ErrorMessages Property (SchemaBuilder)
Provides information about failed operations.
The first line describes the type of operation. The second line describes the name of the object involved.
The next set of lines describes the type of error. The last line describes how long the operation ran for.
Creating a Table
// Create a PoleInspection table with the following fields
// GlobalID
// ObjectID
// InspectionDate (date)
// InspectionResults (pre-existing InspectionResults coded value domain)
// InspectionNotes (string)
// This static helper routine creates a FieldDescription for a GlobalID field with default values
FieldDescription globalIDFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateGlobalIDField();
// This static helper routine creates a FieldDescription for an ObjectID field with default values
FieldDescription objectIDFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateObjectIDField();
// Create a FieldDescription for the InspectionDate field
FieldDescription inspectionDateFieldDescription = new FieldDescription("InspectionDate", FieldType.Date)
AliasName = "Inspection Date"
// This static helper routine creates a FieldDescription for a Domain field (from a pre-existing domain)
FieldDescription inspectionResultsFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateDomainField("InspectionResults", new CodedValueDomainDescription(inspectionResultsDomain));
inspectionResultsFieldDescription.AliasName = "Inspection Results";
// This static helper routine creates a FieldDescription for a string field
FieldDescription inspectionNotesFieldDescription = FieldDescription.CreateStringField("InspectionNotes", 512);
inspectionNotesFieldDescription.AliasName = "Inspection Notes";
// Assemble a list of all of our field descriptions
List<FieldDescription> fieldDescriptions = new List<FieldDescription>()
{ globalIDFieldDescription, objectIDFieldDescription, inspectionDateFieldDescription, inspectionResultsFieldDescription, inspectionNotesFieldDescription };
// Create a TableDescription object to describe the table to create
TableDescription tableDescription = new TableDescription("PoleInspection", fieldDescriptions);
// Create a SchemaBuilder object
SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder = new SchemaBuilder(geodatabase);
// Add the creation of PoleInspection to our list of DDL tasks
// Execute the DDL
bool success = schemaBuilder.Build();
// Inspect error messages
if (!success)
IReadOnlyList<string> errorMessages = schemaBuilder.ErrorMessages;
Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1
ArcGIS Pro version: 2.8 or higher.