Learn about the bugs fixed at this release of ArcGIS Pro.
Issues addressed
The list of issues addressed describes bugs that were reported to Esri Technical Support and are fixed in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and its associated patches.
ArcGIS Pro 2.5.2
ArcGIS Pro 2.5.2 fixes the issues listed below and includes the fixes listed under 2.5.0 and 2.5.1. Users of the Czech, Portuguese, and Russian versions of ArcGIS Pro 2.5 should also install ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Language Pack Patch 1 if it is not already installed.
Bug | Description |
BUG-000118138 | [Oracle] Sde_type value in sde.column_registry for double precision 10 column is getting updated to sde_type 2 (longintcol). |
BUG-000126964 | Save To Layer File tool Output Layer parameter validates inline variable workspaces incorrectly. |
BUG-000131347 | Centerline feature class that is currently/has been associated with an LRS is uneditable within Pro when unversioned. |
ENH-000131144 | Geojson to Features tool errors when first feature has short string attribute (10 chars) and next feature has long string (1000 chars). |
ArcGIS Pro 2.5.1
ArcGIS Pro 2.5.1 fixes the issues listed below and includes the fixes listed under 2.5.0. Users of the Czech, Portuguese, and Russian versions of ArcGIS Pro 2.5 should also install ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Language Pack Patch 1 if it is not already installed.
Bug | Description |
BUG-000115414 | Including arcpy.env.workspace in a string in a Python argument in an embedded script tool in ArcGIS Pro results in a g_ESRI_variable being added to the script when the project is shared as a template which can sometimes break the script. |
BUG-000119957 | When the functions includes the value(s) or does not include the value(s) are used in a definition query applied to a feature layer, the records fail to return if the field values contain a comma separator. |
BUG-000120228 | Allow copy and paste to succeed when attempted as the non-dataowner with select privileges on the data. |
BUG-000122785 | The Arcade global variable $view.scale does not work on symbol layers in ArcGIS Pro 2.3.3. |
BUG-000123711 | Numeric formatting for a dynamic element is not independent of formatting for others. |
BUG-000124286 | Executing a script for ExcelToTable from the Python window generates the following warning message: 'ToolValidator' object has no attribute 'isLicensed'. |
BUG-000124342 | When the Select Layer By Attribute tool is used on a feature service subtype group layer, and there is duplication of a subtype filter in the WHERE clause, poor performance results. |
BUG-000124413 | Broken links for multiple layers can't be repaired if all layers reside in a group layer, and the data source is SDE data where the user name or password is not saved in an ArcGIS Pro project. |
BUG-000124749 | When minimum and maximum scales do not match the tiling scheme's default scales, they are ignored only in Python scripts for vector tiles. |
BUG-000124984 | Running the Sample tool using rasters with the minimum extent causes the tool to run endlessly. |
BUG-000125090 | ArcGIS Pro 2.4 installed with offline help in the German language erroneously produces the error message Software und Hilfeversion stimmen nicht überein if English offline help is not installed. |
BUG-000126036 | Default fields in a mosaic dataset do not synchronize when running the Synchronize Mosaic Dataset tool on a derived mosaic dataset. |
BUG-000126285 | Unable to browse to and select a keycodes file in the appropriate enterprise geodatabase tools. |
BUG-000126363 | Setting BlockMajorUpdateNotifications in the registry to 1 for ArcGIS Pro also blocks patches. |
BUG-000126734 | PE objects with a custom WKID should be written into JSON as WKT. |
BUG-000126799 | Copying and pasting features from one feature class to another does not copy attributes if the target feature class has a join. |
BUG-000126821 | Upgrading an SDE schema geodatabase to version 10.6 or later as the SDE user fails with a -37 error if the geodatabase contains feature classes with nonversioned archiving. |
BUG-000127429 | The Register with Geodatabase geoprocessing tool loads slowly in ArcGIS Pro when registering large spatial tables or views with an enterprise geodatabase. |
BUG-000127443 | When an MXD is imported, description and credits are not imported for group layer sublayers. |
BUG-000127774 | Signing in to ArcGIS Online using Google credentials fails with the message, An error has occurred in the script on this page. |
BUG-000127820 | Fully qualifying table names leads to poor performing branch queries on SQL Server. |
BUG-000127861 | When you change the number of decimal places in the Classify renderer, the symbol changes. |
BUG-000127902 | Break values and labels get mixed up when Manual Interval classification symbology is used with a raster dataset. |
BUG-000127927 | The Sun Shadow Frequency tool freezes and runs infinitely when it is processed for a whole year or on some specific months. |
BUG-000128246 | Changes made to Graduated Colors labels in the Symbology pane are not correctly updated in the Contents pane when the value order is reversed. |
BUG-000128432 | Copying file-based items can result in the copy having a name prefixed by C. |
BUG-000128517 | Overwrite is not available for stand-alone server map services when a language pack is used. |
BUG-000128546 | Python toolboxes can fail to load or cause a system crash if the .pyt file has a period in the file name. |
