ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster Namespace / PixelBlock Class / GetNoDataMask Method
Index of a plane from this pixel block
Flag that indicates whether to get the NoData mask by reference (false) or value (true).

GetNoDataMask Method
Gets the NoData mask for the given plane from this pixel block. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public Array GetNoDataMask( 
   int plane,
   bool makeCopy


Index of a plane from this pixel block
Flag that indicates whether to get the NoData mask by reference (false) or value (true).

Return Value

An array representing the NoData mask for this plane.
Conceptually, a NoData mask is a two-dimensional array in which each element corresponds to a pixel in the raster. Each element can have a value of 1 or 0; 1 indicates the pixel is a value pixel and 0 means the pixel is NoData. In order to save space, the NoData mask is actually stored as a one-dimensional array of byte. Each byte is used to represent NoData mask values for 8 correspondent pixels. If the image (or SafeArray) has an dimension of nxn, the length of the array returned from NoDataMask will be (n* n+7)/7

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also