What's new in ArcGIS Pro 3.0

This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

See what's new and improved in ArcGIS Pro 3.0.

For information on compatibility between ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and previous releases, see Migration from ArcGIS Pro 2.x to 3.0.

Video overview

This video was created by the ArcGIS Pro development teams and the product support teams to highlight new functionality in this release.


The Highlights section includes featured new functionality.

Package Manager

The Package Manager page allows you to manage conda environments for use within ArcGIS Pro. Formerly identified as the Python page, the Package Manager page now supports the upgrade of conda environments you’ve created in previous versions of ArcGIS Pro to the current version, the repair of broken environments, and renaming of existing environments.

In addition, the Package Manager is more responsive, with a new task queue to keep track of the status of your environment and package changes, and detailed conda messages are provided for all operations.

Package Manager page showing an environment upgrade

Add maps to reports

You can now add a map to a report. Maps that you add to the report header or footer are static. You can activate the map frame to adjust the map extent or scale. Maps that you add to a group header, group footer, or details subsection are dynamic. In the report view, the map frame of a dynamic map cannot be activated; however, the exported result updates in scale and extent to reflect the feature or features included in that subsection.

A report view with maps and the exported report

ArcGIS Knowledge

If you have configured an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 Knowledge Server appropriately, you can create a new investigation and knowledge graph using a Neo4j database as a NoSQL data store.

A new Geographic layout is available for link charts. Entities in the link chart are positioned on a map using their spatial geometry. Spatial data can also be added to the link chart and a basemap can be used to provide context for the knowledge graph's spatial entities.

For more new functionality and updated licensing information, see ArcGIS Knowledge in the Data management and workflows section.

Link chart arranged with the Geographic organic layout with spatial data added to the map

Export presets

You can create export presets for maps and layouts in ArcGIS Pro. Export presets save all the settings for a particular export type. When you export a map or layout, you can select a default preset or a custom preset you created. This allows for a faster and more consistent export experience.

Presets are available in the export gallery on the Share tab of the ribbon. You can also browse to preset files (.xprt) on the file system. Presets can be created for any export type.

Export Presets gallery shown with the Export pane and a layout

Color Vision Deficiency Simulator tool

The Color Vision Deficiency Simulator tool can simulate a map, layout or report in three modes of color vision deficiency: protanopia (a type of red color blindness), deuteranopia (a type of green color blindness), and tritanopia (a type of blue color blindness). Only one mode can be applied at a time. Each mode transforms the contents of the view to make it appear as it would to a person with a color vision deficiency. The color vision deficiency simulation modes are available on the View tab for maps, layouts, and reports.

Side-by-side maps in a standard view and a simulation of deuteranopia
The heat map on the left is symbolized in yellows, oranges, and reds. The same map on the right simulates deuteranopia.

Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)

The Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) tool performs local linear regression in which the coefficient values may vary across space. MGWR extends Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to use different neighborhoods for each explanatory variable, which allows the model to capture the varying scales of the relationships between the explanatory variables and dependent variable.

Learn more about how Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) works

Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression tool illustration
Each explanatory variable uses a different neighborhood to capture varying spatial relationships.

Performance and productivity

Performance and productivity have been improved throughout ArcGIS Pro. Several examples are listed here; more are found throughout the topic.


  • Pictures in layouts, reports, map graphics, and symbols are now stored as binary references. This can reduce project size and increase opening speed for projects with many duplicate images.
  • Creating point scene layer packages is substantially faster.
  • Creating building scene layer packages is substantially faster with parallel processing.
  • Cache data access speed has been improved so that previously cached features now draw faster.
  • When you export a map or layout to PDF format, vector content is clipped beyond map frame boundaries to create smaller export files.
  • JPEG2000 compression is supported for images in PDF export.
  • Performance and lag times for the Traverse tool Traverse tool have been improved.


  • Geoprocessing tools with feature layer or table view inputs show a message indicating how many records will be processed when a selection or filter is applied.
  • Certain tools that you open from the ribbon, toolbars, and other locations automatically populate tool parameters with previously used values.
  • The Export Features and Export Table geoprocessing tools give you control over the field order, field data type, and row order of output datasets.
  • You can open a project item's system folder with the Show In File Explorer context menu command.
  • You can open ArcGIS Server Manager from an ArcGIS Server connection in a project.
  • You can copy an item's path using a context menu command or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P.
  • You can copy and move folders and project items using context menu commands or drag and drop.
  • You can estimate credit consumption before running the Geocode Addresses and Reverse Geocode tools when the active portal is ArcGIS Online and the input locator is the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service.

Get started

  • The start page has been redesigned with a Home tab to create and open projects, a Learning Resources tab to access tutorials and other resources, and a Settings tab to configure the application.
    ArcGIS Pro start page
    On the Home tab (above), you start new projects and open existing projects. On the Learning Resources tab (below), you can access tutorials and other resources.
  • You can search and sort the list of recent projects on the start page. You can also clear the list.
  • You can display keyboard shortcuts on item context menus with a new user interface option.

Analysis and geoprocessing


  • Geoprocessing tools with feature layer or table view inputs show a message indicating how many records will be processed when a selection or filter is applied.
    Message indicating that a selection is applied to tool's input data
  • Certain tools that you open from the ribbon, toolbars, and other locations in ArcGIS Pro automatically populate the tool parameters with previously used values.
  • The Export Features and Export Table geoprocessing tools give you control over the field order, field data type, and row order of output datasets.
  • The default format for project toolboxes is .atbx. This fully supported format allows you to perform the following actions: add new model and script tools and toolsets, change properties, edit metadata, embed and password-protect script and model tools, and copy tools from legacy toolboxes (.tbx) to the new format.
  • You can right-click a toolbox and select Save Toolbox To Version to open a geoprocessing tool that allows you to save the toolbox to a specific version of ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop. Enhanced warnings and errors indicate whether tools, properties, and parameters are compatible with the selected version.
  • The majority of geoprocessing tools with linear or areal unit parameters have been updated to include both US Survey Foot-based units and International Foot-based units.
  • Geoprocessing tools, including custom script and Python toolbox tools, support a postExecute validation function that allows you to run Python code after the geoprocessing tool has finished running and tool outputs have been added to a map.


  • Calendar heat charts can be configured to aggregate temporal data into a single calendar view or to show an entire linear time span with sequential calendar views.

    Calendar heat chart displayed with sequential calendar views by year

  • The color picker has been redesigned for easier formatting of options such as transparency, line style, and line width.
  • Box plots can be sorted by the mean or median statistic.

    Box plot sorted by median statistic

  • Multiseries bar charts, line charts, and scatter plots displayed as a grid can now be configured with adaptive axis bounds.
  • Bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, and histograms using an enterprise database or cloud data warehouse source are now optimized to leverage server-side processing.