BUG-000128606 | When you edit the endpoint of a line that participates in a utility network, if the z-values are modified, rubber banding does not occur and the connection to other features breaks. |
BUG-000128673 | The Multiple Ring Buffer tool fails when decimal distance values that do not use a period decimal separator are used. |
BUG-000128680 | Vector tile labels draw much larger than expected on the globe on a 4K monitor, resulting in more cut-off labels. |
BUG-000128741 | The XY Table to Point tool fails when the input table has fields with special characters in the names, such as Lat° and Long°. |
BUG-000128856 | Copying the attributes of a hosted feature service from the attribute table to the clipboard fails in ArcGIS Pro 2.5. |
BUG-000128861 | Do not insert when can't locate row from PROPS table. |
BUG-000128971 | Dynamic text elements with attribute values are not honored in a map series. |
BUG-000129031 | In ArcGIS Pro 2.5, publishing a hosted feature layer to Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online fails with a staging error. This occurs only when the feature layer comes from a non-owner enterprise geodatabase connection. |
BUG-000129265 | The Cut command followed by Paste Special does not paste features. |
BUG-000129280 | The Find and Replace tool |
BUG-000129282 | Certain diacritical marks are not recognized when the Find tool |
BUG-000129370 | Publishing raster caches as a map image layer results in an error. |
BUG-000129427 | Transparency is erroneously applied twice in raster reprojection. |
BUG-000129449 | The Update Subnetwork tool is not setting propagated values. |
BUG-000129450 | Update Subnetworks is not setting network summaries, which are derived from the structure domain network. |
BUG-000129698 | Editing the source of a statistical data collection may cause ArcGIS Pro to stop working. |
BUG-000129699 | Using the Generate Threshold Rings tool with a Statistical Data Collection (SDCX) may cause ArcGIS Pro to stop working. |
BUG-000129700 | Using the Business and Facility Search tool with a comma decimal separator may cause ArcGIS Pro to stop working. |
BUG-000129701 | An Invalid Infographics Player URL message is displayed in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 if using ArcGIS Enterprise. |
BUG-000129702 | A schema lock geoprocessing error occurs with the Enrich Layer tool if there is an unused hand-drawn polygon. |
BUG-000129703 | Statistical Data Collections (SDCX) do not display an updated icon when changed on the Edit dialog box. |
BUG-000129704 | A report created in ArcMap can't be run when you use Business Analyst in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000129705 | ArcGIS Pro stops working if unlicensed network data is used. |
BUG-000129706 | Unexpected decimals are returned when Statistical Data Collections (SDCX) are used with the Enrich Layer tool. |
BUG-000129744 | Incorrect coefficients in the 2020 World Magnetic Model (WMM) have been replaced. |
BUG-000129874 | If the Local Outlier Analysis tool is run from the geoprocessing history or with an ArcPy command, the Number of Spatial Neighbors parameter uses the default value of 8, instead of the value specified. |
BUG-000129875 | If the Emerging Hot Spot Analysis tool is run from the geoprocessing history or with an ArcPy command, the Number of Spatial Neighbors parameter uses the default value of 8, instead of the value specified. |
BUG-000130101 | Mobile map packages created in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 with locators created from the Create Locator tool fail to batch geocode. |
BUG-000130113 | Make old and new versions of Belge Lambert 1972 equivalent. |
BUG-000130173 | The feature service dialog box is suppressed when EditOperations is executed with ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. |
BUG-000130174 | Source and destination are reversed in EditOperation.Copy with ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. |
BUG-000130175 | Internal SplitEvent does not run under certain conditions with ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. |
BUG-000130238 | The Resolve Building Conflicts tool does not move point buildings in the attached data. |
BUG-000130240 | The Merge Divided Roads tool does not correctly assign z-values in the merged results. |
BUG-000130245 | ArcGIS Pro stops working under certain conditions when you use the Reclassify user interface. |
BUG-000130249 | The processing of input locations on cell boundaries has been enhanced for Extraction tools when the Nearest Neighbor method is used. |
BUG-000130276 | Terrain snapping and following does not work on some datasets in the stereo map. |
BUG-000130403 | Adding Multidimesional Raster to Map Using Vector Field Template displays incorrectly if the input is magnitude and direction. |
BUG-000130404 | Adding MODIS Snow Cover HDF or HDR netCDF data using Add Multidimesional Raster tool to Map failes to popup the dialog. |
BUG-000130405 | Multidimesional raster displays blank if the mosaic dataset is from an enterprise geodatabase. |
BUG-000130503 | Layout SDK: Creating graphics and renaming causes a null reference. |
BUG-000130504 | Layout SDK: Elements added via the CIM to a layout do not show up in the TOC. |
ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Language Pack Patch 1
This patch is only for users of the Czech, Portuguese, and Russian versions of ArcGIS Pro 2.5.
