Geographic data often has an important temporal component. Temporal data—information about features and attributes at different points in time—can help you explore phenomena as diverse as crime trends, the spread of an invasive species, and traffic accident patterns.
- This video was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.4.
In this tutorial, you'll visualize changes in international tourism in New Zealand over the past 20 years—changes that have major business implications for the country. Optionally, you'll export your visualization as a video file that can be shared to social media platforms.
- Estimated time: 50 minutes, 70 minutes with optional section
- Software requirement: ArcGIS Pro Basic
The quick-start tutorials are updated at each software release. For the best experience, use an online help version that matches your software version.
Open the project
Tourism is an important part of New Zealand's economy. For the fiscal year that ended in March 2020, tourism made up 5.5 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) and is a major employer. Knowing where tourists come from, which parts of New Zealand they visit, and how long they stay helps planners choose the right locations for hotels, tour companies, and other services.
Using data from New Zealand's International Visitor Survey, you'll visualize increases in the Chinese tourism market in New Zealand over a 20-year period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the upward trend began to reverse itself in 2019, China remains New Zealand's second-largest tourist market, after Australia.
- Start ArcGIS Pro and sign in if necessary.
- Open a browse dialog box to search for the project in one of the following ways:
- On the start page, click Open another project
- In an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon. In the list of side tabs, click Open. On the Open page, click Open another project
- On the start page, click Open another project
- On the Open Project browse dialog box, in the navigation pane, under Portal
, click ArcGIS Online
If you are signed in to ArcGIS Enterprise
, you must set your active portal to ArcGIS Online to access the tutorial data. If you can't do this, you can download the data from a browser.
- At the top of the dialog box, in the Search box, type Visualize temporal data and press the Enter key.
- In the list of search results, click Visualize temporal data to select the project package.
If there is more than one project package with this name, select the package with the Authoritative badge
. In the Owner column, the owner name is ArcGISProTutorials. If you don't get any results, see No search results are returned.
- Click OK.
The project opens with a map showing New Zealand's territorial authority boundaries and a few cities. Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils.
- On the ribbon, click the View tab. In the Windows group, click Reset Panes
and click Reset Panes for Geoprocessing.
This ensures that the Contents, Catalog, and Geoprocessing panes are open and that other panes are closed.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Cities layer and click Attribute Table
The table contains records for 10 cities. Because of a display filter on the layer, only five features are displayed and labeled on the map.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer and click Attribute Table
The table contains 68 records. There are 67 territorial authorities and one record for areas outside a territorial authority. There are no attributes with information on tourism; that data is contained in a separate file you'll add to the project.
- Close the open attribute tables.
Add an Excel worksheet to the project
The Chinese tourism data is found in an Excel file included in the project package. You'll add a worksheet from the file to your project.
To work with Excel files in ArcGIS Pro, the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 driver must be installed on your computer. Starting with ArcGIS Pro 3.0, you also need a version of Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime that is compatible with the bit version (32 or 64 bit) of the driver. See Install the drivers to work with Microsoft Excel files for instructions.
- On the ribbon, click the Map tab. In the Layer group, click Add Data
- On the browse dialog box, in the navigation pane, under Project
, click Folders
to show folders associated with the project.
- In the file list, browse to Visualize Temporal Data > commondata > userdata. Double-click ChineseVisitorsByTA.xlsx and click the 'Percent Chinese Tourism by TA$' worksheet to select it.
- Click OK.
The Excel sheet is added as a table to ArcGIS Pro and appears in the Contents pane.
If you get an error message, you must install the Access Database Engine 2016 driver. See the note at the beginning of this section.
- In the Contents pane, under Standalone Tables, right-click 'Percent Chinese Tourism by TA$' and click Open
Each column in the table lists a different territorial authority. Each row lists a year from 1997 to 2017. Cell values represent tourists from China as a percentage of all international tourists. Null values indicate missing or insufficient data—they do not indicate values of zero.
This work is based on/includes Stats NZ’s data, which are licensed by Stats NZ for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Transpose table fields
In the 'Percent Chinese Tourism by TA$' table, the temporal units (years) are rows and the geographic units (territorial authorities) are columns. In another table, you might find that the rows are geographic units and the columns are temporal units. In either case, temporal data in ArcGIS works best when unique spatiotemporal values are stored as separate rows in a single column.