Data Engineering

  • A new data engineering view landing experience allows you to add all fields to the statistics panel and calculate statistics with a single click.

    Data engineering view of a map layer
    The Add Fields and Calculate Statistics button (orange box) adds and calculates fields displayed in the fields panel. Here the list is filtered to four numeric fields. The Add All Fields and Calculate button (blue box) adds and calculates all fields in the layer whether or not they are displayed in the fields panel.

  • The Range statistic is available for date fields. It provides the time span between the earliest and latest dates in the field.
  • Hover over the Mode and Least Common statistic cells to see the frequency of the most or least common value. If there are ties, the first 10 values are shown.
  • The Delete Rows and Append geoprocessing tools have been added to the Clean category of the Data Engineering tools.
  • The Copy Data To New Field context menu command opens the Calculate Field tool with parameters preset to copy the field. Optionally, you can change the field name, data type, or expression before running the tool.
  • In the fields panel, joined fields are indicated by a Join icon Join.

Geoprocessing history

  • Messages associated with results in your geoprocessing history are now stored outside the project file (.aprx) in a GPMessages folder in the same directory as the project file. This can improve performance when projects are opened.

Geoprocessing services


  • The new Summary section of the ModelBuilder report view summarizes the model, including the version in which it was created, the version in which it was last modified, and the number of processes and variables in the model.
  • If Expression Is is a new tool that evaluates whether a Python expression is True or False.
  • Model tools in a toolbox that was saved to a version of ArcGIS Desktop using the Save Toolbox To Version tool can now be directly opened and viewed in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. It is no longer necessary to open and save the model in the designated ArcGIS Desktop version before viewing the model diagram in ArcGIS Pro.

Raster functions


Some raster functions require the Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst extension.

A new SAR (synthetic aperture radar) category was added to the suite of raster functions. Four SAR processing raster functions previously in the Correction category were moved to the SAR category.

New raster functions include the following:

  • Create Color Composite—Creates a three-band raster from a multiband raster dataset in which each band can use an algebraic calculation based on band algebra.
  • Surface Parameters—Determines parameters of a surface raster such as aspect, slope, and several types of curvature using geodesic methods. This function requires an ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license.
  • Terrain Flatten—Corrects the input synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for radiometric distortions due to topography. This function requires an ArcGIS Image Analyst license.

Enhanced raster functions include the following:

  • Cell Statistics—For the Majority and Minority statistics, when there is a tie, the lowest value is now returned.
  • Complex—Can now compute amplitude, phase, or complex values given a real and imaginary data type as the raster input.
  • Compute Change—Three new options were added to the Compute Change Method parameter given two multiband rasters: Spectral Euclidean Distance, Spectral Angle Difference, and Band With Most Change.
  • Focal Statistics—For the Weight neighborhood, the algorithms for the Mean and Standard deviation statistics are updated. For the Majority and Minority statistics, the result when there is a tie has been improved.
  • Zonal Statistics—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, daytimes, and fractional parts of real numbers, are now supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Mean, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Visibility analysis

3D Analyst extension

Deep Learning

  • Point cloud deep learning tools now natively support data in GCS.

Lidar and LAS datasets

  • LAS dataset pyramids are used for rendering in 2D map views, enabling data to draw at small scales.
  • New symbology indicates where LAS files are missing from a LAS dataset.

Geoprocessing tools

Business Analyst extension

Geoprocessing tools

Geostatistical Analyst extension

Image Analyst extension

Change detection

  • Spectral change detection was added to the Change Detection Wizard. It calculates the spectral difference between two multiband rasters by treating pixel spectra as vectors. You can save output as a raster dataset, a polygon feature class, or a raster function template.

Motion imagery

  • The new Auto Detector option in the Object Tracking Display pane specifies whether the detection and identification of target objects is performed automatically using a deep learning based detector model.
  • Video player controls are enabled in Buffer Playback mode, which is accessed from either the video player or the Live Stream group on the contextual Player tab.

Synthetic aperture radar

  • New geoprocessing tools and raster functions are available to perform synthetic aperture radar (SAR) analysis. These tools and functions are fully compatible with Sentinel-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) data.

Geoprocessing tools and raster functions

Network Analyst extension

  • You can copy a network analysis layer using the Duplicate command on the layer's context menu. The new layer has the same analysis settings and network data source as the original layer and a copy of the original layer's analysis data.
  • You can define additional settings for locating inputs on the network using the settings available in the Location Settings group on the network analysis layer's properties page.
  • You can use the Add Network Sources button to add a group layer to the map that contains the source feature layers for the edges, user junctions, system junctions, and turns.
  • You can configure your ArcGIS Enterprise portal to use live traffic data from ArcGIS Online with an ArcGIS StreetMap Premium network dataset. Learn more about live traffic in Network Analyst.

Geoprocessing tools and Python

Spatial Analyst extension

Suitability Modeler

  • Use the submodel capability in Suitability Modeler to create more complex suitability models. The ability to break down the analysis into logical groupings improves opportunities for collaboration between domain experts.
  • Models can be shared from ArcGIS Pro to run in your ArcGIS Enterprise portal. This enables you to use the benefits of distributed processing to process larger datasets more efficiently.

Geoprocessing tools, raster functions, and Python

Geoprocessing tools

3D Analyst toolbox

New tools

Enhanced tools

  • Classify Point Cloud Using Trained Model—The Excluded Class Codes parameter filters out points in specified class codes from processing. The Reference Surface parameter uses a raster surface to provide relative height values for each point in the point cloud data. The Batch Size parameter specifies a batch size for simultaneous processing of data blocks during inferencing.
  • Evaluate Point Cloud Classification Model—The Excluded Class Codes parameter filters out points in specified class codes from processing. The Reference Surface parameter uses a raster surface to provide relative height values for each point in the point cloud data. The Input Model Definition parameter has a new data type: Value Type. The File and String data types were removed.
  • Prepare Point Cloud Training Data—The Excluded Class Codes parameter filters out points in specified class codes from processing. The Reference Surface parameter uses a raster surface to provide relative height values for each point in the point cloud data.
  • Train Point Cloud Classification Model—The Attribute Selection parameter has a new Relative Height option for the height of each point in relation to a reference surface. In addition, a training loss graph has been added to tool messages.
  • LAS Building Multipatch—The new Sampling Resolution parameter helps filter out noise prior to construction of building features.
  • Extract Power Lines From Point Cloud—The new Eliminate Wind option removes the impact of wind on extracted features.

Analysis toolbox

Enhanced tools

  • Summary Statistics—The Statistics Fields parameter now supports a Concatenation statistic type. The values of constituent input features are listed in the output feature. The values are separated by the character defined in the Concatenation Separator parameter.
  • Pairwise Dissolve—The Statistics Fields parameter now supports a Concatenation statistic type. The values of constituent input features are listed in the output feature. The values are separated by the character defined in the Concatenation Separator parameter.