Bug | Description |
BUG-000129295 | Opening the Print pane or the Export pane can cause ArcGIS Pro to shut down unexpectedly when the ArcGIS Pro display language is set to Czech, Portuguese, or Russian. |
Issues addressed at ArcGIS Pro 2.5.0
Bug | Description |
BUG-000090368 | When you create a project in the Turkish user locale from a project template file (.aptx), the file path of the created project is incorrect. You actually use and modify the unpackaged project template in the Packages folder. |
BUG-000090574 | Geometry edits are undone if the feature attributes are edited without explicitly clicking Finish Sketch. |
BUG-000090778 | The WFS To Feature Class tool fails to provide the output feature class after the tool runs successfully. |
BUG-000094192 | When used with ModelBuilder, expressions from the Calculate Field tool are not saved after a calculation file is imported into ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000094792 | Localized versions of ArcGIS Pro use the English seed name, "MyProject", to automatically generate names for new projects instead of using the localized seed name. |
BUG-000095452 | ArcGIS Pro is slow to load contents when connecting to a folder that contains thousands of other folders. |
BUG-000096608 | The Create Workflow Database geoprocessing tool documentation is not using the same terminology as the Esri geodatabase documentation in the Usage section that defines the user permissions needed to create the database. |
BUG-000104804 | Unable to extend a line using the Extend or Trim tool when the same line needs to be extended on one side and trimmed on the other side. |
BUG-000105116 | The browse dialog box action does not show the correct label and does not have the correct behavior when the selected item is a container. |
BUG-000109297 | Items in an enterprise geodatabase are not sorted correctly. |
BUG-000109420 | SQL Server geodatabase versions that were created using an account with a period in the user name are not displayed properly in the Versions view in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000109804 | Pop-ups do not show images stored in Raster data type fields. |
BUG-000111019 | Printing from ArcGIS Pro does not print the correct color on some printers. |
BUG-000111227 | I18N-HCS: The Default Path drop-down menu is not localized on the Parameters tab on the Add Terminal Configuration tool pane. |
BUG-000111428 | Unable to copy and paste consecutive cells from a table in another application into a field in a table. |
BUG-000111844 | The parentheses are removed from an 'includes/does not include the value(s)' definition query if the first value starts with or the last value ends with a parentheses character. |
BUG-000111922 | The metadata feature count is not maintained properly. |
BUG-000112904 | The Georeferencing heads-up display is in an inconvenient location. |
BUG-000115814 | The "Links" string on the Transform tool cannot be translated. |
BUG-000116501 | Attempting to overwrite a SQLite database with the Create SQLite Database tool returns a lock error. |
BUG-000117129 | In ArcGIS Pro 2.2.2, the Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Package tool fails to generate a scene layer package when a folder containing subfolders storing the OpenSceneGraph binary file (.osgb) is provided as an input dataset. |
BUG-000117255 | Using the Iterate Feature Classes tool with the Spatial Join tool in a model resets the default settings of the Field Map parameter for the Spatial Join tool after the first feature class. |
BUG-000117459 | In ArcGIS Pro, provide the capability to 'Only show features visible in map extent ' in the element property, for raster data that is shown in the legend in a layout. |
BUG-000117477 | Publishing hosted tables from ArcGIS Pro is not supported. |
BUG-000117901 | Using the Split tool on a feature with a non-nullable foreign key field fails to run and throws an error. |
BUG-000118176 | Vector tile layers are empty if the tiling scheme spatial reference is ETRS 1989 Poland CS92. |
BUG-000118279 | Hosted tables cannot be overwritten in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000118315 | The Upload Service Definition tool does not honor the in_folder parameter. |
BUG-000118437 | The error message, ERROR 000004: Could not get the address fields is returned when attempting to use the USA address locator included with the Business Analyst 2018 dataset in ArcGIS Pro 2.2.4. |
BUG-000118480 | ArcGIS Pro is unable to display certain grayscale Web Map Service (WMS) services. |
BUG-000118744 | Copy and paste fails with a Table already exists error when copying all features or objects from a file geodatabase into an enterprise geodatabase. |