This table has 21 rows for years and 64 columns for territorial authorities. (A few are missing.) You need to create a table that stores a row for each of the 1,344 (21 x 64) unique combinations of year and territory. You'll use the Transpose Fields tool to put the data into this format.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, type Transpose Fields in the search box.
As you type, search results are returned. The first result should be the Transpose Fields tool.
- In the list of search results, click Transpose Fields to open the tool.
- For Input Table, click the drop-down arrow and click 'Percent Chinese Tourism by TA$'.
- Under Fields To Transpose, next to Field, click Add Many
- Next to the search box, check the Toggle All Checkboxes check box to select all the fields. At the top of the list, uncheck the Year check box.
- Click Add.
These fields will become rows in the output table.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane. For Output Table, delete the entire path and type ChineseTourismTransposed.
The path to your default geodatabase will be restored automatically.
- For Transposed Field, type TerritorialAuthority.
- For Value Field, type ChinesePercentageOfTotal.
The transposed field is a new field in the output table that will store the names of the territorial authorities. The value field is a new field that will store the Chinese tourism percentage values. You can use any names you like for these fields.
- Under Attribute Fields, click the input box drop-down arrow (not the Add Many button
) and click Year.
- Click Run
When the tool finishes, a new table is added to the Contents pane. You'll confirm that the table has been saved to your default geodatabase.
- Make the Catalog pane active. Expand Databases
and expand visualize_temporal_data.gdb.
The default geodatabase contains three items: the table you created and two feature classes that are the data sources of layers in the map.
If you don't see the table, right-click the default geodatabase and click Refresh
- Close the 'Percent Chinese Tourism by TA$' table.
- In the Contents pane, under Standalone Tables, right-click ChineseTourismTransposed and click Open
- Scroll through the table.
The table has what you need: a separate row for each unique combination of year and territory. However, not all the fields have the correct data type.
- Hover over the ChinesePercentageOfTotal field heading.
The field values represent percentages, but the field data type is Text. You need a numeric field that displays decimal points. Since you can't change the data type of a field, you'll add a new field and populate it with the same values.
When an Excel table is processed in ArcGIS Pro, fields that contain values of mixed data type—including a combination of numbers and null values—are output as text fields. Learn more about the limitations of working with Microsoft Excel files in ArcGIS Pro.
- Hover over the Year field heading.
The data type for this field is Double, a numeric type that supports numbers with high-precision decimal values. Although you can display temporal data when the time values are stored as numbers (or text, for that matter), the best practice is to store them in a date field. You'll convert the year values to dates.
Add a field and calculate its values
You'll add a numeric field to the table and calculate the tourism percentage values, currently stored as text, into the new field.
- In the Contents pane, click the ChineseTourismTransposed table to select it, if necessary.
- On the ribbon, click the Table tab.
- In the Field group, click Add
The fields view of the table opens. You use the fields view to work with field properties. In the fields view, each field in the ChineseTourismTransposed table is presented as a row, and each field property is presented as a column. The last row of the fields view represents the new field you added.
- In the last row of the fields view, in the Field Name column, the default name Field is selected. Change the field name to ChinesePercentage and press the Enter key.
- In the same row, in the Data Type column, double-click the default value Long. In the drop-down list of data types, click Float.
Like Double, the Float data type supports decimal places, but it uses less storage space.
- On the ribbon, on the Fields tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save
to save your table schema changes.
- Close the Fields: ChineseTourismTransposed view.
The new field displays in the ChineseTourismTransposed table with <Null> values. Now you'll calculate values for the field.
If you don't see the new field in the table, click Refresh
at the bottom of the table view.
- In the table, right-click the column heading of the ChinesePercentage field and click Calculate Field
If you have configured ArcGIS Pro to enable and disable editing, the Calculate Field command will be disabled. Click the Edit tab on the ribbon and click Enable editing
The Calculate Field tool appears in a floating window. The Input Table, Field Name, and Expression Type parameters are set correctly.
For convenience, some geoprocessing tools open in a floating window. These tools can also be opened in the Geoprocessing pane.
- In the Fields list, double-click ChinesePercentageOfTotal.
The field name is added to the expression box under the list of fields. (The exclamation points are Python syntax.) When the tool runs, the new ChinesePercentage field will store the values from the ChinesePercentageOfTotal field. The difference is that the values will be numbers instead of text.