Aviation toolbox

New tools

  • Aggregate Obstacles—Aggregates obstacle features within a given radius so that the highest obstacle in the group represents the entire group.
  • Calculate ATS Route Attributes—Calculates the segment distance and bearing attributes on Air Traffic Service (ATS) route features.
  • FAA 13A Surfaces—Creates obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) based on the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A specification. This tool replaces the deprecated FAA 13A tool.
  • Generate Aviation Chart Leads—Creates text graphics at intersection points between a map frame boundary and line features.
  • Generate Changeover Points—Creates changeover points along routes.
  • Generate Summary Table Data—Collects information from related tables in a selected aviation charting database and outputs the resulting information to a table.
  • ICAO Annex 4 Surfaces—Creates obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) based on the ICAO Annex 4 Surfaces specification for the Precision Approach Terrain chart. This tool replaces the deprecated ICAO Annex 4 tool.
  • Import DCDT Change File—Imports an NGA DCDT (Digital Chart Data Transaction) change file into an Aviation geodatabase.

Business Analyst toolbox

New tools

Conversion toolbox

JSON toolset

Enhanced tools:

KML toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Map To KML—Supports exporting a legend in a layout to a screen overlay in the output KML file.

Point Cloud toolset

New tools:

  • Point Cloud To Raster—Creates a raster surface from height values in a point cloud scene layer package file (.slpk).

To Geodatabase toolset

New tools:

  • Export Features—Exports the rows of a feature class or feature layer to a feature class.
  • Export Table—Exports the rows of a table or table view to a table.

Data Management toolbox

Domains toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Alter DomainNew Domain Owner is a new parameter that supports updating the owner for domains stored in an enterprise geodatabase.

Feature Binning toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Enable Feature Binning:
    • Enables square, flat hexagon, and pointy hexagon bins for point or multipoint feature layers in Google BigQuery.
    • Enables geohash bins for point and multipoint feature layers in Amazon Redshift.

Feature Class toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Recalculate Feature Class Extent—The Store Extent option can be used to store the calculated extent of unregistered spatial tables. This improves performance when you add the tables to a map from the database connection.

Features toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Unsplit Line—The Statistics Fields parameter now supports a Concatenation statistic type. The values of constituent input features are listed in the output feature. The values are separated by the character defined in the Concatenation Separator parameter.
  • Check Geometry and Repair Geometry—Support parallel processing for enhanced performance.

Fields toolset

New tools:

  • Batch Update Fields—Transforms fields in a table or feature class based on schema defined in the definition table, and creates a new table or feature class.

Enhanced tools:

  • Add Fields—Supports adding all fields from a template table to the input table.

General toolset

Enhanced tools:

Generalization toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Dissolve—The Statistics Fields parameter now supports a Concatenation statistic type. The values of constituent input features are listed in the output feature. The values are separated by the character defined in the Concatenation Separator parameter.

Joins and Relates toolset

New tools:

  • Add Spatial Join—Joins attributes from one feature to another based on their spatial relationship. The target features and the joined attributes from the join features are joined. The join is temporary.

Enhanced tools:

  • Join Field—A new Field Map parameter allows join fields to be renamed, retyped, summarized, and manipulated in other ways.

LAS Dataset toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Create LAS Dataset—The Processing Boundary parameter uses polygon features to set the processing boundary of the dataset. The Processing Extent parameter has options to restrict the processing extent of the dataset using subsets of input LAS files. The Add only entirely contained files option defines the containment relationship of input files with respect to the processing boundary and extent.

Package toolset

Enhanced tools:

  • Create Map Tile Package—The new Area of Interest parameter allows you to constrain where tiles are created.
  • Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Content—Supports writing content in .i3sREST format to cloud stores.
  • Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Content—Supports writing content in .i3sREST format to cloud stores.
  • Create Building Scene Layer Content—Supports parallel processing.
  • Package Map—The Preserve Mobile Geodatabase option overrides copying the data to a file geodatabase. Instead, mobile geodatabases and their data are preserved. The Package version parameter has a 3.x option.
  • Package Project—The Preserve Mobile Geodatabase option overrides copying the data to a file geodatabase. Instead, mobile geodatabases and their data are preserved. The Package version parameter has 3.0 and 2.9 options. The 2.1 option was removed.

Photos toolset

Enhanced tools:

Raster toolset

New tools:

  • Create Color Composite—Creates a three-band raster dataset from a multiband raster dataset. When defining the band arithmetic algorithm, you can enter a single-line algebraic formula for each expression to create a multiband output.

Enhanced tools:

Toolbox toolset

New tools:

Editing toolbox

New tools

  • Update COGO—Updates the attributes of COGO-enabled line features to match their line shape geometries.

GeoAI toolbox

The GeoAI toolbox is a new toolbox that contains tools for using and training artificial intelligence (AI) models that work with geospatial and tabular data. These tools integrate modern machine learning and deep learning techniques with GIS.

New tools

  • Classify Text Using Deep Learning—Runs a trained text classification model on a text field in a feature class or table, and updates each record with an assigned class or category label.
  • Extract Entities Using Deep Learning—Runs a trained named entity recognizer model on text files in a folder to extract entities and locations (such as addresses, place or person names, dates, and monetary values) in a table.
  • Predict Using AutoML—Predicts continuous variables (regression) or categorical variables (classification) on unseen compatible datasets using a trained .dlpk model produced by the Train Using AutoML tool.
  • Train Entity Recognition Model—Trains a named entity recognition model to extract a predefined set of entities from raw text.
  • Train Text Classification Model—Trains a text classification model to assign a predefined category or label to unstructured text.
  • Train Text Transformation Model—Trains a text transformation model to transform, translate, or summarize text.
  • Train Using AutoML—Trains a machine learning model by building training pipelines and automating much of the training process.
  • Transform Text Using Deep Learning—Runs a trained sequence-to-sequence model on a text field in a feature class or table, and updates it with a new field containing the converted, transformed, or translated text.

GeoAnalytics Desktop toolbox

The Big Data Connection toolset has been renamed the Multifile Feature Connection toolset, and its tools have been similarly renamed. The Create Multifile Feature Connection geoprocessing tool creates files with the extension .mfc. Existing BDC files (.bdc) are still supported and all functionality remains the same.

New tools

  • Snap Tracks—Matches time-enabled points (tracks) to line features.

Enhanced tools

  • Group By Proximity—Supports grouping features according to an Arcade expression.
  • Summarize Within—The Quantity Type option allows you to specify whether a field contains count or rate type quantities. Statistics are calculated according to their type.

GeoAnalytics Server toolbox

New tools

  • Snap Tracks—Matches time-enabled points (tracks) to line features.