BUG-000118852 | The Move To option does not move the features to the right location if map and data projection are different. |
BUG-000119053 | Endpoint snapping is not working with the Rotate tool. |
BUG-000119064 | Calculating a value to null using Arcade returns 0. |
BUG-000119110 | Projected coordinate system: false easting and northing should update when the linear unit is changed |
BUG-000119151 | The Rotate tool in the Modify Features pane ignores Map Reference Scale and resizes the feature symbol to the defined size. |
BUG-000119946 | Field fails to populate when the Calculate Field input is a GUID type stored as a variable in an ArcGIS Pro task. |
BUG-000120168 | The Cost Path tool returns an extra pixel at the end of the path. |
BUG-000120189 | The map view doesn't open automatically when a web map is opened in ArcGIS Pro via a .pitemx file. |
BUG-000120197 | Hatch placement on a curved line feature is incorrect in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000120197 | When a raster layer is converted to a KML file in ArcGIS Pro, it cannot be displayed in ArcGIS Earth or Google Earth. |
BUG-000120609 | Branch versioning allows a version to be named with special characters, but renaming the same version does not allow using special characters. |
BUG-000120721 | The arcpy.management.CreateVectorTilePackage function intermittently crashes in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000121248 | Update the Create Building Scene Layer Package tool documentation to clearly explain that the tool only accepts .lyrx files as input, not .rvt files. |
BUG-000121253 | The Feature To 3D tool does not properly extrude features if no custom value field is set for absolute value. |
BUG-000121276 | Bar chart label character length cannot be manually adjusted. |
BUG-000121326 | arcpy.cartography.AggregatePoints fails with the error ERROR 000210 while storing the output in in_memory or tempOutput in Python or an ArcGIS Pro model. |
BUG-000121421 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when the Create Vector Tile Package tool is used with the Flat tiling format. |
BUG-000121506 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when a footprint for a LAS dataset is clicked when the user interface display language is set to Japanese. |
BUG-000121526 | A Network Analyst layer loses its analysis data source reference when saving an Untitled project. |
BUG-000121550 | The Rebuild Indexes tool does not rebuild the indexes on the archive table (_H) for archive-enabled feature classes. |
BUG-000121638 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when generating a vector tile package that includes the smo_hei_w3 or DFLiHei-Md font in a Windows 10 platform. |
BUG-000121654 | When the browse dialog box is used in file mode with the filter *.*, you can't open folders if there is a period in the folder name |
BUG-000121699 | ArcGIS Pro crashes or freezes the machine when trying to publish a vector tile layer when the caching level of detail begins from a level starting at 14. |
BUG-000121910 | A new coordinate reference system for Costa Rica has been added. |
BUG-000121938 | Running the Enable Archiving tool, followed by other schema changes, may remove a tag that sync-enabled services depend on, causing the service to hang. |
BUG-000122019 | Setting an editing tool to be in a specific gallery via Desktop Application Markup Language (DAML) is not being honored. |
BUG-000122100 | When using the Feature Vertices To Points tool on a 3D polyline, selecting the MID option for the point_location parameter does not create a point with a z-value. If any other option is selected for the point_location parameter, the points will have the same z-value as the input line feature. |
BUG-000122107 | Running the Delete tool on the output of the Make Feature Layer tool from multiple, concurrent Python sessions fails due to schema locks. |
BUG-000122202 | When the Default branch is set to Protected, certain tools that make schema modifications to the utility network will fail on the client or server. |
BUG-000122220 | The Geocode Addresses tool fails when using a composite locator that contains locators created using the Create Locator geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS Pro and hosted on ArcGIS Server 10.6.1. |
BUG-000122282 | updateConnectionProperties does not successfully update source information on layers in APRX files when using dictionaries as to or from connection properties. |
BUG-000122321 | The ArcGIS Pro user interface does not correctly indicate which fields in a feature service are read-only when added from the active portal. |
BUG-000122327 | Read-only fields are not honored when accessing a feature service from Portal for ArcGIS 10.6.1 in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000122349 | Publishing and displaying item content from a connection in the Catalog pane is slow for PostgreSQL databases with a large number of tables. |
