public sealed class RowCursor : ArcGIS.Core.CoreObjectsBase, System.IDisposable
Public NotInheritable Class RowCursor Inherits ArcGIS.Core.CoreObjectsBase Implements System.IDisposable
public async Task SearchingATable() { try { await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new DatabaseConnectionFile(new Uri("path\\to\\sde\\file\\sdefile.sde")))) using (Table table = geodatabase.OpenDataset<Table>("EmployeeInfo")) { QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter { WhereClause = "COSTCTRN = 'Information Technology'", SubFields = "KNOWNAS, OFFICE, LOCATION", PostfixClause = "ORDER BY OFFICE" }; using (RowCursor rowCursor = table.Search(queryFilter, false)) { while (rowCursor.MoveNext()) { using (Row row = rowCursor.Current) { string location = Convert.ToString(row["LOCATION"]); string knownAs = Convert.ToString(row["KNOWNAS"]); } } } } }); } catch (GeodatabaseFieldException fieldException) { // One of the fields in the where clause might not exist. There are multiple ways this can be handled: // Handle error appropriately } catch (Exception exception) { // logger.Error(exception.Message); } }
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1