Enhanced tools

  • Group By Proximity—Supports grouping features according to an Arcade expression.
  • Summarize Within—The Quantity Type option allows you to specify whether a field contains count or rate type quantities. Statistics are calculated according to their type.

Geocoding toolbox

The Legacy toolset and its tools (Standardize Addresses and Create Address Locator) have been removed from ArcGIS Pro 3.0.

New tools

  • Split Address Into Components—Separates street address information into components in multiple fields for workflows that incorporate the Create Locator tool. This tool replaces the Standardize Addresses tool.

Enhanced tools

  • Create Locator:
    • Locators for Israel can be created in Hebrew or English. The Country or Region parameter supports Israel. The Language Code parameter supports Hebrew.
    • Locators for South Korea can be created in Korean or English. The Country or Region parameter supports South Korea. The Language Code parameter supports Korean.
  • Geocode Addresses and Reverse Geocode—You can estimate credit consumption. See Performance and productivity in the Highlights section.

Geostatistical Analyst toolbox

New tools

  • Compare Geostatistical Layers—Compares and ranks geostatistical layers using customizable criteria based on cross validation statistics.
  • Exploratory Interpolation—Generates various interpolation results from input point features and a field. The interpolation results are compared and ranked using customizable criteria based on cross validation statistics.

Image Analyst toolbox

The new Synthetic Aperture Radar toolset contains nine new tools to correct, process, and enable analysis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data.

New tools

Enhanced tools

  • Cell Statistics—For the Majority and Minority statistics, when there is a tie, the lowest value is returned.
  • Compute Change Raster—Three options were added to the Compute Change Method parameter given two multiband input rasters: Spectral Euclidean Distance, Spectral Angle Difference, and Band With Most Change.
  • Compute Confusion Matrix—Intersection over Union (IoU) mean value is computed for each class.
  • Export Training Data For Deep LearningPanoptic Segmentation has been added to the list of metadata formats. Three new optional input parameters are available: Instance Feature Class, Instance Class Value Field, and Minimum Polygon Overlap Ratio.
  • Find Argument Statistics—The new Argument of the value option was added to the Statistics Type parameter. When this option is selected, three new qualifying parameters are enabled: Value, Comparison, and Occurrence.
  • Focal Statistics—For the Weight neighborhood, the algorithms for calculating the Mean and Standard deviation statistics are updated. For the Majority and Minority statistics, the result when there is a tie has been improved.
  • Multidimensional Principal Components—The Spatial Reduction option was added to the Mode parameter.
  • Train Deep Learning Model—Two new Model Type options are available: MaX-DeepLab and DETReg.
  • Video Multiplexer—Output from the multiplexer tool is MPEG-2 Transport Stream (.ts) format only.
  • Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics as Table—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of day, and fractional parts of real numbers, are supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Mean, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Indoor Positioning toolbox

Enhanced tools

Indoors toolbox

New tools

Enhanced tools

Intelligence toolbox

Enhanced tools

  • Points To Track Segments—Two optional parameters were added. Error On Duplicate Timestamps controls duplicate time stamps in input points. Keep Input Fields copies input fields to output point features.

Location Referencing toolbox

New tools

  • Enable Stationing Fields—Enables or modifies stationing fields on a registered LRS point event. When enabled, the points can be populated with stationing measures that are used as a location method for events added through Event Editor.
  • Disable Stationing Fields—Disables stationing fields for a registered LRS point event.

Enhanced tools

  • Generate Calibration Points—The Calibration Method parameter has two new options: M on route and Attribute Fields. Selecting Attribute Fields enables two new parameters: From Measure Field and To Measure Field.
  • Enable Referent Fields—An option to support Feet (International) has been added to the Offset Units parameter.
  • Create LRS Network—An option to support Feet (International) has been added to the Measure Unit parameter.

Maritime toolbox

New tools

  • Export Geodatabase To VPF—Exports hydrographic data from maritime geodatabases to Vector Product Format (VPF).
  • Import VPF To Geodatabase—Imports Vector Product Format (VPF) data in Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) and Tactical Ocean Data (TOD) formats into a geodatabase.

Multidimension toolbox

New tools

Network Analyst toolbox

New tools

Parcels toolbox

New tools

  • Set Parcel Line Label Position—Sets the label position of the line's COGO dimension to the left or right of the parcel line, or centers it over the parcel line.

Enhanced tools

  • Create Parcel Fabric—An optional parameter for setting configuration keywords has been added.
  • Append Parcels—Displays the number of parcel features appended for each parcel fabric feature class under Messages. If features are not appended, the number of features not appended is displayed.

Raster Analysis toolbox

New tools

  • Surface Parameters—Determines parameters of a surface raster such as aspect, slope, and several types of curvature using geodesic methods.

Enhanced tools

  • Summarize Raster Within and Zonal Statistics As Table—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of day, and fractional parts of real numbers, are supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Average, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox

New tools

  • Describe Space Time Cube—Summarizes the contents and characteristics of a space-time cube. The tool describes the temporal and spatial extent of the space-time cube, the variables in the space-time cube, the analyses performed on each variable, and the 2D and 3D display themes available for each variable.
  • Subset Space Time Cube—Subsets a space-time cube by space or time. The tool outputs the locations and bins of the input space-time cube that meet the criteria of the selected subset methods. The tool can spatially subset a space-time cube by features, an extent, or the locations of another space-time cube.

Enhanced tools

  • Change Point Detection—The Slope option in the Change Type parameter detects changes in the slope (linear trend) of the values of each location of a space-time cube. The Minimum Segment Length parameter defines the minimum number of time steps between each change point.
  • Forest-based Forecast—The Model Scale and Cluster Variable parameters allow building a single forecast model used for all locations or building a different model for each time series cluster. Additionally, estimation of confidence intervals is improved.

Spatial Analyst toolbox

New tools

  • Calculate Kernel Density Ratio—Uses two input feature datasets to calculate a spatial relative risk surface. The numerator in the ratio represents cases, such as number of crimes, and the denominator represents the control, such as the total population.
  • Derive Continuous Flow—Generates a raster of accumulated flow into each cell from an input surface raster with no prior filling of sinks or depressions required. The tool works directly on both unmodified and hydroconditioned DEMs. To give more control over landscape features that dictate water flow, locations for sinks or depressions can be provided.
  • Derive Stream As Line—Generates stream line features from an input surface raster with no prior filling of sinks or depressions required. Specific locations for sinks or depressions can be provided. An optional accumulation threshold can be specified.
  • Derive Stream As Raster—Generates a stream raster from an input surface raster with no prior filling of sinks or depressions required. Specific locations for sinks or depressions can be provided. An optional accumulation threshold can be specified.