BUG-000122446 | Setting a query filter prefix clause to TOP 1 causes a crash on SQL Server. |
BUG-000122469 | Vector tile packages fail to create when using the Flat tiling format and specifying the Minimum Cached Scale to less than 147,914,382 (Level 1). |
BUG-000122482 | Fields with null values are not displayed as strings when creating concatenated label expressions with Python. |
BUG-000122578 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when adding table statistics (dynamic text) to a layout. |
BUG-000122667 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when expanding connections to a SQL Server database and the connecting user has membership in a role with a name greater than 32 characters. |
BUG-000122733 | ArcGIS Pro must have a GUI option to opt in or out of the Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program. |
BUG-000122774 | The ArcGIS Pro extent indicator shifts to the wrong location if the coordinate systems of the map frames are in two different custom projections. |
BUG-000122796 | When Zoom To Layer is used for WFS in a German (Germany) OS, the map extent displayed is away from the actual features. |
BUG-000122959 | The feature service description is incorrect. |
BUG-000122979 | Choosing a suggestion returns no result when using a composite locator that contains a locator that was built using the Create Locator geoprocessing tool. |
BUG-000122989 | Unable to draw an arc segment between two parallel lines. |
BUG-000123052 | The Visibility Range tab in the Label Class pane in ArcGIS Pro incorrectly displays Do not show layers when zoomed instead of Do not show labels when zoomed. |
BUG-000123240 | Loading specific 3DS data causes a crash with the Import 3D Files tool in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000123313 | Multipart text paths with stacked text can produce invalid graphic output when labeling or on graphic export. |
BUG-000123339 | Trying to select using a circle or by trying to digitize a circle using the editing workflow in the stereo view with ADS data results in a triangle being drawn on the view. |
BUG-000123340 | Store parallax information for stereo maps as part of the project. |
BUG-000123341 | The Stretch pane interactive controls do not work correctly when ADS data is added to a stereo map view. |
BUG-000123372 | Cannot rerun a script tool from the history if the tool uses an optional feature set or RecordSet parameter. |
BUG-000123450 | The merge geometries option is not available when viewing conflicts while reconciling changes in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000123496 | In ArcGIS Pro 2.4, the Traverse tool points to an incorrect tool section in the Modify Features pane. |
BUG-000123501 | Two topology rules fail upon creation. |
BUG-000123515 | Layers with joins are not resourced to the appropriate user when opening a Workflow Manager (Classic) map in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000123542 | An invalid event record is created if the event behaviors for Calibrate Route and Realign Route are set to Move and Stay Put, respectively. |
BUG-000123598 | The Split Features geoprocessing tool produces the error There was an error during processing and will not execute for data that uses the WGS84 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere coordinate system. |
BUG-000123674 | Creating a project template fails if credentials for an enterprise geodatabase are not saved. |
BUG-000123716 | ArcGIS Pro 2.4 documentation says a federated server is required to publish a geocode service, but this is now possible with a stand-alone server. |
BUG-000123803 | The Contour (Spatial Analyst) tool does not completely generate contours when the input raster is a mosaic dataset. |
BUG-000123814 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when trying to open the Show connected users and locks tab while connected to a 10.4.1 or earlier enterprise geodatabase. |
BUG-000123919 | Locators created with the Create Locator tool and a Street Address role return different results depending on the intersection connector used. |
BUG-000123955 | The Create Locator tool in ArcGIS Pro gives an Error happened while transforming data error when run with a feature class that contains null geometry |
BUG-000123971 | Documentation about specifying a direction and distance in editing 3D features needs clarification about what type of distance is needed. |
BUG-000123992 | If data is branch versioned and a user with a period (.) in the Portal for ArcGIS user name is used to create a version, the versions behave unexpectedly. |
BUG-000123996 | Drawing the edge of multipatch does not honor entered set distance for a line if the gold guide is active. |
