Release notes for ArcGIS Pro 1.4

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Issues addressed

The list of issues addressed describes bugs that were reported to Esri Technical Support and are fixed in the latest versions of ArcGIS Pro.

Issues addressed at ArcGIS Pro 1.4.1

ArcGIS Pro 1.4 Patch 1 (1.4.1) fixes the issues listed below. No new functionality is included with this patch. Therefore, you can expect the following items to work seamlessly between 1.4 (1.4.0) and 1.4.1:

  • Project files, project templates, and project packages (.aprx, .aptx, and .ppkx)
  • Layer files and layer packages (.lyrx and .lpkx)
  • Layout files (.pagx)
  • Map files and map packages (.mapx and .mpkx)
  • Task files (.esriTask)
  • Custom functionality built using the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
  • Custom tools built using geoprocessing or the ArcGIS Pro ArcPy site package
  • Packaging, publishing, and sharing (for example, publishing web maps to ArcGIS Online)



When run as a standalone script, the Create Vector Tile Package tool fails with the following error message, "ERROR 000623: Invalid value type for parameter in_map."


Server names are not recognized when the names are longer than 30 characters with a Concurrent Use license.


The Move To tool does not allow moving Z-enabled features vertically in scene views.


When using snapping in a 2D map, the Current Z Control value still gets applied after the Control has been turned off.


Copying and pasting a feature with a Global ID fails.


ArcGIS Pro 1.4 crashes when an Add-In for a construction tool is installed and FIPS 140-2 compliance security settings are enabled.


ArcGIS Pro 1.4 crashes when opening the Grid pop-up window in an inactive map.


Feature Templates are not recreated when the layer's renderer is changed.


ArcGIS Pro 1.4 will not start when FIPS 140-2 compliance security settings are enabled.


When FIPS 140-2 compliance security settings are enabled, you cannot edit metadata. Additionally, project items are not indexed so searching does not work or will produce incorrect results.


In the German version of ArcGIS Pro 1.4, creating ortho mapping workspace with drone images causes the application to crash.


When an aggregation structure of hexagon grid is selected, the method of finding neighbors based on a distance band fails to return all of the actual neighbors in the y direction for certain cases.


For finding neighbors in Create Space Time Cube, the spatial side hexagon cells (on the left and right columns) are not considered as neighbors when the search distance is multiples of the height of the hexagon.

ArcGIS Pro 1.4 Language Pack Patch 1

With the German and Japanese language packs for ArcGIS Pro 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 installed, search results for tools within the following toolboxes may not appear correctly:

  • German:
    • GeoAnalytics Tools
    • Standard Feature Analysis Tools
  • Japanese:
    • 3D Analyst Tools
    • Analysis Tools
    • Cartography Tools
    • Conversion Tools
    • Data Management Tools
    • GeoAnalytics Tools
    • Network Analyst Tools
    • Standard Feature Analysis Tools

To resolve this issue for German and Japanese language packs, please install the ArcGIS Pro 1.4 Language Pack Patch 1.

Issues addressed at ArcGIS Pro 1.4

ArcGIS Pro 1.4 fixes the issues listed below. See What's new in ArcGIS Pro 1.4 to learn about new functionality introduced in this update.



PolygonToRaster and PolylineToRaster create incorrect output when input has negative numbers greater than six digits.


Unit in Label properties is truncated in different language versions of ArcGIS Pro.


When the Calculate Field tool expression parameter is exposed as a model parameter, the build expression does not show the option to add fields.


After running the Disable Editor Tracking tool, some fields are missing in the Enable Editor Tracking tool drop-down list.


On the ArcGIS Pro Options dialog box, several labels on the Indexing tab are truncated in languages other than English.


Unable to run Calculate Field after running Select Layer By Location.


Excel sheets display empty data in the Japanese version of ArcGIS Pro.


Groups listed under Sharing Options should be sorted alphabetically.


In the Hebrew version of ArcGIS Pro, the minus sign is displaying incorrectly with Arabic numerals in tables.


Using EBK Regression Prediction with Windows 8 and 10, if subset polygon features are provided and an output diagnostic feature class is created, there may be errors during tool execution.


Single Use license authorization may fail if the machine has a different version of Flexnet license service from other vendors such as AutoDesk.


An analyzer error displays when publishing a layer rendered with unique values, multiple fields as a map image layer with an associated web feature layer.


The Enrich Layer tool fails when a large number of features are used as input features.


In the German version of ArcGIS Pro, there is an incorrect display of database names in expiring passwords.


