ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Topology Namespace / TopologyElement Class / GetParentFeatures Method
Example Version

GetParentFeatures Method
Gets the parent feature(s) that spawn this topology element. This method must be called on the MCT. Use QueuedTask.Run.
public IReadOnlyList<FeatureInfo> GetParentFeatures()

Return Value

A list of one or more parent features that spawn this topology element.
A geodatabase-related exception has occurred.
public void FindClosestElement()
  using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\TestData\GrandTeton.gdb"))))
  using (Topology topology = geodatabase.OpenDataset<Topology>("Backcountry_Topology"))
    // Build a topology graph using the extent of the topology dataset.

    topology.BuildGraph(topology.GetExtent(), (topologyGraph) =>
      MapPoint queryPointViaCampsites12 = null;

      using (Feature campsites12 = GetFeature(geodatabase, "Campsites", 12))
        queryPointViaCampsites12 = campsites12.GetShape() as MapPoint;

      double searchRadius = 1.0;

      TopologyElement topologyElementViaCampsites12 = 
                    queryPointViaCampsites12, searchRadius);

        topologyElementViaCampsites12 != null, "There should be a topology element corresponding to 'queryPointViaCampsites12' within the 'searchRadius' units.");

      IReadOnlyList<FeatureInfo> parentFeatures = topologyElementViaCampsites12.GetParentFeatures();

      Console.WriteLine("The parent features that spawn 'topologyElementViaCampsites12' are:");
      foreach (FeatureInfo parentFeature in parentFeatures)
        Console.WriteLine($"\t{parentFeature.FeatureClassName}; OID: {parentFeature.ObjectID}");

      TopologyNode topologyNodeViaCampsites12 = topologyGraph.FindClosestElement<TopologyNode>(queryPointViaCampsites12, searchRadius);

      if (topologyNodeViaCampsites12 != null)
        // There exists a TopologyNode nearest to the query point within searchRadius units.

      TopologyEdge topologyEdgeViaCampsites12 = topologyGraph.FindClosestElement<TopologyEdge>(queryPointViaCampsites12, searchRadius);

      if (topologyEdgeViaCampsites12 != null)
        // There exists a TopologyEdge nearest to the query point within searchRadius units.

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also