Get started with Workflow Manager (Classic)

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Disponible avec une licence Workflow Manager.

Complexité : DébutantPrérequis sur les données : Utiliser vos propres données

Before you begin, you must complete the following:

Learn more about Workflow Manager (Classic) system setup

Set up prerequisites in ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator

The following prerequisites and workflow steps are configured using Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator. However, once applied, these settings are consumed by ArcGIS Pro.

Add a workflow connection in ArcGIS Pro

A workflow connection is a connection to the Workflow Manager (Classic) enterprise geodatabase and provides access to the jobs in the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository. A project can have only one workflow connection.

The following steps describe how to add a workflow connection to a project:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a new blank project or open an existing project.
  3. Click the Insert tab.
  4. Click Connections > New Workflow (Classic) Connection.

    The Database Connection dialog box appears.

  5. Specify the Workflow Manager (Classic) database connection information.
  6. Click OK.

Once the workflow connection is established, it's added to the Catalog pane under Workflows, and the workflow view appears.

Learn more about the workflow view.

Create a job

In ArcGIS Pro, a job is created using the Workflow tab. All the active job templates are available in the Create Jobs gallery.

Create Job gallery

A job is created by creating an instance or a copy of the job template based on the properties of the predefined job template.

  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Click Landbase Updates in the Create Jobs gallery.

    A job is created based on the default properties of the job template. The job view appears with job information.

    Remarque :

    The Create Jobs gallery can be expanded to display all the job types that exist in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. The job templates can be filtered by category, by clicking the All drop-down arrow at the top of the expanded gallery.

Assign a job and change descriptive information

The created job is unassigned, and a job can only be executed if it's assigned to a user.

  1. Click the Job tab.
  2. Click Assign to Current User Attribuer à l'utilisateur actuel in the Assign group.

    The job is assigned to the current user.

  3. In the job view, click the Descriptive Information tab.

    Descriptive information for the job appears.

  4. Click the Data drop-down arrow in the Spatial Data section to display a list of data workspaces configured in the system.
  5. Select a spatial database.

    The parent version is populated.

  6. Click Apply.

Execute Landbase Updates job

A job workflow is executed using the workflow execution tools available in the Workflow pane and from the context menu available on the workflow tab of the job view.

Learn more about the job view

  1. In the job view, click the Workflow tab.

    The workflow for the job appears.

  2. Click the Job tab.
  3. Click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape in the Workflow group.

    The Prepare step is executed and the workflow proceeds to the Check Version step.

    Conseil :

    You can also right-click the active step and click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape on the Workflow tab in the job view to execute the step.

  4. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The Check Version step is executed and the workflow proceeds to the Create Version step.

  5. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The Create Version step is executed and the workflow proceeds to the Edit Data step.

  6. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The Edit Data step is executed and the job map is opened in a map view.

  7. Close the map view.
  8. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Mark Step Complete Marquer l'étape comme terminée.

    The Edit Data step is marked as complete and the workflow proceeds to the QC Data step.

    Conseil :

    You can also right-click the active step and click Mark Step Complete Marquer l'étape comme terminée on the Workflow tab in the job view to mark the step as complete.

  9. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The QC Data step is executed and the job map is opened in a map view.

  10. Close the map view.
  11. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Mark Step Complete Marquer l'étape comme terminée.

    The QC Data step is marked as complete and the workflow proceeds to the More Edits step.

  12. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The Question dialog box appears.

  13. On the Question dialog box, click No.

    The More Edits step is marked as complete and the workflow proceeds to the Clean Up step.

  14. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

    The Clean Up step is executed and the workflow proceeds to the Notify step.

  15. On the Job tab, in the Workflow group, click Execute Step Exécuter l'étape.

The job status shows 100% Complete.