There is an undocumented category name in the Generate Tile Cache Tiling Scheme tool.


Snapping Anchor sometimes doesn't snap to the sketch of newly created features.


There is no option to change units in the Absolute X,Y,Z tool.


ArcGIS Pro may crash when closing a map if it's rotated after performing some edits.


Export with Clip to graphic extent needs to also clip at the page boundary.


Page Definition Queries must be reset when there is a layer property change, such as symbology.


Running MakeLayer/AddLocations in a model in the canvas corrupts the model.


ArcGIS Pro crashes after customizing the start page using ArcGISPro.Config.xml.


Placement values (width, height, X & Y) display with incorrect values when multiple layout elements are selected.


When items with long names are visible in the ArcGIS Pro Project pane, clicking one of those items causes all items to shift to the left, making it difficult to browse items in the project.


After editing the width of a map frame that is set to use the Fixed Scale constraint in Map Frame Display Options, the status bar shows an incorrect map scale.


Documentation on Workflow connection needs to be updated as it wrongly mentions that the workflow connection cannot be made to an Oracle Workflow Manager user-schema geodatabase.


Polygons in feature service layers disappear after split.


Provide the ability to change the maximum records returned by the server when sharing as a web layer to Portal for ArcGIS.


Allow the Define Projection tool to define the projection for a CAD file.


Request to enable Show time on map display in animations in ArcGIS Pro.

Known issues

The subsections below list known limitations by functional area of ArcGIS Pro. Software developers are actively working to fix these issues in future versions of the software.


  • Including a space immediately before or after the project name when you create a new project, open an existing project, or save a copy of the current project may cause unexpected behavior, such as the OK button on the Create a New Project dialog box remaining disabled when it should become enabled.
  • If you browse to a folder in ArcGIS Pro, view its contents, and change the contents of the folder outside of ArcGIS Pro, such as saving an email attachment to disk or creating a folder using Windows Explorer, the changes do not appear automatically in ArcGIS Pro the next time you visit that location. Refresh the contents list, for example, by clicking the Refresh button, to see the changes.
  • When searching the contents of the active portal, you can search for web layers and browse into them to see the layers, tables, and images they contain. However, you can't search directly for the layers, tables, and images contained by a web layer. If a web layer doesn't include providing data as one of its capabilities, the layers and tables it contains can't be added to a map.
  • When searching for items on the local file system, if you search using text that occurs before or after the period character (.) in any field in the item description (including the item's file name), you will not be able to find the item using that text unless it also occurs somewhere else in the item description separately, such as in the item's keywords. For example, if the description includes the text June.16, the item will not be found when searching for June or 16. You would only be able to find the item by searching for the entire string June.16. In contrast, when text includes the underscore character (_), you can find the item using only the text that appears before or after the underscore.
  • Geoprocessing packages can be published or uploaded to the active portal. These items appear in the Project pane and the project view; however, they will not successfully add to the project. Instead, download the item from the active portal using a web browser, and add a folder connection accessing the location on disk where the geoprocessing package (.gpkx) is stored. On the Project tab in the Project pane, right-click the package and click Add To Project.
  • Project pane
    • Selecting multiple items in the Project pane for copy and paste is not supported.
    • Rename is not available for shapefiles.


  • When configuring ArcGIS Pro to use the Concurrent Use license option, if the number of available seats for an extension is zero, unchecking the extension's check box will cause the check box to become disabled. If you need to select the box again, you must click Cancel and click Configure your licensing options to open the Licensing dialog box.
  • Authorizing extension licenses for an ArcGIS Pro Single Use license is not reflected on the Licensing dialog box until ArcGIS Pro is restarted.
  • When authorizing a Concurrent Use license, the Licensing dialog box only provides fields for a primary license manager and one backup. Additional backup license managers can be added using the following syntax: LM2;@LM3 where LM2 and LM3 are backup license managers.
  • Named User with ArcGIS Enterprise portal offline licenses will become incompatible when upgrading to ArcGIS Pro 1.4. Check in offline licenses before upgrading.
  • In rare circumstances, returning borrowed concurrent use or named user licenses may cause ArcGIS Pro to crash. If so, add the FLEXLM_TIMEOUT environment variable and set the value to 250000 or higher.

