Network Source

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Provides information about the network sources in the network dataset. Network sources can be of four types; edge sources, junction sources, turn sources, and system junction sources. Use the sourceType property to identify the type of network source.

Based on the type of the network source, the network source object can support additional properties specific to that source type. Edge sources and junction sources supports additonal properties along with the properties supported by the network source object. Turn sources and system junction sources do not support any additional properties.


PropiedadExplicaciónTipo de datos
(Sólo lectura)

The name of the feature class associated with this network source.

(Sólo lectura)

The unique identifier of this network source within the network dataset.

(Sólo lectura)

The type of network source. This property returns the following keywords:

  • EdgeFeature
  • JunctionFeature
  • SystemJunction
  • TurnFeature
  • NetworkSource

(Sólo lectura)

Network element type of the network source. This property returns the following keywords:

  • Edge
  • Junction
  • Turn


Muestra de código

Network Source Properties Example

Displays information for network sources in the network dataset..

# Name:
# Description: Print the information about the network sources for the
#              network dataset

import arcpy
import sys

# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation"

#Create a Describe object from the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("Streets_ND")

justify = 35
print("------- Network sources")

#Get all the network sources for the network dataset
sources = desc.sources
if not sources:
    print("%*s" % (justify, "(No network sources)"))

for source in sources:
    print("%*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Name" ,
    print("%*s: %s" % (justify, "Source ID" , str(source.sourceID)))
    print("%*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Type", source.sourceType))
    print("%*s: %s" % (justify, "Element Type", source.elementType))
    print(" ")