Add connectivity rules

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Connectivity rules govern which types of features and objects can connect to other types of features and objects. They can be added to a utility network using the Add Rule geoprocessing tool. They can also be added in bulk using the Import Rules tool.

Rules are stored at the utility network level and can be viewed in the network properties.

Three types of connectivity rules can be created for utility network classes:

See Network rules to learn more about the different types of rules in a utility network.


To add connectivity rules, the following requirements must be met:


When working with an enterprise geodatabase, network rules are managed through a database connection to the default branch version. The utility network service should be stopped before you add or delete a network rule. Changes are acknowledged after the service and ArcGIS Pro session have been restarted. Updates to the utility network rules are not reflected in existing named versions until a reconcile operation is performed.

Create a junction-junction connectivity rule

The following steps describe how to create a junction-junction connectivity rule to allow a connectivity association between two point features and/or junction objects, or between two point features that are not geometrically coincident. If the device feature class or junction object table has terminals assigned on the specified asset group or asset type, the From Terminal and To Terminal parameters appear.

  1. On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Add Rule.
  3. For the Input Utility Network parameter, browse to the utility network layer receiving the rule.
  4. From the Rule Type drop-down list, choose Junction-junction connectivity.
  5. For the From Table parameter, choose one of the feature classes or tables that participate in the rule.
  6. For the From Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature.
  7. For the From Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type.

    If the asset type does not have a terminal configuration assigned to it, proceed to step 9.

  8. If the asset type has terminals, specify a terminal in the From Terminal parameter.
  9. For the To Table parameter, choose the other feature class or table.
  10. For the To Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature.
  11. For the To Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type.

    If the asset type does not have a terminal configuration assigned to it, proceed to step 13.

  12. If the asset type has terminals, specify a terminal in the To Terminal parameter.
  13. Click Run.
  14. A junction-junction rule is added to your utility network's rule set. To reflect this change in your network, enable the network topology.

Create a junction-edge connectivity rule

The following steps describe how to create a junction-edge connectivity rule to allow a geometrically coincident point and line to connect. A junction-edge connectivity association could also be established between an edge object and junction object using the same workflow. If the device feature class or junction object table has terminals assigned on the specified asset group or asset type, the From Terminal parameter appears.

  1. On the Analysis tab, click Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Add Rule.
  3. For the Input Utility Network parameter, enter the utility network receiving the rule.
  4. From the Rule Type drop-down list, choose Junction-edge connectivity.
  5. For the From Table parameter, choose one of the feature classes or tables that will participate in the rule.
  6. For the From Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature.
  7. For the From Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type of the feature class.

    If the asset type does not have a terminal configuration assigned to it, proceed to step 9.

  8. For the From Terminal parameter, choose the terminal you want the line type to connect to.
  9. For the To Table parameter, choose the line feature class.
  10. For the To Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the line feature class.
  11. For the To Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type.
  12. Click Run.
  13. A junction-edge rule is added to your utility network's rule set. To reflect this change in your network, enable your network topology.

Create an edge-junction-edge connectivity rule

The following steps describe how to create an edge-junction-edge connectivity rule to allow geometrically coincident lines to connect via a type point feature. An edge-junction-edge relationship could also be established between nonspatial junction and edge objects or between the nonspatial objects and spatial features using the same workflow. If the device feature class or junction object table has terminals assigned on the specified asset group or asset type, the Via Terminal parameter appears.

  1. On the Analysis tab, click Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Add Rule.
  3. For the Input Utility Network parameter, enter the utility network receiving the rule.
  4. From the Rule Type drop-down list, choose Edge-junction-edge connectivity.
  5. For the From Table parameter, specify one of the feature classes or tables that will participate in the rule.
  6. For the From Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature class or table.
  7. For the From Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type of the feature class or table.
  8. For the To Table parameter, choose the other feature class or table.
  9. For the To Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature class or table.
  10. For the To Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type of the feature class or table.
  11. For the Via Table parameter, choose the point feature class that will participate in the rule.
  12. For the Via Asset Group parameter, choose the asset group of the feature class or table.
  13. For the Via Asset Type parameter, choose the asset type.

    If the asset type does not have a terminal configuration assigned to it, proceed to step 15.

  14. For the Via Terminal parameter, choose the terminal.
  15. Click Run.
  16. An edge-junction-edge rule is added to your utility network's rule set. To reflect this change in your network, enable your network topology.