Mapping and visualization

Maps and scenes

  • You cannot specify a selection symbol per layer. If you import a map with a selection symbol set for a layer, the main color is extracted from the symbol and set as the selection color for that layer.
  • Heat map symbology for point feature layers in a scene are drawn using real-world units. If you switch to a different symbology method, new symbols will also draw in real-world units, possibly rendering them so small that they are difficult to see. To change this setting, right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Properties. On the Layer Properties dialog box, click the Display tab and uncheck Display 3D symbols in real-world units.
  • The color scheme applied to a layer symbolized as a heat map may appear differently when the map is shared to ArcGIS Online.


  • OLE objects, tables, graphs, measured reference grids, and map frame clipping are not currently supported; therefore, they will be dropped when you import map documents into a project.

Vector tiles

  • Vector tile packages with international characters in the filename do not draw in ArcGIS Pro.


  • Adjustments made to proportional symbology settings are sometimes not respected by the Undo command.
  • Polygon features in the 3D Layers category of a scene drawn with proportional symbology using 2D symbols are not extruded when the Data represents property is set to Height.
  • Values less than 1 are excluded from the legend in the Contents pane and in a layout for layers drawn with relative-sized proportional symbology when a maximum size is specified.



  • It is not possible to set placement positions for polygon labels in 3D.
  • One-digit numeric text will not display Eastern Arabic digits when the locale or text symbol settings are set for this type of display.

KML layers

  • The application may crash when group layers containing KML data are reordered in the Contents pane.
  • A crash can occur when a network link refreshes a time-enabled KML source file.
  • In some cases, the application can crash when you click Refresh on a KML layer with frequently-updated network links.
  • Time-enabled KML in 3D does not work as expected when animated with the ArcGIS Pro time slider.
  • Remote styles are not honored in some cases.
  • Inline style elements on ground overlays are not honored.
  • Tessellated lines in 3D may draw coarsely.
  • The KML camera is not honored if it is at or below the ground surface.
  • Rotated ground overlays are not yet supported.
  • Some KML screen overlays are not yet supported.
  • Some ground overlay image formats are not supported.
  • KML scale and orientation properties are not honored on 3D model marker symbol layers.
  • KML data written with dates that represent years under '0100' is not supported.
  • KML data with incorrect XML date formats is not supported. For example, years must be represented by four digits.

Range slider

  • The range slider is not supported across linked views.
  • When different ranges are set in multiple views of the same map, geoprocessing tools will only use the first view's range filter settings. This also applies to time filter settings.
  • Range layer properties cannot be defined for multiple layers at once.
  • Range slider properties are not persisted per range when multiple ranges are defined.
  • Expressions are not yet supported for range definitions.


  • Time is not supported across linked views.
  • The time slider does not initiate the first time it is enabled for mosaic datasets. If you re-open the Layer Properties dialog box, disable and re-enable time, and click OK to close the dialog box, the time slider (and the contextual Time tab on the ribbon) will appear.


  • An imported ArcMap, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene document containing an animation will not import the animation. The animation isn't imported because animations in ArcGIS Pro are built on a new framework that includes properties such as view extent, visible layers, and current map time in single keyframes. It is recommended that you remove ArcGIS Desktop animations before importing the document into ArcGIS Pro.
  • In global scene views, when animating the camera over the north or south pole, the camera may take an indirect path between keyframes. This is a known issue relating to the camera's coordinate system , which is accentuated near the poles.
  • Windows Media Player may not play exported animation video from ArcGIS Pro. If Windows Media Player or another common video player does not play your animation video exported from ArcGIS Pro, you will need to download and install the missing codec files. (It may be missing the necessary codecs.) See Export settings to learn more about potential issues with viewing an exported animation.
  • Bookmark files (.dat) from ArcGIS Desktop cannot be imported into ArcGIS Pro. To create an animation in ArcGIS Pro from bookmarks used in a desktop document, they must be part of the map, globe, or scene document and the document imported into your project.
  • Overlay elements cannot exceed 4000 x 4000 pixels. The map view and the preview window can draw overlays at different sizes. If an overlay exceeds 4000 pixels, it will not be drawn.

Style management

  • When you clear the search box in a project view after searching for style items, the context of the view is moved to the project level, not the style level. You will have to manually navigate back into the styles folder to continue working with styles.

Analysis and geoprocessing

3D Analyst

  • Several tools that support files and folders as input will not allow the selection of a folder by browsing to it. A workaround for this is to select a file within the desired folder as an input, and modify the entry for that file by removing the file's name, leaving the folder path. For example, if you want to add the folder C:\temp\MyFolder, and there is a file inside that folder named test.las, you can select test.las as an input, and modify the corresponding entry by removing the file name. This issue affects the following tools:
    • ASCII 3D to Feature Class
    • Add Files To LAS Dataset
    • Create LAS Dataset
    • LAS to Multipoint
    • Point File Information


  • The Feature To Raster tool is slower than the Point To Raster tool when processing large point feature classes. This issue will be resolved in a later release. At this release, the Feature To Raster tool should be used instead.