Enhanced tools

  • Block Statistics—For the Majority and Minority statistics, when there is a tie, the lowest value is returned. For the Weight neighborhood type, the algorithms for calculating the Mean and Standard deviation statistics are updated. The Median and Minority statistics are no longer available for this neighborhood type.
  • Cell Statistics—For the Majority and Minority statistics, when there is a tie, the lowest value is returned.
  • Compute Confusion Matrix—Intersection over Union (IoU) mean value is computed for each class.
  • Export Training Data For Deep LearningPanoptic Segmentation has been added to the list of metadata formats. Three new optional input parameters are available: Instance Feature Class, Instance Class Value Field, and Minimum Polygon Overlap Ratio.
  • Extract by Mask—Two optional parameters are added. Extraction area adds the ability to choose between extracting inside or outside of the mask. Analysis extent provides more control over defining the extent to be extracted.
  • Focal Statistics—For the Weight neighborhood, the algorithms for calculating the Mean and Standard deviation statistics are updated. For the Majority and Minority statistics, the result when there is a tie has been improved.
  • Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics as Table—Circular statistics to calculate cyclic quantities, such as compass direction in degrees, times of day, and fractional parts of real numbers, are supported. The following statistics types support circular statistics calculations: Mean, Majority, Minority, Standard deviation, and Variety.

Spatial Statistics toolbox

New tools

Enhanced tools

Territory Design toolbox

Enhanced tools

  • Solve Territories—The Iterations Limit parameter sets the number of times the search process is repeated. The Algorithm parameter allows you to use the classic solving algorithm or the newer genetic algorithm. The Number of Candidate Solutions parameter sets the number of possible solutions.

Topographic Production toolbox

New tools

Enhanced tools

  • Calculate Metrics—New parameters allow you to calculate Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates for features, and custom precision used for Image City Map (ICM) annotation features.
  • Make Grids And Graticules Layer—The Configure layout and map frame with grid settings parameter honors the map frame's anchor point.
  • Generate Product Layout—New parameters allow you to specify a PDF or TIFF output type, and apply presets in those formats.
  • Identify Contours—The Number of Depression Contours to Identify parameter allows you to specify how many contours in a depression are coded as depressions.
  • Geodatabase To Shape—A new conversion method for MGCP Urban Vector Data is available.

Data management and workflows


  • A new infrastructure discipline layer has been added to the ArcGIS Pro building layer to support bridge elements included in Revit files.
  • IFC files containing civil infrastructure elements such as bridges, roads, and railways are also included in the new infrastructure discipline of the building layer.
  • CAD content imported into .rvt files using Revit software is now included as generic model features within the ArcGIS building layer when read by ArcGIS Pro.
  • The ExteriorShell feature layer has been enhanced for nonstandard structures, such as electrical substations or other infrastructure, to ensure this feature layer is never empty.
  • IFC file data properties listed in the BIM file data properties dialog box include more position information found within the IFC file, such as offset northing, easting, orthogonal height, and EPSG or WKID values.
  • The Describe object properties of CAD file datasets and BIM file workspaces have been enhanced to provide more information about CAD and BIM files.


  • The Define Projection geoprocessing tool can modify an existing world file for a CAD or BIM file, so that re-georeferencing the data is not required if you change the coordinate system definition.
  • Improved support is provided for complex 3D objects from MicroStation files (.dgn) including solids, cones, and 3D terrain elements, which are now read as multipatch features.
    • CAD features from multiple drawing models within a single .dgn file are supported. The CAD data file properties page shows a list of these model drawings within a .dgn file.
    • The CAD data file properties page includes a section for CAD files externally referenced to a MicroStation file. Files not accessible on the local file system are indicated.
    • The Export to CAD geoprocessing tool supports feature export to .dgn files sorted into multiple model drawings in a single .dgn file.
  • CAD drawing files (.dwg) that contain ESPG or WKID positioning information use that information as the default coordinate system if no projection file (.prj) is present.
  • Civil 3D drawings with AEC Surface elements include a 3D multipatch feature layer named Topography.

Data Reviewer

Distance and Direction




Geoprocessing tools and Python

Geodatabases and databases

Cloud data warehouses

  • You can enable geohash feature bins for point and multipoint feature layers in Amazon Redshift. Additional feature bin options are supported for point and multipoint feature layers in Google BigQuery. See the Feature Binning toolset in the Data Management toolbox for more information.
  • A new option on the Database Connection dialog box allows you to include advanced or additional parameters when connecting to BigQuery, Redshift, or Snowflake.
  • You can publish query layers from BigQuery as read-only web feature layers. See the Share your work section for more information.

Data distribution

  • You can manage replica tracking for datasets using the Manage tab of the properties page when you prepare data for offline workflows.
  • You can share the contents of an enterprise geodatabase or file geodatabase as geodata services to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions. Geodata services allow you to perform geodatabase replication operations, make copies using data extraction, and run queries in the geodatabase.

Enterprise geodatabases and databases

  • Enterprise geodatabases in Microsoft SQL Server that you create or upgrade in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 allow you to restore the SQL Server database with a different name from the original name. Changes associated with this functionality mean that the following is true of 11.x geodatabases in SQL Server:
    • ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and earlier versions cannot connect to them.
    • ArcGIS 10.6.1 and earlier versions cannot connect to them.
    • Table and feature class names no longer include the database name. For example, a table named productdata.dataowner.inventory in a 10.9.x geodatabase is named dataowner.inventory starting with 11.x geodatabases.
  • You can connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database using Microsoft Azure Active Directory authenticated connections to Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance.
  • In an enterprise geodatabase, domain owners or geodatabase administrators can transfer domain ownership in the Domains view or using the Alter Domain geoprocessing tool.
  • Oracle Autonomous Database support has been extended to include the Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) workload type. ADW supports transaction processing as well as warehousing. You can create an enterprise geodatabase in ADW using the Enable Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool.
  • The New Query Layer dialog box now has a List of Tables check box when you're connected to a database. You can check this box to view the table and column list for the connection.

Mobile geodatabases

  • When you add a SQLite database (.sqlite), OGC GeoPackage file (.gpkg), or mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase) to a project, the item displays its type as follows:
    • SQLite Database
    • SQLite Database with ESRI Spatial Type
    • SpatiaLite
    • GeoPackage
    • Mobile Geodatabase
    • Offline Mobile Geodatabase
    • Map Package Mobile Geodatabase
    Database properties for a SQLite database


  • The default versioning type for enterprise geodatabases set for database connections can be configured in the versioning options.
  • The versioning type of the database connection workspace can be viewed in the Contents pane on the List By Data Source tab List By Data Source as well as the Source tab of the Layer Properties or Table Properties dialog boxes.
  • When editing in a named version, use the Change To Default context menu command Change Version to change to the default version. To learn more, see Connect to a branch version and Connect to a traditional version.

