of mass, ensuring that all points are placed as closely together as allowable by the minimum spacing parameter.
  • SquarePoint symbols will be placed evenly around the center of mass in a single square pattern.
  • RingPoint symbols will be placed evenly around the center of mass in a single circular pattern.
  • CrossPoint symbols will be spaced evenly on horizontal and vertical axes originating from the center of mass.
  • X-crossPoint symbols will be spaced evenly on 45° axes originating from the center of mass.
  • ColumnPoint symbols will be spaced evenly on a vertical axis originating from the center of mass.
  • RowPoint symbols will be spaced evenly on a horizontal axis originating from the center of mass.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Input Features

The updated input features.

Feature Layer

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Yes

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