Manage data and geodatabases


  • The Move To editing tool no longer allows moving Z-enabled features vertically in scene views.

Data Reviewer

  • Reviewer batch jobs
    • Connectivity Rules, Metadata, and Custom check types are not supported and will be skipped during batch job execution.
    • Batch jobs added from a UNC path are copied in project packages when shared using the Share as a Project Package tool with the Share outside of Organization option unchecked.
  • Reviewer rules
    • Removing the project's default Session Results project item without setting a new default session will cause errors to be written to the default session when the Reviewer Results pane is not open.
    • Reviewer rules are not persisted when layers are shared using the Sharing as a Layer Package tool.
    • Shapefiles are not supported as an input to the Feature to Feature check.
  • Reviewer results
    • Session Results project items are not included when shared using the Share as a Project Package tool.
    • Session Results project items are not included when shared using the Create Project Template tool.
    • The Add Session context menu item is not disabled when there is an invalid Reviewer workspace connection.
    • Column sorting in the Reviewer Results pane is not supported for keyboard accessibility.
    • The Update Results pane does not support undo or redo of edits.
    • A metadata result's corresponding data source is not automatically displayed in the Project View metadata panel when opened from the Reviewer Results pane.
  • Geoprocessing tools
    • The Delete Reviewer Session geoprocessing tool's Session parameter does not support the selection of multiple items for deletion. Session items must be added individually to the Delete Reviewer Session geoprocessing tool.

Imagery and raster

  • Swipe does not work in 3D.
  • When switching from one portal to another portal in ArcGIS Pro, you need to a restart ArcGIS Pro for the raster analysis to work properly. To fix the issue, restart ArcGIS Pro after you switch to a new portal.
  • In the Spatial Reference Editing dialog box, if the Z coordinate system is None, the Z information box is incorrectly populated with XY coordinate system information. This is only a display issue; the Z coordinate system is recorded and shown correctly as None in the general Dataset Properties.
  • It is recommended that you not process the global functions on your local machine. Global functions should only be processed as Raster Analysis tools in ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  • Global functions do not support geoprocessing environments.


  • When you right-click an item in the Project pane and click View Metadata, the correct item may not be selected in the project view. Browse to and select the correct item in the project view to see its metadata.
  • There is no way to import existing metadata to a new item using ArcGIS Pro. Also, you can't export metadata to the XML format associated with your current metadata style.
  • When maps and layers are shared to the active portal, their metadata is not currently transferred to the new portal item.
  • Some items support metadata, but their metadata can't be accessed in ArcGIS Pro. For example, groups in the active portal have a description that isn't currently displayed in the project view. These items currently show the same message as other items that can't have metadata, such as tables in SQLite databases and Excel worksheets.
  • When editing metadata in the metadata view, the validation error messages displayed at the top of a page don't remain visible as you edit the item's metadata; they move out of view as you scroll down to the bottom of the page. Also, you can't click the validation error messages to get to the area of the page where there is a problem to fix.

Geodatabases, databases, shapefiles, and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

