ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Topology Namespace / TopologyError Class / OriginClassName Property

In This Topic
    OriginClassName Property (TopologyError)
    In This Topic
    Gets the feature class name of the origin feature that created the topology error. If it is not applicable, an empty string is returned.
    public string OriginClassName {get;}
    Public ReadOnly Property OriginClassName As String
    // Get all the errors and exceptions currently associated with the topology.
    IReadOnlyList<TopologyError> allErrorsAndExceptions = topology.GetErrors(new ErrorDescription(topology.GetExtent()));
    Console.WriteLine($"errors and exceptions count => {allErrorsAndExceptions.Count}");
    Console.WriteLine("OriginClassName \t OriginObjectID \t DestinationClassName \t DestinationObjectID \t RuleType \t IsException \t Shape type \t Shape width & height \t  Rule ID \t");
    foreach (TopologyError error in allErrorsAndExceptions)
      Console.WriteLine($"'{error.OriginClassName}' \t {error.OriginObjectID} \t '{error.DestinationClassName}' \t " +
                        $"{error.DestinationObjectID} \t {error.RuleType} \t {error.IsException} \t {error.Shape.GeometryType} \t " +
                        $"{error.Shape.Extent.Width},{error.Shape.Extent.Height} \t {error.RuleID}");

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
    See Also