CIMAviationVerticalScaleProperties Class Members
In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by CIMAviationVerticalScaleProperties.
Public Constructors
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | DivisionLineLength |
Gets or sets the division line length for the scale bar. The units are in points.
 | DivisionMarkSymbol |
Gets or sets the line symbol for the divisions.
 | Divisions |
Gets or sets the division count for the scale.
 | ScaleBarHeight |
Gets or sets the height for the scale bar.
 | ScaleTextSymbol |
Gets or sets the text symbol for the scale values.
 | ScaleUnitText |
Gets or sets the string value for the scale unit text.
 | SubdivisionLineLength |
Gets or sets the subdivision line length for the scale bar. The units are in points.
 | SubdivisionMarkSymbol |
Gets or sets the line symbol for the subdivisions.
 | Subdivisions |
Gets or sets the subdivision count for the scale.
 | UnitTextSymbol |
Gets or sets the text symbol used for the scale unit.
 | Visible |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show this scale, if false no graphics will be shown.
Public Methods
Public Events
See Also