See what's new and improved in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.
Video overview
This video was created by the ArcGIS Pro development teams and the product support teams to highlight new functionality in this release.
The Highlights section includes featured new functionality.
Cloud data warehouse support
ArcGIS Pro 2.9 supports access to cloud data warehouses to allow you to view, analyze, and publish subsets of data. You can connect to Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, or Snowflake.
- After connecting, you can enable feature binning on tables in Google BigQuery or Snowflake to draw aggregated features at different scales. This makes it possible to view large numbers of features in a usable format.
- You can create a query layer to add data to the map for analysis. When you create a query layer, you can create a materialized view to store the SQL query in the data warehouse to improve query performance.
- You can publish a map image layer to share the subset of data defined in the query layer with others in your ArcGIS Enterprise organization. When you publish, you can reference the query layer, create a materialized view that the layer will reference instead, or create a snapshot that will copy the data to the portal's relational data store.
Knowledge graphs
You can use ArcGIS Pro with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 to create a knowledge graph in the Enterprise portal that uses a new ArcGIS Data Store graph store. Knowledge graphs model real-world systems in a nonspatial manner, using entities to represent real-world objects and relationships to establish connections between them. A knowledge graph can reference documents to support the facts and relationships it establishes. You use ArcGIS Pro to load data into a knowledge graph and edit its contents.
You can visualize and analyze the knowledge graph with link charts, and use the link analysis capabilities provided by ArcGIS Knowledge to find the shortest paths between entities, or establish which entities are the most central or influential to the graph.
You can add a knowledge graph to a map or scene alongside traditional GIS data. Use geoprocessing tools to spatially analyze knowledge graph feature layers. For example, you can identify an entity’s proximity to other spatial features.
To create and interact with a knowledge graph, you must be signed in to the Enterprise portal and have an ArcGIS Knowledge user type extension.
Dynamic feature clustering
Use feature clustering to dynamically aggregate point features with changes to scale and extent. You can control the amount of clustering by setting a scale threshold and the distance between clusters.
Clusters are represented with single symbol, unique values, proportional symbols, or unclassed colors symbology based on a summary statistic field. Clusters include a categorical or numeric text symbol representing the summary statistic field or the result of an expression.
You can share a clustered feature layer as a web feature layer or map image layer to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise, and consume the web layer in ArcGIS Pro.
Animated symbols
Animated marker symbol layers can be added to symbols to add movement to otherwise static data in a map or scene. The speed, direction, and synchronicity of the animation is controlled by properties of the marker symbol layer or by attribute-driven symbology. You can make your own animated symbols from animated GIF (.gif) or glTF (.glTF) files, or start with animated symbols in the system styles and modify them as necessary.
Two new system styles containing animated symbols have been added to the application. See static thumbnails of all the new animated symbols in these styles in the Animated style PDF guide and the 3D Animated style PDF guide. Two examples are shown here.
Linear Referencing user interface
Linear referencing allows you to store and display data using relative positions along measured line features. The new Linear Referencing ribbon appears when an m-aware layer is present in the Contents pane of an active map. The new tab organizes common linear referencing tools and workflows. You can view route measures in pop-ups, assign a route identifier to a layer, and find routes.
In addition, you can visualize events from the Contents pane of a map by right-clicking a stand-alone table and selecting Display Route Events.
PDF To TIFF geoprocessing tool
The PDF To TIFF geoprocessing tool exports a PDF file to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). If the input PDF file includes georeferencing information, the output TIFF file can be a GeoTIFF. A GeoTIFF file can be viewed in ArcGIS Pro and used to digitize features. The tool supports both GeoPDF and ISO standards of georeferenced PDF documents.
Presence-only prediction
The Presence-only Prediction (MaxEnt) geoprocessing tool estimates the presence of a phenomenon in a study area using previously known presence locations and explanatory factors. The tool can be applied to problems where only presence is known, and absence is not. For example, a wildlife ecologist has collected field data of locations of a plant species, and wants to predict the locations of the plant in a larger study area. Using the known locations of the plant and underlying factors such as precipitation and solar radiation, the ecologist can create a map of locations where the plant species is most likely to be found.
Performance and productivity
Performance and productivity have been improved throughout ArcGIS Pro. A few examples are listed here; more are found throughout the topic.
- Map export time is significantly reduced for maps with many masking layers.
- In the 3D labeling engine, the frame rate is increased.
- Scene elevation surface calculations run faster for views that use certain camera locations (antimeridian, poles).
- In Business Analyst, layer enrichment is substantially faster.
- For Network Analyst OD Cost Matrix analyses done using the arcpy.nax Python solver object, the solve() method runs considerably faster depending on your parameters. (This performance improvement does not apply when you use an OD Cost Matrix analysis layer in a map.)
- You can set catalog browsing options to display folder connections as full paths, restore catalog views to saved locations when you reopen a project, and specify whether browse dialog boxes open to last-used locations.
- You can open stand-alone tables from the Catalog pane or a catalog view without adding the table to a map.
- Graphic elements such as points, lines, polygons, and text can be converted to features with the Graphics To Features geoprocessing tool. Likewise, features can be converted to graphics with the Features To Graphics tool.
