ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Realtime Namespace / RealtimeCursor Class / Current Property

Current Property (RealtimeCursor)
Gets the current RealtimeRow in this RealtimeCursor.
public RealtimeRow Current {get;}
If the real-time cursor has exhausted the queue (i.e., when MoveNext returns false), null is returned. Use WaitForRowsAsync(CancellationToken) to wait until more rows are available or the cursor is unsubscribed. If a valid RealtimeRow is returned by this property, it should be Disposed.
Search And Subscribe for Streaming Data
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
  //query filter can be null to search and retrieve all rows
  //true means recycling cursor
  using (var rc = streamLayer.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
    //waiting for new features to be streamed
    //default is no cancellation
    while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
      while (rc.MoveNext())
        using (var row = rc.Current)
          //determine the origin of the row event
          switch (row.GetRowSource())
            case RealtimeRowSource.PreExisting:
              //pre-existing row at the time of subscribe
            case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
              //row was inserted after subscribe
            case RealtimeRowSource.EventDelete:
              //row was deleted after subscribe
  }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed

  //Use the feature class instead of the layer
  using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
    using (var rc = rfc.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, false))
      //waiting for new features to be streamed
      //default is no cancellation
      while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
Search And Subscribe With Cancellation
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
  //Recycling cursor - 2nd param "true"
  //or streamLayer.Subscribe(qfilter, true) to just subscribe
  using (var rc = streamLayer.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
    //auto-cancel after 20 seconds
    var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
    //catch TaskCanceledException
      while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
        //check for row events
        while (rc.MoveNext())
          using (var row = rc.Current)
    catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
      //Handle cancellation as needed
Explicitly Cancel WaitForRowsAsync
//somewhere in our code we create a CancellationTokenSource
var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource();

//call cancel on the CancellationTokenSource anywhere in
//the add-in, assuming the CancellationTokenSource is in scope
if (SomeConditionForCancel)
  cancel.Cancel();//<-- will cancel the token

//Within QueuedTask we are subscribed! streamLayer.Subscribe() or SearchAndSubscribe()
  //TaskCanceledException will be thrown when the token is cancelled
  while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
    //check for row events
    while (rc.MoveNext())
      using (var row = rc.Current)
catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
  //Handle cancellation as needed
Subscribe to Streaming Data
//Note: with feature class we can also use a System Task to subscribe and
//process rows
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
  // or var rfc = realtimeDatastore.OpenTable(name) as RealtimeFeatureClass
  using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
    //subscribe, pre-existing rows are not searched
    using (var rc = rfc.Subscribe(qfilter, false))
      SpatialQueryFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialQueryFilter();
      //waiting for new features to be streamed
      //default is no cancellation
      while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
        while (rc.MoveNext())
          using (var row = rc.Current)
            switch (row.GetRowSource())
              case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                //getting geometry from new events as they arrive
                Polygon poly = ((RealtimeFeature)row).GetShape() as Polygon;

                //using the geometry to select features from another feature layer
                spatialFilter.FilterGeometry = poly;//project poly if needed...
    }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed
Search Existing Data and Subscribe for Streaming Data
//Note we can use System Task with the Realtime feature class
//for subscribe
await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async () =>
// or use ... QueuedTask.Run()
  using (var rfc = streamLayer.GetFeatureClass())
    //non-recycling cursor - 2nd param "false"
    using (var rc = rfc.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, false))
      //waiting for new features to be streamed
      //default is no cancellation
      while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
        //pre-existing rows will be retrieved that were searched
        while (rc.MoveNext())
          using (var row = rc.Current)
            var row_source = row.GetRowSource();
            switch (row_source)
              case RealtimeRowSource.EventDelete:
                //TODO - handle deletes
              case RealtimeRowSource.EventInsert:
                //TODO handle inserts
              case RealtimeRowSource.PreExisting:
                //TODO handle pre-existing rows
    }//row cursor is disposed. row cursor is unsubscribed
Search And Subscribe With Cancellation
await QueuedTask.Run(async () =>
  //Recycling cursor - 2nd param "true"
  //or streamLayer.Subscribe(qfilter, true) to just subscribe
  using (var rc = streamLayer.SearchAndSubscribe(qfilter, true))
    //auto-cancel after 20 seconds
    var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
    //catch TaskCanceledException
      while (await rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
        //check for row events
        while (rc.MoveNext())
          using (var row = rc.Current)
    catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
      //Handle cancellation as needed

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

ArcGIS Pro version: 2.4 or higher.
See Also