Indoor positioning

See Indoor Positioning toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.


See Indoors toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.

ArcGIS Knowledge

  • The licensing for ArcGIS Knowledge has changed in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. Named users in the Enterprise portal no longer need a user type extension to access and analyze knowledge graphs. Each user must still have privileges to create and edit knowledge graphs.
  • After creating an investigation, you can use the histograms provided in the Search And Filter pane to select and filter entities and relationships in the investigation or on a map or link chart associated with the knowledge graph. As the selection changes in the paired view, the changes are reflected in the histograms.
  • You can analyze the portion of the knowledge graph included in a link chart to detect communities of entities that may not be apparent using other types of analysis.
    Communities of entities are listed and one community is selected in the Community table. Corresponding entities are selected on a link chart.
  • In a link chart, you can use new analysis capabilities to identify entities that can act as intermediaries between many selected entities. The Select Between operation does this using only content on the link chart. The Find Between operation analyzes the entire knowledge graph, and adds intermediate entities to the link chart if they are not already present.

See ArcGIS Knowledge in the Highlights section for more enhancements.

Multifile feature connections

  • Big data connections (BDCs) have been renamed multifile feature connections (MFCs). Multifile feature connections are applicable to data of any size (not only big data), and the new name more accurately describes the functionality.
  • Existing BDC files (.bdc) are still supported and can be used in the same ways as the new MFC files (.mfc).
  • In the Catalog pane or catalog views, multifile feature connections appear in their own project container Multifile Feature Connections. You can use this container to add, create, and manage MFCs.
  • To update the properties for an MFC dataset, you can right-click the dataset in the Catalog pane or a catalog view and use the Properties command.

See GeoAnalytics Desktop toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.

Workflow Manager

  • The Open Pro Project Items step has been enhanced with the following features:
    • The referenced project is automatically opened in ArcGIS Pro when the step is run from the Workflow pane.
    • The step can be configured to restrict edits to the job's location.
    • The step can be configured to close the project when the step is completed.
  • You can now manage a job's one-to-one extended properties in the Workflow pane.



  • Preset template preview properties include a secondary insertion anchor for setting the orientation angle.
  • The Divide tool Divide includes a new parameter for specifying repeated lengths when using the varying distances method.
  • The Clip tool Clip includes a Contain option Split to delete all features outside the clip area.
  • The Array tool Array includes the ability to array features at an angle based on a specified rotation angle or the grid. It also includes an optional setting to preserve the orientation of the original selection. 3D handles are improved and work in 2D maps.
  • The Cancel button Cancel Changes on the edit toolbar deactivates the active tool if there is not a sketch in progress.

Parcel fabric

  • The parcel fabric uses geodatabase topology. The Validate Parcel Fabric geoprocessing tool has been deprecated.
  • The Reconstruct Boundaries tool Create Backlot creates individual parcel lines for parcel edges and generates missing COGO dimensions. The Reconstruct Boundaries tool is useful for tax mapping purposes.
  • The Reconstruct From Seeds tool Reconstruct From Seeds reconstructs parcels from seeds after their lines have been modified. Seeds are constructed into parcels whether or not there is an active record in the map.
  • The Transfer Parcel tool Transfer Parcels supports workflows for transferring a piece of land between source and target parcels.
  • If there is an active record in the map, the heads-up-display (HUD) box displays a warning message if the map is panned beyond the extent of the parcel features associated with the active record.
  • The Merge Points tool Merge Parcel Points allows you to enlarge or reduce the window size of the list of points to merge.
  • When you use the Align Features tool Align Features to align individual parcel lines, points are now merged.
  • The Traverse tool Traverse has been simplified for parcel data entry and enhanced for performance:
    • Line templates for the Traverse tool have been simplified. A traverse can only be created with lines from the chosen layer.
    • The tool is more responsive to rapid data entry. Performance and lag times have been improved when rapidly entering or digitizing traverse courses in sequence.

Imagery and remote sensing


  • The Imagery and raster section of the ArcGIS Pro documentation has been renamed Imagery and remote sensing. It appears as a main heading on the Help tab in the online help and a main heading in the offline help.


  • Raster rendering has been enhanced in the following ways:
    • When you use the Mimimum Maximim stretch type with the Stretch renderer, you can edit the minimum and maximum values.
    • When Dynamic Range Adjustment (DRA) is applied to a stretched raster, the layer's minimum and maximum labels update in the Contents pane to reflect the current map extent.
    • You can use Lock Statistics to prevent the current DRA map statistics from changing.
  • When you finish georeferencing, you can export the control points and transformation details to an HTML report.

Raster charts

  • Dimension profile charts allow you to analyze change along a vertical dimension, such as depth or height, using a multidimensional raster dataset with a z-dimension.

Raster data types and sensors

Mapping and visualization


  • A new display setting in the application options allows you to clear the display cache each time ArcGIS Pro is closed.
  • The coordinate order of the Go To XY tool input boxes and labeled graphics matches the location units of the project.
    Go To XY overlay and labeled graphic on a map
    The location units are set to display map coordinates in latitude-longitude order. The Go To XY input boxes and the labeled graphic match that order.
  • The Color Vision Deficiency Simulator tool can simulate maps, layouts, and reports in three modes of color vision deficiency. See Color Vision Deficiency Simulator tool in the Highlights section.
  • Preset layers have been deprecated in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. They can be displayed but not modified. See Draw preset layers for more information.

Annotation and labeling

  • You can upgrade annotation and dimension feature classes to use the full cartographic model of ArcGIS Pro 3.0.
  • You can view the version of annotation and dimension feature classes on the Source tab of the Feature Class Properties dialog box.


  • ArcGIS Pro 3.0 supports Arcade 1.18. For a summary of new features, see Release Notes for versions later than 1.17.

Coordinate systems and transformations

Updates and improvements have been made in the following areas:

  • Projected coordinate systems for Mars and the moon were added, along with updated definitions for a number of planetary satellites and extraterrestrial bodies.
  • Some coordinate system names were changed.
  • Corrections were made to transformation methods for some coordinate systems. Some outdated transformation WKIDs were removed that no longer exist in the EPSG registry. The transformations are still supported with their current WKIDs.
  • New vertical transformations based on geoids, quasigeoids, or other conversion grids are available.
  • Projection mathematics for the Hotine oblique Mercator projection and the Rectified skew orthomorphic projection were modified for very specific cases.

Export a map or layout

  • Export presets allow you to save map and layout export settings for reuse. See Export presets in the Highlights section.
  • You can export raster symbology to a .pdf file when using explicit CMYK values with the Unique Values or Classify renderers.
  • When you export a map or layout to PDF format, vector content is clipped slightly beyond the map frame boundaries. This creates smaller export files in cases where vector features would otherwise extend far beyond the map frame.
  • JPEG2000 compression is supported for images in PDF export, resulting in smaller export files.