- Click OK.
The ChinesePercentage field is populated with numeric values expressed to six decimal places.
- Click the column heading of the ChinesePercentageOfTotal field (the text field) to select the field. Right-click the selected heading and click Delete
- On the Delete Field prompt, confirm that you are deleting the correct field (ChinesePercentageOfTotal). Click Yes.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Convert time values to date format
It's a good practice to put time values in date fields. Although it's not necessary for this tutorial, some advanced analysis operations require it.
- Make the Geoprocessing pane active and click Back
- In the search box, type Convert Temporal Field.
The Convert Temporal Field tool should be the first search result.
- Click Convert Temporal Field to open the tool.
- Set the Input Table parameter to ChineseTourismTransposed.
- Set the Input Field parameter to Year.
- On the Input Format parameter, click Set Format
. Click the Date Format drop-down arrow and click yyyy. Ignore the Locale setting and click outside the drop-down list.
- Under Output Field Name, accept the default name Year_Converted. Confirm that the Output Field Type parameter is set to Date.
- Click Run
The new Year_Converted field is added to the table and populated with dates.
- Click the column heading of the Year field to select the field. Right-click the selected heading and click Delete.
- On the Delete Field prompt, confirm that you are deleting the correct field (Year). Click Yes.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Join the table to the layer
To display the data by time on the map, you need to join the ChineseTourismTransposed stand-alone table to the Territorial Authorities layer in the map. A join temporarily connects tables so that attributes from one table (usually a stand-alone table) can be queried or symbolized as if they belonged to another table (usually a layer attribute table).
A join requires that the two tables have a common attribute. In this case, both the Territorial Authorities layer attribute table and the ChineseTourismTransposed table have a field containing the names of territories.
There are 68 records in the Territorial Authorities table (the input table) and 1,344 records in the ChineseTourismTransposed table (the join table). Because one record in the input table will match many records in the join table—all records with the same territory name will match—the join is a one-to-many join.
One-to-many joins can only be performed when the input and join tables are in the same workspace (such as the same file geodatabase) and both have Object ID fields.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer and click Attribute Table
Notice that the values in the Name field are formatted with underscores between words.
- Make the ChineseTourismTransposed table active. (If necessary, open the table.)
Names in the TerritorialAuthority field are also formatted with underscores between words. It's not necessary that the names of the common field be the same in both tables. However, it is necessary that the field values be formatted the same way.
- Close the ChineseTourismTransposed table.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer, point to Joins and Relates, and click Add Join
The Add Join tool appears in a floating window.
- Set the Add Join tool parameters as follows:
- For Input Table, accept Territorial Authorities.
- For Input Field, choose Name.
- For Join Table, choose ChineseTourismTransposed.
- For Join Field, accept TerritorialAuthority (or choose it, if necessary).
- Hover over the warning icon
next to the Input Field parameter.
The ScreenTip recommends indexing the join field.
- Check the Index join fields check box.
- Click Validate Join.
When you validate a join, potential problems are analyzed, and information about the join is presented in a message box. In this case, there are no problems.
- Click Close on the Validate Join message.
- Click OK on the Add Join tool.
When the tool finishes running, the attributes from the ChineseTourismTransposed table are appended to the table.
The table has 1,348 total records, of which 1,344 are matched. Four of the original 68 records in the Territorial Authorities attribute table don't have matching records in the ChineseTourismTransposed table. (Recall that only 64 territorial authorities were represented in the Excel worksheet.) For the four unmatched records, null values are assigned to the joined fields.
- Scroll across the table.
You can hide attributes that you don't need.
- In the attribute table, right-click any column heading and click Fields
to open the fields view of the table.
- In the Visible column, uncheck the check box in the column heading to turn off the visibility of all fields in the table.
- Check the Visible check boxes next to the following fields to make them visible:
- TA_name (with the alias Name)
- ChineseTourismTransposed.ChinesePercentage (with the alias ChinesePercentage)
- ChineseTourismTransposed.Year_Converted (with the alias Year_Converted)
The prefix ChineseTourismTransposed indicates that these fields come from the join table. The join applies only to the map layer, not to its source data. You can make a join permanent by exporting the layer to a new feature class.
- On the ribbon, on the Fields tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save
- Close the Fields: Territorial Authorities view.