BUG-000124044 | When the color and outline color of the polygon features in 3D layers are set to No Color, the feature labels disappear. |
BUG-000124059 | The Table To Excel conversion tool generates corrupted Excel files (.xlsx) when the output file name has 32 or more characters in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000124062 | Cannot add a field to a hosted table. |
BUG-000124099 | When performing a join in ArcGIS Pro for a double to double field, the tool either gets stuck updating or finishes, but the data is not loaded. |
BUG-000124125 | The fill symbol layer's pattern properties and geometric effect properties are overlapping in the Symbology pane. |
BUG-000124135 | Using ground control points in an orthomapping workspace has no effect on the imagery adjustment in ArcGIS Pro 2.4. |
BUG-000124151 | Map series clipping with map series rotation works incorrectly in 2.4. |
BUG-000124155 | The geographic transformation list does not apply on non-Greenwich prime meridians. |
BUG-000124164 | Building a locator with the Create Locator tool in ArcGIS Pro incorrectly returns StreetAddress candidates above PointAddress candidates in the Locate pane when a unit is included in the input address. |
BUG-000124166 | Block adjustment fails in ArcGIS Pro 2.4 when the input imagery comes from a DJI drone using the FC6310 camera |
BUG-000124169 | Outdoor turn-by-turn directions are missing when a route is created that traverses an indoor and outdoor network. |
BUG-000124198 | Project.Current.AddItem fails to add the Python toolbox consistently in ArcGIS Pro 2.4. |
BUG-000124209 | ArcGIS Pro hangs when the Marker Placement X Step or Y Step is set to 0 pts. |
BUG-000124240 | Smooth Line fails with the error message, ERROR 000426: Out of Memory. |
BUG-000124283 | The GeoTagged Photos To Points tool does not place points for photos. |
BUG-000124331 | Unable to edit a hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Pro from ArcGIS Online if the layer is configured with the default value assigned to a date field. |
BUG-000124357 | The Rematch Addresses pane does not correctly show candidates for certain addresses that are batch geocoded using a locator built with the Create Locator tool. |
BUG-000124373 | The compound coordinate reference system list has been updated. |
BUG-000124378 | The Export Map Server Cache Tiles geoprocessing tool should create packages with mapserver.json files when working with services published from ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000124474 | The Aviation Terrain and Obstacle Profile element does not correctly convert OIS units from meters to feet. |
BUG-000124480 | Improve locking and blocking on the SDE_process_information table. |
BUG-000124498 | The curve fillet tool should populate the CreatedByRecordID for parcels. |
BUG-000124564 | The FAA 13A OIS geoprocessing tool is not creating an approach surface at the correct length. |
BUG-000124593 | ArcGIS Pro does not handle WMS servers and WFS servers with custom parameters the same way when making connections to the servers. |
BUG-000124622 | Unable to connect to an Oracle database if the connecting user owns a table called "layers". The error received is: This release of the GeoDatabase is either invalid or out of date. |
BUG-000124671 | Cannot add a field to a feature class or table in a Db2 database. |
BUG-000124692 | The output file type changes depending on how input data is added to the Split By Attributes geoprocessing tool. |
BUG-000124694 | ArcGIS Pro 2.4 changed the behavior for handling service URLs to support administrative connections. This caused a change in how complicated service URLs were handled and tested. |
BUG-000124695 | In Windows 10 versions 1809 and 1903, the custom fonts are not available in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000124769 | Map services published from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Server are dropping geometry in some cases when protocol buffer (pbf) is asked for the output for a query operation. |
BUG-000124798 | The Polygon To Centerline tool fails to execute on ArcGIS Server10.7 (Linux). |
BUG-000124868 | ArcGIS Pro crashes when attempting to add a corrupt ZLAS file into a LAS dataset. |
BUG-000124951 | A layout with map series enabled does not honor the CMYK color mode setting when exported to PDF. |
BUG-000124970 | The MapView.ViewingMode does not return MapStereo when working with a stereo map. |
BUG-000125026 | Attributes: Apply remains grayed out after fixing a value that is outside of a domain. |
BUG-000125073 | In models, the Apply Symbology From Layer tool, with a feature class input field, fails to create usable layers for use in the Detect Graphic Conflict tool. |
