ArcGIS Pro 3.0 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.CIM Namespace / CIMMaplexLabelPlacementProperties Class / MaximumCharacterSpacing Property

In This Topic
    MaximumCharacterSpacing Property
    In This Topic
    Gets or sets the maximum character spacing. Character spacing may be increased up to this limit.
    public double MaximumCharacterSpacing {get; set;}
    Public Property MaximumCharacterSpacing As Double
    Spread labels across Polygon geometry
    //Note: call within QueuedTask.Run()
    //Get the layer's definition
    var lyrDefn = featureLayer.GetDefinition() as CIMFeatureLayer;
    //Get the label classes - we need the first one
    var listLabelClasses = lyrDefn.LabelClasses.ToList();
    var theLabelClass = listLabelClasses.FirstOrDefault();
    //Spread Labels (words and characters to fill feature)
    // Spread words to fill feature
    theLabelClass.MaplexLabelPlacementProperties.SpreadWords = true;
    //Spread Characters to a fixed limit of 50%
    theLabelClass.MaplexLabelPlacementProperties.SpreadCharacters = true;
    theLabelClass.MaplexLabelPlacementProperties.MaximumCharacterSpacing = 50.0;
    lyrDefn.LabelClasses = listLabelClasses.ToArray(); //Set the labelClasses back
    featureLayer.SetDefinition(lyrDefn); //set the layer's definition

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1

    See Also