to verify with the Module that it is okay to do so.// There are two ways to prevent ArcGIS Pro from closing // 1. Override the CanUnload method on your add-in's module and return false. // 2. Subscribe to the ApplicationClosing event and cancel the event when you receive it internal class Module1 : Module { // Called by Framework when ArcGIS Pro is closing protected override bool CanUnload() { //return false to ~cancel~ Application close return false; } internal class Module2 : Module { public Module2() { ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Events.ApplicationClosingEvent.Subscribe(OnApplicationClosing); } ~Module2() { ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Events.ApplicationClosingEvent.Unsubscribe(OnApplicationClosing); } private Task OnApplicationClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs args) { args.Cancel = true; return Task.FromResult(0); } // cref: ARCGIS.DESKTOP.CORE.EVENTS.PROJECTOPENEDEVENT // cref: ARCGIS.DESKTOP.CORE.EVENTS.PROJECTOPENEDEVENT.SUBSCRIBE // cref: ARCGIS.DESKTOP.CORE.EVENTS.PROJECTOPENEDEVENT.UNSUBSCRIBE // cref: ARCGIS.DESKTOP.FRAMEWORK.CONTRACTS.MODULE.INITIALIZE // cref: ARCGIS.DESKTOP.FRAMEWORK.CONTRACTS.MODULE.UNINITIALIZE #region How to determine when a project is opened protected override bool Initialize() //Called when the Module is initialized. { ProjectOpenedEvent.Subscribe(OnProjectOpened); //subscribe to Project opened event return base.Initialize(); } private void OnProjectOpened(ProjectEventArgs obj) //Project Opened event handler { MessageBox.Show($"{Project.Current} has opened"); //show your message box } protected override void Uninitialize() //unsubscribe to the project opened event { ProjectOpenedEvent.Unsubscribe(OnProjectOpened); //unsubscribe return; }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10