BUG-000125102 | SQL Server text of 1024 characters using the nvarchar(max) data type does not show the last (1024th) character in ArcGIS. |
BUG-000125206 | ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1 crashes when a single layer from a map service is added to the project from ArcGIS Server. |
BUG-000125259 | Creating a layout from the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1 produces a layout with rulers that do not have tick marks smaller than one inch. |
BUG-000125283 | ArcGIS Pro crashes after some time when running the Create Vector Tile Package tool for a large area with many scale levels. |
BUG-000125288 | The Simplify Building tool does not function as expected on complex polygons when used in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000125301 | There is no documentation available for error number 002078. So when the error is reproduced, the link takes you to the general ArcGIS Pro resources page. |
BUG-000125348 | ArcGIS Pro shows a black shadow bar in Citrix XenApp. |
BUG-000125360 | ScreenTips on the Locator Properties dialog box in ArcGIS Pro say Press F1 for more information, but only open a new browser window. |
BUG-000125407 | When using a custom Arcade expression to set a transparency visual variable, and if the title is changed in the Expression Builder, saving and reopening the project returns an error message that cites an invalid field. |
BUG-000125451 | The Create Job tool is disabled, but the Clone Job button is enabled and able to clone a job when the user doesn't have CreateJob privileges. |
BUG-000125536 | Support the selection of files and folders for an input parameter in several tools related to a LAS dataset. |
BUG-000125537 | The network analysis route does not take the least cost path but prefers to route toward the turn feature classes when high global turn delay values are set. |
BUG-000125567 | No support for the DJI Mavic Pro 2 in the ArcGIS Pro 2.4.2 orthomapping digital camera file. |
BUG-000125586 | When Country and Region is set to Sweden and Region Format is set to Swedish (Sweden) on a Windows 10 machine, the pop-up for What's here? in ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1 does not appear. |
BUG-000125617 | Extent information is missing for shapefiles. |
BUG-000125669 | The Calculate Metrics geoprocessing tool does not calculate values for small features in ArcGIS Pro. |
BUG-000125815 | Improve the LOD metric for integrated mesh scene layers. |
BUG-001258401 | Edit Vertices: The Move X and Y text boxes are not available. |
BUG-000125844 | Users without the premium content geocoding privilege cannot use the Locate pane to search for addresses. |
BUG-000125907 | The field map does not reflect field Alias edits made in the Table view's Field view. |
BUG-000125999 | ""ERROR 000584: Implementation of this Tool's Validate is invalid while running Make OD Cost Matrix Analysis Layer to solve large analysis. |
BUG-000126147 | The Concurrencies operation on a linear referencing (LRS)-enabled map service does not return the expected results at ArcGIS Server 10.7.1. |
BUG-000126242 | Moving a junction feature that is snapping to a line feature doesn't add a vertex. |
BUG-000126417 | No support for SQL Server DBMS version numbers on the Azure cloud for parcel fabrics. |
BUG-000126540 | GeoJSON roundtrip (features-to-geojson-to-features) fails for polygons due to Shape_Length and Shape_Area fields. |
BUG-000126639 | geometryToMeasure functionality for the LRSServer map service shows route point locations outside of the specified tolerance value. |
BUG-000126707 | ArcGIS Pro exits when building a POI locator with the Create Locator geoprocessing tool and language code values in the reference data are lowercase. |
ENH-000086030 | ArcGIS Pro must provide a warning when data is added to a project that does not have a projection defined. |
ENH-000097997 | Provide a way to change the selection type to Select By Rectangle for editing vertices in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000100095 | Request for a better error or warning message when assigning a raster dataset that does not have the same spatial reference as an elevation surface in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000100403 | Table: Include an option for newly opened table views to open by default in the various docking target locations. |
ENH-000105067 | Allow users to manage files from the Project pane. |
ENH-000105674 | Set copyright text when publishing web feature layers. |
ENH-000105751 | Provide functionality to undo or redo edits while editing a hosted feature service. |
ENH-000105793 | Maintain attachments and relationship classes when using the Project tool. |
