Workflows in ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Help archive

Use ArcGIS Pro to coordinate and manage your workflows. You can use ArcGIS Workflow Manager, ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic), and tasks in ArcGIS Pro to manage workflows.

The following table summarizes the similarities and differences between these workflow tools:

ArcGIS Workflow ManagerArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic)Tasks

Licensing and software requirements

  • ArcGIS Desktop license
  • ArcGIS Pro installation

Unit of work



Number of users involved in completing a single unit of work

Multiple users and roles working from any geographic location

Multiple users and roles

Single user

Number of applications opened in a single unit of work

Work can be completed in ArcGIS Pro, on the web, and in mobile apps.

You can open multiple applications, including ArcGIS Pro.

Work is completed within ArcGIS Pro.

Typical duration of a single unit of work

A few days to weeks

A few minutes to a few hours


A step in ArcGIS Workflow Manager can include a task in ArcGIS Pro.

A step in ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) can include a task in ArcGIS Pro.

Tasks can include any command, geoprocessing tool, or add-in in ArcGIS Pro.

Common to all

Promoting best practices, standardizing, improving efficiency and quality, and guiding users through a workflow

With ArcGIS Workflow Manager and ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic), a piece of work passes from initiation to completion through a series of steps that can be completed by multiple users who may have different organizational roles. With tasks, you can create a set of preconfigured steps to guide a single user through a repeatable GIS process using ArcGIS Pro functionality.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager and ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) use jobs to manage and coordinate a workforce. The job usually involves multiple users and takes a few days to complete. Tasks use an ArcGIS Pro task that is designed for a repeatable GIS process and uses functionality such as geoprocessing tools and editing. The task usually takes a few minutes to a few hours for a single user to complete.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager and ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) are enterprise workflow systems that support both GIS and non-GIS business processes. Although you can use tasks in ArcGIS Workflow Manager and ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic), a task does not require an extension, enterprise geodatabase, or additional licensing to use.

You can use tasks together or separately with ArcGIS Workflow Manager or ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) for quality assurance.

Example scenario

A city may require coordination of multiple teams to manage address data. The city can use ArcGIS Workflow Manager or ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) to coordinate the responsibilities of these teams into jobs such as locate facilities, add facility addresses, verify mailing addresses, and so on. The city can use tasks to complete one of these jobs through task steps. Steps to locate facilities, for example, may include locating the work area, creating a facility polygon, and adding attributes to that feature.

In this topic
  1. Example scenario