The Territorial Authorities table now displays three fields: Name, ChinesePercentage, and Year_Converted.
If necessary, click Refresh
at the bottom of the table view.
- Close the table.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Visualize trends with a line chart
You'll create a line chart to examine the Chinese tourism trend over time. There are too many territorial authorities to show in a single chart, so you'll focus on those that contain features in the Cities layer. To select these territories, you'll use the Select By Location tool.
- On the ribbon, click the Map tab if necessary. In the Selection group, click Select By Location
The Select By Location tool appears in a floating window.
- Confirm that the Input Features parameter is set to Territorial Authorities.
- Click the Relationship drop-down arrow and click Contains.
- Click the Selecting Features drop-down arrow and click Cities.
When the tool runs, territorial authorities that contain cities are selected. Recall that there are 10 features in the Cities layer—five are filtered out by a display query. Features filtered out by a display query can still be used for selection and analysis, unlike features hidden by a definition query.
- Click OK.
On the map, 10 territorial authorities are selected. The number of selected features is confirmed in the status bar at the bottom of the map view.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer, point to Create Chart
, and click Line Chart
The Chart Properties pane and an empty chart view appear. Before configuring the chart, you'll apply a selection filter so the chart displays only features selected on the map.
- In the row of tools at the top of the empty chart view, click Filter By Selection
The Filter By Selection button is outlined to indicate that it is selected.
- In the Chart Properties pane, on the Data tab, click the Date or Number drop-down arrow and click Year_Converted.
On the chart, the years appear on the x-axis.
- In the Chart Properties pane, under Numeric field(s), click Select. In the selection window, check the ChinesePercentage check box and click Apply.
Values for the percentage of Chinese tourists appear on the y-axis; however, the values are summed for the selected territorial authorities, which doesn't make sense in this context.
- In the Chart Properties pane, next to Split by (optional), hover over the information icon
A ScreenTip illustrates the Split by parameter. Setting this value to the Name field creates a separate line for each selected territory.
- Click the Split by drop-down arrow and click Name. Click Yes on the Chart properties warning message.
Because you placed a selection filter on the chart, only 10 territories are displayed.
- In the Chart Properties pane, under Time binning options, under Interval size, click Determine interval size for time aggregation
and change the value to 1.
- Uncheck the Trim incomplete interval check box.
This ensures that the last year of data is included in the chart. Learn more about time binning options in line charts.
On the chart, a line is drawn for each of the 10 selected territorial authorities. By default, the color of each line matches the feature's symbol color in the Territorial Authorities layer.
To see the chart better, maximize your application window or float the chart view and resize it.
Modify chart properties
To improve the chart's appearance, you'll change the title and axis labels, choose different line colors, and edit the legend labels.
- In the Chart Properties pane, click the General tab.
If your pane is narrow, you may not see all the tabs. You can widen the pane or click More
and choose the tab you want from a drop-down list.
- Under Chart title, change the title to Chinese Percentage of International Tourism in New Zealand. Press the Enter key.
The chart title is updated.
- Under X axis title, change the text to Year and press the Enter key.
- Under Y axis title, change the text to Percentage and press the Enter key.
- In the Chart Properties pane, click the Series tab.
A table displays the territorial authorities by their names, chart symbols, and chart legend labels.
- In the table, click the symbol next to Auckland to open the color palette. Click a bright red color such as Mars Red.
On the chart, the line color and legend symbol update.
- In the same way, change the line colors for the nine other territorial authorities on the chart. Choose any bright colors you like that stand out from each other.
Your colors may be different, but your chart should look similar to this image. A quick glance shows that the trend for most of the territories is upward. The trend starts earlier for Rotorua District than for the other territories.
- In the chart legend, click the name of any territory.
The name dims in the legend and its line disappears from the chart. This allows you to compare a few values at a time.
- Click the territory you dimmed to display it again.
- Dim the following territories:
- Christchurch City
- Dunedin City
- Invercargill City
- Nelson City
- Queenstown-Lakes District
The territories that are still displayed are on the North Island. The five that you dimmed are on the South Island.
- Hover over any data point on a line.
You see the name of the territorial authority, the year represented, and the percentage of Chinese tourism for that year. For example, Chinese tourism in Rotorua District peaked in 2012, when nearly a quarter of international tourists came from China.
