ArcGIS Pro 3.4 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / EnvelopeBuilderEx Class / HasM Property
Example Version

HasM Property (EnvelopeBuilderEx)
Gets or sets a value indicating if the EnvelopeBuilderEx recognizes M-values also known as M-awareness.
public override bool HasM {get; set;}
When HasM is false, MMin and MMax are always NaN.
Update Coordinates of an Envelope
Coordinate2D minCoord = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);
Coordinate2D maxCoord = new Coordinate2D(2, 4);

Coordinate2D c1 = new Coordinate2D(0, 5);
Coordinate2D c2 = new Coordinate2D(1, 3);

// use the EnvelopeBuilderEx.  This constructor doesn't need to run on the MCT.

EnvelopeBuilderEx builderEx = new EnvelopeBuilderEx(minCoord, maxCoord);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, Zmin, MMin  = 1, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 2, 4, 0, double.Nan

// set XMin.  if XMin > XMax; both XMin and XMax change
builderEx.XMin = 6;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 6, 4, 0, double.Nan

// set XMax
builderEx.XMax = 8;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 6, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 8, 4, 0, double.Nan

// set XMax.  if XMax < XMin, both XMin and XMax change
builderEx.XMax = 3;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 3, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan

// set YMin
builderEx.YMin = 2;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, 0, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 0, double.Nan

// set ZMin.  if ZMin > ZMax, both ZMin and ZMax change
builderEx.ZMin = 3;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, 3, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 3, double.Nan

// set ZMax.  if ZMax < ZMin. both ZMin and ZMax change
builderEx.ZMax = -1;
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, -1, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, -1, double.Nan

builderEx.SetZCoords(8, -5);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 3, 2, -5, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 3, 4, 8, double.Nan

builderEx.SetXYCoords(c1, c2);
// builderEx.XMin, YMin, ZMin, MMin  = 0, 3, -5, double.Nan
// builderEx.XMax, YMax, ZMax, MMax = 1, 5, 8, double.Nan

builderEx.HasM = true;
builderEx.SetMCoords(2, 5);

var geomEx = builderEx.ToGeometry();

Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
See Also