1. API enhancements
At 3.4 you can take advantage of API enhancements for:
Knowledge Graph:- Editing of the knowledge graph to include graph content in a 2D map, investigation, or link chart
- New knowledge graph association class for creating relationship rows.
- Editing of the knowledge graph schema via SchemaBuilder to include create, modify, and delete.
- Row event subscription during editing.
- LAS Point cursor performance improvement with pre-allocated arrays.
- Elevation queries on TIN and elevation rasters.
- Line and polygon interpolation on surface layers.
- Open and save Pro projects uploaded to an enterprise portal. Beta.
- Apply a grid style to a map frame in a layout.
- Bulk layer load into a map with LayerFactory and BulkLayerCreationParams.
- Export point symbol markers to multiple image formats (e.g. png, jpeg, gif, bmp) and SVG with SymbolFactory.
- Drop z values, Querying points and distances, geodetic method enhancement for working with curves.
- Enhancements for creating and editing routes for linear referencing.
A complete list of the API enhancements is provided in the API Changes section on this page.