ENH-000105977 | Implement the Line Intersection advanced editing tool for ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000106743 | Maintain the attribute table view while using the Calculate Fields geoprocessing tool. |
ENH-000108424 | Add the capability to find and replace text from multiple fields. |
ENH-000109113 | Add the capability to create a network dataset. |
ENH-000109862 | Enhance ArcGIS Pro to author and edit chart symbology. |
ENH-000111863 | Support estimating cache size when sharing as a cached web layer. |
ENH-000113009 | Highlight the geocoded record of the geocoding rematch instead of the first candidate in the list. |
ENH-000113764 | The Zonal Statistics tool now processes overlapping polygon zones. It calculates statistics for each zone separately. |
ENH-000113951 | Change the Paste Special behavior to default to Keep source attribute values checked on. |
ENH-000115921 | Provide the ability to export a subset of a related table when creating mobile map packages in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000115929 | Give the Choose Centerline and route editing tools more intuitive centerline selection capabilities. |
ENH-000117268 | Enhance ModelBuilder to export to Python. |
ENH-000117922 | For ArcPy PointGeometry, add a new method to getCoordinateNotation. |
ENH-000118309 | Support configuring instance pooling when publishing map image layers or map services. |
ENH-000118714 | Please add enhancement that allows custom coordinate systems on 3D objects for use with scene layer packages in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000119096 | Allow arcpy.mp to change the map extent in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000119452 | Provide documentation for ArcGIS Pro to explain the settings like Formatting and Paragraph, and internationalization available in the symbol formatting gallery in the Label Class pane. |
ENH-000119551 | Support selecting an image format when sharing as a cached web layer. |
ENH-000119722 | Add support for the NADCON 5 geographic transformation grid format to support transformation between North American Datum 1927 and North American Datum 1983 (1986) and other variations. |
ENH-000120960 | Add support for georeferencing items within a mosaic dataset. |
ENH-000121054 | Allow users to define the parser to be used within a script when creating and applying label expressions to features using Python. |
ENH-000121183 | Add an analyzer to warn that elevation surfaces other than Ground will be dropped. |
ENH-000121600 | Add a warning before deleting all the control points. |
ENH-000121602 | Provide the option to export selected control points when georeferecing in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000122354 | Display geodatabase version names associated with the feature representation column headings within the Conflict Manager. |
ENH-000122581 | Request to add the ArcGIS Pro search image to resources for use as an icon in an ArcGIS Pro SDK add-in. |
ENH-000122801 | LocateXT does not extract coordinates from documents when the coordinates are defined using a non-English notation. |
ENH-000123226 | The Share As Web Layer tool is supposed to fail with a proper message of unsupported data type for TIN layers in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000123538 | Support browsing in the Catalog pane by typing the first letters of an item you are looking for. |
ENH-000123865 | LocateXT does not extract coordinates from documents when the coordinates are defined based on a projected coordinate system, with x,y coordinate pairs measured in meters. |
ENH-000123944 | Support scripting metadata workflows using Python. |
ENH-000124177 | Read Cable Tray and create a feature class called Call CableTray. |
ENH-000124324 | Geoprocessing: Build Parcel Fabric performance improvements when building large datasets with many small line segments. |
ENH-000124454 | In ArcGIS Pro, while changing the symbology of the group annotation, provide additional functionality to keep the rotation angle of all the annotation to its original angle. |
ENH-000124557 | Add the Match with no zones property to the Locator Properties UI for locators built with the Create Locator tool in ArcGIS Pro. |
ENH-000125816 | Improve Enable Network Topology documentation to explicitly state that the only_generate_errors parameter requires the utility network to be nonversioned. |
ENH-000125911 | Add the calendar heat chart to the arcpy.charts module. |
NIM083987 | Using key numbering with a halo at a large scale results in labels overlapping each other. |
NIM087522 | Please allow field visibility to be changed in an existing map layer. |
NIM104045 | Add the Match to symbols in a style feature in ArcGIS Pro. |
ArcGIS acknowledgements
The acknowledgements for ArcGIS can be found on Esri's legal website.