With ArcGIS Pro, you can publish web scene layers that reference a scene cache dataset (.eslpk or .i3sREST) in folders or cloud stores to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0 or later. Sharing web layers from cache datasets uses minimal resources and is an efficient way to publish large data. When a web scene layer is published, the ready-to-serve cache is referenced rather than built and stored on the server.
The privilege to publish server-based layers is required for this workflow.
If you want to share a web scene layer from a scene instead, see Share a web scene layer.
Prepare a scene cache dataset
Before publishing a web scene layer, you must create a cache dataset containing scene layer content. Follow the steps below to create a cache in a folder or cloud store that is registered with your portal's federated server.
Follow these steps to prepare a scene cache dataset:
- Use one of the following geoprocessing tools to create scene layer content directly in a folder or cloud store:
- Create 3D Object Scene Layer Content
- Create Building Scene Layer Content
- Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Content
- Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Content
- Create Point Scene Layer Content
- Create Voxel Scene Layer Content
If you create scene content in a cloud store, the output is in the ready-to-serve .i3sREST format.
If you create scene content in a shared folder, the output is a scene layer package (.slpk).
- If you have a scene layer package (.slpk), use the Extract Package geoprocessing tool to create an extracted scene layer package dataset (.eslpk).
- Register the folder or cloud store with a server that is federated with your portal. For more information, see Manage registered data stores.
Publish a web scene layer
Follow this workflow to publish a web scene layer from a cache dataset:
- In the Catalog pane, right-click an extracted scene layer package (.eslpk) in a folder or scene layer content (.i3sREST) in a cloud store and click Share As Web Layer .
The Share As Web Layer pane appears.
- Accept the default name or provide a new name for the web layer.
The default name is the name of your cache dataset.
- Optionally, complete the Summary and Tags fields.
You can enter a maximum of 128 tags.
- Under Location, use the Portal Folder drop-down menu to choose a folder in your portal content in which to store the web layer. Optionally, create a folder.
By default, the web layer is stored at the root level of your portal content.
Click the Browse button to browse to a folder in your portal content. You can also type a folder name in the text box.
- Use the Server and Folder drop-down menus to specify the federated server where the service is published and the folder where it is stored. Optionally, create a folder.
By default, the service is stored in the root folder of the server.
You can click the Data Stores button to open the Manage Registered Data Stores pane. Use this pane to register folders and cloud stores with federated servers.
- Under Sharing Level, specify how the web layer will be shared:
- Owner—Only the owner (and organization members with privileges to view content owned by other members) can access the item. This is the default option.
- Organization—Share your content with all authenticated users in your organization. This option is available when you are signed in with an organizational account.
- Everyone (public)—Share your content with the public. Anyone can access and see it.
- Optionally, under Groups, select groups to which you belong to share your content with their members.
- Optionally, click the Content tab to view the folder and new web layer.
- Under Finish Sharing, click Analyze to review for potential problems.
Errors and warnings are listed on the Messages tab. Right-click a message to open its help topic or take corrective action in the software. Errors must be resolved before you can share your GIS resource. Resolving warnings is recommended but not required.
- After you resolve errors, and optionally, resolve warnings, click Publish to share the web layer.
- Optionally, click Jobs to monitor the job status.
- When the web layer is successfully published, click the Manage the web layer link at the bottom of the pane to access the web layer in your portal.