The ArcGIS Image Analyst extension provides tools with which to analyze imagery data.
The capabilities of Image Analyst are grouped into categories of related functionality. Knowing the categories will help you identify the tool to use. The table below lists the Image Analyst toolsets with a description of the capabilities offered by the tools in each.
Image Analyst toolsets
The functional categories of Image Analyst are identified below.
Toolset | Description |
The Change Detection toolset contains a tool that performs change detection between two raster datasets. | |
The Deep Learning toolset contains tools to detect specific features in an image or to classify pixels in a raster dataset. | |
The Extraction toolset allows you to extract a subset of pixels from a raster by the pixels' attributes or their spatial location. | |
Algèbre spatiale est une méthode permettant d'effectuer une analyse spatiale en créant des expressions dans un langage algébrique. L'outil Calculatrice raster permet de créer et de traiter facilement des expressions d'algèbre spatiale pour obtenir un jeu de données raster. | |
Le jeu d'outils Mathématiques contient des outils permettant d'effectuer les opérations mathématiques sur les rasters. The tools are grouped into four main categories:
| |
The Motion Imagery toolset contains tools for managing, processing, and analyzing motion imagery, including full motion video data. | |
The tools in the Multidimensional Analysis toolset allow you to perform analysis on scientific data across multiple variables and dimensions. | |
With the Overlay analysis toolset you can weight and overlay several rasters to create a single summary raster result. | |
Avec les outils de segmentation et de classification, vous pouvez préparer des rasters segmentés qui permettront de créer des jeux de données raster classés. | |
The statistical tools perform statistical operations on raster data. |