- Optionally, continue to work with the chart on your own.
For example, turn off the lines for the North Island territories and turn on the lines for the South Island territories. The values tend to peak later—perhaps suggesting that the South Island became a destination for tourists who had previously visited the North Island.
You can update the chart with interactive selections on the map. On the ribbon, click the Map tab. In the Selection group, click the Select tool
. Hold the Shift key and click a territory on the map to add it to the selection set. Hold the Ctrl key and click a selected territory to deselect it.
You can also use Filter By Extent
on the chart view—either by itself or in combination with Filter By Selection
. When Filter By Extent is selected, only features visible in the map extent are shown on the chart.
- When you're finished, close the chart view and the Chart Properties pane.
Two other chart types—data clock and calendar heat chart—are specifically designed for representing temporal data. These chart types are useful for temporal data that is measured in fine increments such as months, weeks, or days.
- On the ribbon, click the Map tab, if necessary. In the Selection group, click Clear
to deselect the selected features.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Symbolize the territorial authorities
On the map, the territories are symbolized by unique values. You'll switch to a graduated color scheme and use lighter and darker hues to represent lower and higher percentages of Chinese tourists.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer and click Symbology
The Symbology pane appears.
- Under Primary symbology, click the drop-down arrow and click Graduated Colors.
The field to symbolize is automatically set to ChinesePercentage (the only available numeric field).
- Click the Color scheme drop-down arrow. Under the list of color schemes, check the Show names check box.
- Scroll through the list of color schemes. Near the bottom, click Yellow-Orange-Red (5 Classes) to select it.
By default, the data is grouped into five classes. The class breaks reflect value clusters in the data (natural breaks), but they are not intuitive to a map reader. You'll change the class break values and labels.
- In the lower part of the Symbology pane, on the Classes tab, edit the Upper value and Label columns as shown in the table below. Double-click a cell to make it editable and press the Enter key to commit an edit. Edit all of the upper values before editing any labels.
Symbol Upper value Label 2
Less than 2%
2% - 5%
5% - 10%
10% - 20%
32.457027 (Leave the default value unchanged.)
More than 20%
- Click the More drop-down arrow and click Show values out of range.
A gray symbol is added below the other symbols. This symbol represents null values in your data—territories that have no information for a particular year.
- Right-click the gray <out of range> symbol to open the color palette. Click Gray 20%.
- Change the label for the out of range data to No Data.
On the map, the Territorial Authorities layer reflects the new color scheme. The colors look faint because transparency was applied to the original symbology.
- In the Contents pane, ensure the Territorial Authorities layer is selected. On the ribbon, click the Feature Layer tab. In the Effects group, in the Transparency box
, replace the current value with 0 and press the Enter key.
- In the Contents pane, turn off the Cities layer. Expand the Territorial Authorities layer to see its legend.
At the moment, only one value is symbolized for each feature on the map. To see the data change year by year, you'll enable time on the layer.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Enable time and visualize the data
You can display temporal data with a time slider that is similar to a video player. A Time contextual tab on the ribbon provides more settings for displaying the data. The time slider and ribbon tab become available when you enable a layer's time property.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer and click Properties
- On the Layer Properties dialog box, in the list of side tabs, click Time.
- Under Filter using time, click Filter layer content based on attribute values.
Additional settings display under the selected option. The default values for these settings are correct.
- Click OK.
The time slider appears at the top of the map view.
- Hover over the time slider to see its controls.
- On the left side of the time slider, click Time disabled
to change it to Time enabled
The time span collapses to the first value in the range, and the map displays the data for 1997. In that year, Chinese tourists did not make up more than 2 percent of international visitors to any territory. Most of the territories have no data for that year.
You'll configure the time slider to play back the data in one-year intervals.
- On the ribbon, click the Time tab. In the Snapping group, check the Time Snapping check box.
- Under the check box, click the Define Full Extent drop-down arrow and click Years.
This setting corresponds to the yearly intervals of the data.
- In the Current Time group, change the Span value to 0 and press the Enter key.
If the span value is 1, the time slider displays each year as a range. For example, you'll see ranges such as 1997–1998 and 1998–1999. When the span value is 0, each year displays as a single value. You'll see 1997, 1998, and so on. Learn more about configuring the time slider.
- In the Playback group, move the Adjust Playback Speed slider to the middle.
