ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls Namespace
    In This Topic
    The ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.Controls namespace contains classes for creating and interacting with mapping controls.
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the SelectedColorChanged event for the ColorPickerControl.
    Class Use the ColorPickerControl to display colors for selection. ColorPickerControl
    Class The CoordinateSystemsControl is a configurable control that provides a UI for Spatial Reference selection. CoordinateSystemsControl
    Class Configures the properties to be used to initialize the CoordinateSystemsControl
    Class The CoordinateSystemsDetailsControl displays the properties of a specified Spatial Reference. Specify the spatial reference using the SpatialReference property. CoordinateSystemsDetailsControl
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the ExpressionChanged event for the QueryBuilderControl.
    ClassFor use by third party developers when using the LocatorControl in a custom dockpane in an add-in.
    ClassPassed as the event parameter in the LocatorActivate event for the LocatorControl
    Class The LocatorControl is a configurable control that provides a UI for geocoding a location. LocatorControl
    Class Configures the properties used in initializing the LocatorControl. If no configuration is required (that is you dont require a location to be pre=populated for a search), leave the individual properties at their default values.
    Class Interaction logic for MapControl.xaml MapControl
    Class Commands for the MapControl
    Class Defines the content for the MapControl.
    Class Creates content for the MapControl.
    Class The QueryBuilderControl is a configurable control that provides a UI for building a query expression against a layer or table. QueryBuilderControl
    Class Configures the properties to be used to initialize the QueryBuilderControl.
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the SelectedGeocodeResultsChanged event.
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the SelectedTransformationNamesChanged event for the TransformationsControl.
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the SelectedSpatialReference event for the CoordinateSystemsControl.
    ClassUse the SymbolPickerControl to display "symbols" (i.e ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.StyleItem) for selection. SymbolPickerControl
    ClassUse SymbolSearcherControl to search for StyleItems (Point/Line/Polygon symbols, colors, text symbols, etc.). The Symbol Searcher Control can be used in conjunction with the SymbolPickerControl or alone to allow selecting a specific style item. Optional Filters can be applied to the search including SearchFilterType and SearchFilterStyle. SymbolSearcherControl
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the StyleSearchCompleted event for the SymbolSearcherControl.
    ClassUse SymbolSearcherSearchFilter to filter the symbol search of the SymbolSearcherControl. The search can be filtered by all styles, project only styles, or by one or many ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping.StyleProjectItems.
    Class Specify default search output options for the returned StyleItems (from a search).
    Class Define the transformation information used to populate each row of the table within the TransformationsControl. All the properties within the TransformationInfo are optional.
    Class The TransformationsControl is a configurable control that provides a UI for Transformation selection. TransformationsControl
    Class Configures the properties to be used to initialize the TransformationsControl
    Class Passed as the event parameter in the TransformationSelected event for the TransformationsControl.
    Delegate Callback for the SelectedColorChanged event of the ColorPickerControl
    Delegate Callback for the ExpressionChanged event of the QueryBuilderControl.
    Delegate Callback for the Selected event of the CoordinateSystemsControl
    Delegate Callback for the SpatialReferenceChanged event of the CoordinateSystemsControl
    Delegate Callback for the SearchCompleted event of the SymbolSearchControl.
    See Also