OpenStreetMap 3D layers

  • You can explore and use royalty free worldwide OpenStreetMap 3D data hosted by ArcGIS Living Atlas (June 2022 update) in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. These 3D layers, hosted by Esri, present buildings, thematic trees, and realistic trees based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. Esri created these layers from the Daylight Map Distribution  of OSM data, which is supported by Meta. The OpenStreetMap 3D layers will be updated every month with the latest version of OSM Daylight data.
    Scene with buildings and trees in Berlin and a pop-up for Berlin Cathedral
    You can visit any place in the world and get pop-up information about features such as buildings.
  • You can combine OpenStreetMap 3D layers with your own data to enrich a scene and give context to spatial information.
    OpenStreetMap 3D layers with local data
    OpenStreetMap 3D Buildings and OpenStreetMap 3D Trees (Thematic) with the Ohio Stadium. Copyright 2022: The Ohio State University Facilities Information and Technology Services.




  • When you symbolize a feature layer with unique values, graduated colors, dot density, or chart symbology, you can apply the colors of a color scheme to a subset of symbol classes.
  • When you search for symbols in the symbol gallery, all system styles are now searched by default. To limit the search to symbols in the project styles, choose Project styles from the drop-down menu next to the search bar.
  • Support has been added for glTF model markers that contain emissive textures.
  • Visual variables applied to the primary symbology now honor the sample size set in the advanced symbology settings.


  • Stand-alone tables in a map or scene can be filtered by time and range if they have appropriate attributes. When the time or range property is set in the table's properties, table rows are filtered according to the time or range slider on the map.
  • Selecting a field in a table now highlights the entire column.

Visual effects in scenes

  • Animated water symbols have been reengineered to look more realistic.
    Static comparison of an animated water symbol in a scene before and after rendering improvements
    The same animated water symbol is shown in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 on the left and ArcGIS Pro 3.0 on the right.
  • Shadows have been improved to increase frame rates and visual quality, especially on discrete GPUs.
  • The shaders used to generate pipe, wall, and strip 3D line symbols have been reengineered to increase visual quality and frame rates.
  • Hardware anti-aliasing, which smooths rough edges in maps and scenes, is now honored in image, vector, and video export formats.
  • Visual artifacts such as strobing or flashing have been minimized when changing the visibility of scene layer features.
  • Four visual effects for scenes have been added: Blueprint, Outline, Pencil Sketch, and Pixelated. The Watercolor visual effect has been enhanced to support customizable property settings.
  • Postprocessing effects for scenes can add interest to a view and improve its appearance. The four effects are Bloom, Vignette, Grain, and Color Grading.



Aviation Charting

Defense Mapping


Military Symbology Editor

Pipeline Referencing

At ArcGIS Pro 3.0, ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing introduces linear referenced event data editing capabilities. Event features can be created using standard ArcGIS Pro editing tools or guided LRS tools for adding point and line events. Existing event records can be updated using standard editing tools and attribute table edits. The following event editing operations are new in this release:

The following additional enhancements were made:

  • Densification of centerlines created as curves is supported. When a centerline feature is created as a curve in ArcGIS Pro, it is automatically converted to a densified polyline to support linear referencing and measure interpolation.
  • You can run the Update Measures from LRS tool against a direct connection to a multiuser geodatabase or file geodatabase. The tool can still be run against a feature service as well.
  • The Keep centerlines chosen and selected option in the Location Referencing options allows you to choose whether centerlines remain chosen and selected for use in multiple LRS route editing operations.
  • Route and measure information appears on the map when moving the pointer along the route in the following Pipeline Referencing tools:
    • LRS Identify
    • Split Centerline By Point and Split Centerline By Measure
    • LRS route editing tools (Extend Route, Retire Route, Realign Route, Reassign Route, and Reverse Route) when choosing a route or measures on the map
    • LRS calibration point editing tools (Add Point, Edit Point, and Delete Point) when choosing a route or calibration point

In a combined Pipeline Referencing-Utility Network deployment, the following enhancements are available:

  • The Append Routes tool has been enhanced to consider existing centerlines when loading routes.
  • Populating measures on the pipeline line feature class before making an LRS route edit is now optional. You can use suggested measures provided by the Create, Extend, and Realign route editing tools. Route editing measures are populated onto the pipeline line features automatically. You can continue to populate the measures on pipeline line features in advance if you choose.
  • When a pipeline line feature is split through an LRS route edit, the core split tool, or one of the LRS split centerline tools, the From Measure and To Measure columns are automatically updated, reducing the need to run the Update Measures from LRS tool.

Production Mapping

Roads and Highways

At ArcGIS Pro 3.0, Roads and Highways introduces linear referenced event data editing capabilities. Event features can be created using standard ArcGIS Pro editing tools or guided LRS tools for adding point and line events. Existing event records can be updated using standard editing tools and attribute table edits. The following event editing operations are new in this release:

The following additional enhancements were made:

  • Densification of centerlines created as curves is supported. When a centerline feature is created as a curve in ArcGIS Pro, it is automatically converted to a densified polyline to support linear referencing and measure interpolation.
  • You can run the Update Measures from LRS tool against a direct connection to a multiuser geodatabase or file geodatabase. The tool can still be run against a feature service as well.
  • The Keep centerlines chosen and selected option in the Location Referencing options allows you to choose whether centerlines remain chosen and selected for use in multiple LRS route editing operations.
  • Route and measure information appears on the map when moving the pointer along the route in the following Roads and Highways tools:
    • LRS Identify
    • Split Centerline By Point and Split Centerline By Measure
    • LRS route editing tools (Extend Route, Retire Route, Realign Route, Reassign Route, and Reverse Route) when choosing a route or measures on the map
    • LRS calibration point editing tools (Add Point, Edit Point, and Delete Point) when choosing a route or calibration point



  • The internal file format of ArcGIS Pro project files has changed from XML format to JSON format. ArcGIS Pro 3.0 project files can't be opened directly in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 or earlier versions. Use packaging to create projects compatible with 2.x versions. See Migration from ArcGIS Pro 2.x to 3.0 for more information.
  • You can copy and move folders and project items using context menu commands or drag and drop.
    A file moved to a new folder with drag and drop
    As you drag an item to a new location, a ScreenTip confirms the operation.
  • You can open a project item's system folder with the Show In File Explorer context menu command. The command is also available for projects on the start page Recent Projects list.
  • You can open ArcGIS Server Manager from an ArcGIS Server connection in a project.
  • You can copy an item's path using a context menu command or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+P.
  • Projects can use a mobile geodatabase (.geodatabase) as the default geodatabase and a Python toolbox (.pyt) as the default toolbox.
  • You can view the size and modification date of feature classes and tables in a file geodatabase.
    Catalog view showing modification date and file size for feature classes and tables

Sign in to your organization

  • When you are signed in to your organization, your profile photo now displays on the Portals page or the Sign In menu at the top of the application. To update your profile, see Manage profile and settings.

