In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by CIMChart.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
| Axes |
Gets or sets the properties of chart axis.
| EnableServerSideProcessing |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server-side processing is enabled for supported chart types and data sources.
| GeneralProperties |
Gets or sets the general properties of the chart.
| Legend |
Gets or sets the legend properties of the chart.
| MapSelectionHandling |
Gets or sets a setting which indicates whether chart handles selection in the input layer by creating series only from the selected data or
highlights selected values on the chart made from entire dataset.
| MetaData |
Gets or sets the client metadata about the chart.
| MultiSeriesChartProperties |
Gets or sets the multi series chart properties for supported chart types.
| Name |
Gets or sets the name of the chart.
| Series |
Gets or sets the series properties of the chart.
Public Methods
Public Events
See Also