  • Setting a definition query on an Excel table does not return any records if the table has a text field (the text field does not need to be involved in the actual query).
  • On the New Query Layer dialog box, some unsupported field types may be listed in the columns table.
  • You may receive an error if you try to save adding a subtype, set domain, and set the default value at the same time in Subtypes view.
  • In Fields view, you cannot increase the value of the length field property if the table contains data.
  • You should not be able to copy and paste geodatabase maintained fields (such as Shape_Length, etc.) within Fields view.
  • Selecting multiple fields for deletion in Fields view is not supported.
  • In Subtypes view, you may not be able to edit the subtype properties for a field when the field is marked as invisible. Also, setting the default subtype field will fail if the field has visibility set to false.
  • When using the filter in Version Manager, if deleting the text does not display all versions, the workaround is to click the Refresh Versions button.
  • The Conflict Display map viewer within the Conflict Manager may not display features in conflict (the feature will flash and disappear) if the Make newly added layers visible by default is not selected on the Map and Scene tab of the Options dialog box.
  • Database Connections dialog box
    • If the connection dialog box for a connection with an unsaved user name and password is canceled, the connection is not shown as broken, and expanding and collapsing shows no data. The workaround is to refresh the connection to bring up the connection dialog box again.
    • A mix of saved and unsaved connections to the same database may cause unsaved connections to inherit properties from saved connections. The best practice is to use only a single unsaved user name and password connection to a given database per project.
  • Geoprocessing tools for geodatabases and databases
    • There may be issues using SQLite and database (nongeodatabase) tables and feature classes as input to geoprocessing tools.
    • Changes made to domains, subtypes, and indexes using geoprocessing tools may not be reflected in Design view until the project is closed and reopened.
    • The Alter Field geoprocessing tool lists the field alias instead of the field name in the field name parameter.
    • The new fields that may be added to a table by executing the Enable Editor Tracking geoprocessing tool will not be reflected in the table until the project is closed and reopened.
    • The Overlay Route Events geoprocessing tool is not functioning correctly. The workaround is to use the Python window in ArcGIS Pro to perform route overlays.
    • The Validate Topology extent parameter is not present in the tool dialog box and is not honored when executed via Python.
    • When creating a new topology using the Create Topology tool, if you add the empty topology to the map (before feature classes and rules are added), the layer does not display errors, dirty areas, and so on unless it is removed and re-added to the map.
    • The Remove Feature Class From Topology geoprocessing tool does not recognize a topology layer as input for the input topology parameter. You must browse to the topology dataset.
    • ArcGIS Pro may crash if you add a subtype to a feature class that participates in a topology and validate the topology.

Workflow Manager (Classic)

  • Python API: When using the service definition file generated from the createSD method to publish a Workflow Manager (Classic) service, the service description is not saved.
  • Workflow View: A job opened in a project in ArcGIS Pro, saved as part of a project, and opened and deleted in ArcMap, can still be interacted with in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Workflow View: Sometimes, selecting a job in the Job List does not highlight the respective AOI in Job LOI Map.
  • Mapping: Repoint of multiple data frames does not work.
  • Workflow Manager Database Connection: Does not support project instances or user schema for Oracle connections.
  • Launching a Map—Tasks: The task opens with the first step as active every time the map is opened by the Workflow Manager step. The state of the task is not preserved when the map is closed.
  • Launching a Map—Tasks: If the task being opened by the step is already installed, it will be removed once the map is closed as well.
  • Steps: LaunchGP and ExecuteGP steps cannot run a model created in ArcGIS Desktop.
  • Steps: Executing CleanUp step causes a crash when deleting a version if the setting to provide the sde user's credentials is configured.
  • AOI Editing rules: The rules are not honored for new features added to a feature service.
  • AOI Editing rules: When the rule is set to display a warning when editing completely outside the AOI, a new feature created outside the AOI is not deleted automatically if you choose to not save the edits on the warning displayed.
  • AOI Editing rules: When using an Oracle database, the rules are not triggered correctly. The warnings may not display, and features can be moved and created outside the AOI.
  • Offline jobs: A job created when the project is offline cannot be brought online.


  • Packages created in ArcGIS Pro can only be opened in ArcGIS Pro. If you have ArcGIS 10.x installed on the same machine, and you double-click a package created in ArcGIS Pro, you will receive a message that the package is invalid.
  • When sharing a web layer with a pop-up that is configured to include an image sourced from an attachment, the image is dropped from the web layer.
  • When using the ArcPy mapping method CreateWebLayerSDDraft, metadata and folder options are not honored.
  • Overriding a service name in the Upload Service Definition geoprocessing tool only modifies the service item's title. It does not modify the service item name.
  • The parameter staging_version is only available through the Python API for StageService. This parameter is required when staging a feature, tile or imagery layer for ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  • Referencing registered data in a Teradata database can fail or result in an empty service. Instead of referencing the registered data, it can be copied.
  • Registered data stores that have different database connections for the publisher's machine and the server cannot be referenced when sharing to Portal for ArcGIS 10.4.1 and earlier.
  • Feature layers that reference registered data cannot have sync or export capabilities enabled.
  • Tile layers cannot reference registered data sources. To reference registered data using a cached web layer, share a map image layer that draws using tiles from a cache.
  • When sharing a scene to Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 or 10.4.1 with a mosaic dataset as an elevation source, you cannot modify the minimum level of detail of the web elevation layer to ensure caching doesn't occur past the minimum visibility.
  • When connected to a 10.5 ArcGIS Enterprise portal that uses BASIC authentication, the portal must have the enableRemoteTokenUserValidation property enabled to be able to switch between users.