- In the Playback group, click Play All Steps
The map plays through the data, displaying the percentage of Chinese tourists visiting each territorial authority in each year. In the final years, there is a noticeable increase, especially on the South Island.
You can also play the data by clicking Play All Steps
on the time slider.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
Create an animation and export a video (optional)
In this section, you'll create an animation of the playback and export it as a video file. This allows you to share your work with others, such as business owners and stakeholders in the tourism industry, who may not have access to ArcGIS Pro.
Animations are composed of keyframes and the transitions between them. Now that you have configured time properties for the Territorial Authorities layer, you can import the time slider steps (one step per year) to the animation. Each time step becomes a keyframe.
- On the ribbon, click the View tab. In the Animation group, click Add
An empty Animation Timeline pane appears under the map view. On the ribbon, the Animation contextual tab appears.
Before you create keyframes for the animation, you'll zoom to the correct map extent.
- In the Contents pane, right-click the Territorial Authorities layer and click Zoom To Layer
- On the ribbon, confirm that the Animation tab is selected (it has a blue underline). In the Create group, click Import
and click Time Slider Steps
The Animation Timeline pane populates with 22 keyframes. (It takes a few moments for the thumbnail images to display in the keyframes.) The first keyframe represents the animation at zero seconds (00:00.000). Each subsequent keyframe corresponds to the data for one year.
On the Animation tab, in the Playback group, the Duration setting is one minute and three seconds (01:03.000). There are 21 slide transitions, which means each slide is visible for three seconds. Since there is no camera movement (your viewpoint in relation to the map doesn't change), you don't need that much time between keyframes.
- On the Animation tab, in the Playback group, replace the duration value with 00:21, and press the Enter key.
The time stamps in the Animation Timeline pane are adjusted. Each transition now takes one second.
As the animation plays, you can show which year the data represents. You'll add dynamic text—information that updates during playback.
- In the Animation Timeline pane, under Keyframe Gallery, click the first keyframe to select it. Scroll to the end of the gallery, press the Shift key, and click the last keyframe.
The dynamic text you add in the next step will be applied to all the selected keyframes—in other words, throughout the animation.
- On the ribbon, on the Animation tab, in the Overlay group, expand the Overlay gallery.
Depending on the size of your ArcGIS Pro window, you may see an Add Overlay button
rather than gallery items. Click the button to display the gallery.
- In the Overlay gallery, under Dynamic Text, click Map Time
A box with a dynamic text expression appears as an overlay on the map view.
- In the dynamic text box, replace the default two-line expression with <dyn type="animation" property="startTime" format="yyyy"/>.
The expression creates a single time label, rather than a start and end time, and formats it to display the year rather than a full date.
- On the map view overlay, click Close
to commit your edits.
You'll make the dynamic text larger and preview the animation.
- On the Animation tab, in the Overlay group, change the font size to 48.
Options to format overlays are found on the Overlay tab of the Animation Properties pane. To open the Animation Properties pane, on the Animation tab, in the Edit group, click Properties
- On the Animation tab, in the Playback group, click Play
. (Don't click Play on the time slider—changes you've made to the animation are not reflected in the time slider playback.)
The dynamic text updates as the animation plays. You're ready to export the animation as a video file.
- On the Animation tab, in the Export group, click Movie
The Export Movie pane appears. The default settings output a video configured for YouTube in .mp4 media format.
- In the Export Movie pane, in the File Name box, change the default file name from New Zealand to Chinese Tourism NZ 1997 to 2017.
- Optionally, click Browse
and browse to a different folder to save the video.
- Click Export.
The export takes some time. You see the estimated time remaining at the bottom of the pane. When the process is finished, a Play the Video link appears in the lower left corner of the pane.
- Click Play the video.
- On the Quick Access Toolbar, click Save Project
In this tutorial, you visualized temporal data in various ways: as a line chart, as a dynamic map display, and—in the optional section—as an animation. Temporal data displays can draw attention to important patterns. In this case, visualizing the Chinese tourist market in time and space can help business analysts see where significant changes are occurring and where new tourism efforts should be focused.
More sophisticated temporal data analysis can be done with the tools in the Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox. For more advanced tutorials using temporal data analysis, see Investigate pollution patterns with space-time analysis and Identify popular places with spatiotemporal data science.