Share your work

  • You can publish query layers from Google BigQuery as web feature layers. The options to reference a materialized view or access data directly may be available for each query layer.
  • OGC Features can be enabled when you share a map image layer or publish a map service. OGC Features services are compliant with the OGC API Features specification and allow you to serve geospatial data over the web. This is supported for ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and later versions.
  • ArcGIS Pro 3.0 includes changes that may affect sharing content to older versions of ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Server. When saving an offline service definition for a web layer or map service, you can now specify the version to ensure content is compatible with your server. An ArcGIS Online option is also available.
  • Feature layer editing options have been redesigned to match editing operations in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Server.
  • A summary and tags are no longer required when you share items to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.
  • You can save web scenes in ArcGIS Pro to update existing web scenes in your ArcGIS organization.
  • You can publish a voxel scene layer in a local scene to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and later versions. The web scene layer is cached locally.
  • New data store types have been added:
    • You can register cloud stores as data stores to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1 and later versions. Supported cloud storage providers include Alibaba Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage (supported for ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions), and Microsoft Azure Storage.
    • You can register NoSQL databases as data stores to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 and later versions. Only Neo4j is a supported provider.
  • You can share geodata services to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.

Trace networks

  • System-provided network attributes are now exposed in the Trace and Add Trace Configuration tools. Access to system-provided network attributes eliminates the need to create duplicate user-defined network attributes based on system-maintained values such as Source ID or Flow direction when configuring a trace.
  • A new supportsTraceSystemNetworkAttributes capability in ArcGIS Enterprise11.0 broadcasts the ability to use system-provided network attributes in the Trace and Add Trace Configuration tools when working with a trace network service.
    • When present, this capability is supported for Trace Network versions 2 and 3 accessed through a service.

Utility networks

  • A new Select Associated Data context menu command displays a list of valid association types for a selected feature or object in the Attributes pane. You can select associated data for an individual network feature in the pane's selection tree view or perform a bulk selection of associated data for all selected network features.
  • True curves are now supported with the Export Subnetwork geoprocessing tool, enabling integration of accurate geometry into external systems.
  • Preset layers are deprecated in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. To add subtype group layers to your map, use the new Subtype Group Layer command on the Add Data drop-down menu Add Data.
    Subtype Group Layer command on the Add Data drop-down menu
  • Improvements have been made to propagation handling on devices with terminals. For example, if two lines are connected through the high-side terminal of a transformer, the propagated value remains consistent as it passes through the terminal and isn't influenced by the phase set for the transformer.
  • Improvements to network topology, subnetwork management, and tracing framework in the utility network include the following:
    • Better trace framework performance when running subnetwork-based traces
    • Better Export Subnetwork performance when geometry is included in the results
  • Performance optimizations have been made to the following Utility Network geoprocessing tools: Add Rule, Import Rules, Delete Rule,, Export Subnetwork, Validate Network Topology, Enable Network Topology, Disable Network Topology, and Update Subnetwork. These updates are not implemented in versions prior to ArcGIS Pro 3.0.

The currently designated network management release of ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and ArcGIS Pro 2.9 includes the majority of utility and telecom-related improvements made in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. Technical limitations prevent some items from being added to earlier releases.

  • System-provided network attributes are now exposed in the Trace, Add Trace Configuration, and Set Subnetwork Definition geoprocessing tools. This eliminates the need to create duplicate user-defined network attributes based on system-maintained values such as Asset group or Asset type when configuring the subnetwork definition for a tier or configuring a trace. It also preserves valuable bits for the creation of additional user-defined In Line network attributes.
  • A new supportsTraceSystemNetworkAttributes capability in ArcGIS Enterprise11.0 broadcasts the ability to use system-provided network attributes in the Trace and Add Trace Configuration tools when working with a utility network service.
    • When present, this capability is supported for all utility network versions accessed through a service.

Network diagrams



  • Python has been upgraded to version 3.9.11.
  • The Python page in the ArcGIS Pro settings has been renamed Package Manager and improved in several ways. See Package Manager in the Highlights section.
  • The conda command activate <env> now changes the directory.
  • The xlrd library has been upgraded to version 2.0.1, and no longer supports the reading of .xlsx files. To work with .xlsx files, use the openpyxl or pandas library.
  • The PyArrow library now ships with a dataset module that allows it to read and write parquet files.
  • Script tools and Python toolbox tools support an optional postExecute validation method that allows you to use the arcpy.mp module to query and change the display of outputs.
  • Value Table parameters in script tools and Python toolbox tools allow columns to be read-only and for informational purposes only.
  • The Python command prompt is integrated with Windows Terminal.

ArcGIS Notebooks

  • Notebooks support zooming in and out with the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Plus Sign and Ctrl+Hyphen. Use Ctrl+Close parenthesis to reset the view to 100 percent.
  • Notebooks support find and replace with the keyboard shortcut f.
  • The command palette is now opened with the keyboard shortcut p instead of Ctrl+Shift+P.
  • Notebooks on UNC paths are supported.


Geocoding module

  • The following new locator properties are supported: partialHouseNumberSuggestions, subaddressAfterBaseAddressSuggestions, and subaddressSummaryWithBaseAddress.

Image Analysis module

Mapping module

  • An openView method has been added to the Map and Layout classes to open and activate new map and layout view panes in ArcGIS Pro.
  • A closeViews method has been added to the ArcGISProject class to close view panes that are currently open in ArcGIS Pro.
  • A createGroupLayer method has been added to the Map class to support creating group layers.
  • An addTableToGroup method has been added to the Map class. This method allows you to add a Table object to a group layer.
  • A saveACopy method has been added to the Table class. This method allows you to save a Table object to a layer file (.lyrx).
  • The ReportSection class has been added to support multiple sections in a report.
  • The ReportLayoutSection class has been added to support supplemental pages that reference a layout in a report.

Network Analyst module

  • The arcpy.nax.NetworkDataset class's edges, junctions, and turns cursors allow a spatial query, limiting results to those within an extent or polygon boundary.

Sharing module

Spatial Analyst module

  • The new Render function creates a rendered raster object by applying symbology to the referenced raster dataset. This function is useful for displaying data in a Jupyter notebook.



To learn more about near-term, mid-term, and long-term development goals, refer to the latest ArcGIS Pro roadmap.

Deprecated functionality

See Release notes for ArcGIS Pro 3.0 for information about functionality that has been removed at ArcGIS Pro 3.0 or will be removed in a future release.