Get started
- System administrators can manage application settings in the following areas:
- Diagnostic Monitor displays status information, a task list, and an event log for the current ArcGIS Pro session.
Analysis and geoprocessing
- In the Geoprocessing pane, you can add your favorite tools to the My Favorites section of the Favorites tab. Your favorite tools appear in all projects.
- You can create toolboxes in a new ArcGIS toolbox format that are stored with the .atbx file extension. This format represents the next generation of geoprocessing toolbox, tool, script, and model storage, and will be the default format at the next major release of ArcGIS Pro. You can create toolsets, add new model and script tools, change properties, and copy tools from legacy toolboxes (.tbx file) into the new toolbox format.
- Several geoprocessing tools that consume credits have a credit estimator that appears on a banner when the tool is opened in the Geoprocessing pane.
- Hosted geoprocessing sample and code sample items from ArcGIS Online or your portal can be discovered, downloaded, and added to a project.
- When you run geoprocessing tools using ArcPy in a notebook, the tool result is displayed as a rich representation with messages that may contain formatted elements such as tables, images, bullet lists, and hyperlinks.
- The tool properties dialog box has an improved design. New functionality allows you to embed and password protect script and model tools, edit script tool execution code, and more.
- A new geoprocessing option allows you to open the messages window automatically after running a tool.
- Bar charts, line charts, and scatter plots can display multiple series as a grid of mini charts to facilitate comparison of trends and patterns.
- You can split scatter plots by a categorical field and display each series with a distinct color.
- You can export charts at a specified width and height.
Data Engineering
- Export the statistics in the fields panel to a single table or separate tables for each field type (numeric, text, and date) using the Field Statistics To Table tool. The tool can be accessed from the Menu button
in the statistics panel.
- Open the Data Engineering view from a layer attribute table or its Fields view.
- Access attribute table fields directly from the fields panel.
- Cancel the calculation of statistics.
- Drag one or more fields from the fields panel into geoprocessing tool parameters that accept input fields.
- The fields panel displays a count of the number of fields in the layer, as well as a count of the number of fields matching a filter or search criteria.
Geoprocessing services
- Save offline service definitions for web tools and geoprocessing services.
- Overwrite geoprocessing services on a stand-alone server.
- Publish web tools to ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes.
- Save model edits automatically.
- ModelBuilder report views support finding and replacing model element names and values.
- Export the output of the Collect Values tool to a table.
- Use the Zoom In
and Zoom Out
tools to draw rectangles in a ModelBuilder view.
- Open a model as a geoprocessing tool with the Open Tool button
on the ModelBuilder ribbon tab or with the keyboard shortcut Shift+T.
- New model views open with a tip for getting started and a link to documentation.
Raster functions
New raster functions:
- Dimensional Moving Statistics—Calculates statistics over a moving window on multidimensional data along a specified dimension.
Requires a Spatial Analyst or Image Analyst extension license.
- Interpolate Raster By Dimension—Interpolates a multidimensional raster at specified dimension values using adjacent slices.
Requires an Image Analyst extension license.
Enhanced raster functions:
- Aggregate Multidimensional—A new Percentile statistics operation is available. This operation enables a new Percentile Value parameter. When the statistics operation is Median or Percentile, a new Percentile Interpolation Type parameter is enabled.
Requires an Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst extension license.
- Cell Statistics—A new Percentile statistics operation is available. This operation enables a new Percentile Value parameter. When the statistics operation is Median or Percentile, a new Percentile Interpolation Type parameter is enabled.
Requires an Image Analyst or Spatial Analyst extension license.
- Compute Change—Use the new Field Name For Class Names In From Raster and Field Name For Class Names In To Raster parameters to update field names to account for class transitions. The Use Color Method parameter was renamed Define Transition Colors.
Requires an Image Analyst extension license.
- Composite Bands—A new Cellsize Type parameter has been added.
3D Analyst extension
- A new renderer for terrain dataset dirty areas shows where the dataset needs to be rebuilt.
- Terrain datasets now support constrained Delaunay triangulation.
- A new dynamic level of detail option for LAS datasets maximizes the number of points drawn when the dataset is filtered. The dataset must have a valid pyramid.
- The interactive LAS Power Line selection tool now supports double-clicking a point or group of points in addition to digitizing a polygon around points.
See 3D Analyst toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Business Analyst extension
- Estimated credit consumption is shown when you run geoprocessing tools such as Enrich Layer, Summary Reports, and tools that generate drive times.
- Layer enrichment performs up to eight times faster than in earlier versions of ArcGIS Pro.
- ArcGIS API for Python can be used to discover Business Analyst local datasets.
- You can use the new Wind Rose report to visualize the distribution of location points around a site.
Territory Design
See Territory Design toolbox for the latest geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Image Analyst extension
Motion imagery
- When a video file is loaded, individual elements associated with the files, such as Frame Center, Frame Outline, Platform Trail, and Platform Position, are listed. You can turn them on and off in the map view.
- Command Search now provides access to property sheets in dialog boxes.
- When you right-click in a video frame in the video player, video search extent coordinates are automatically loaded into the Video Search pane.
- A set of point, polyline, and polygon annotation templates is available in the General section of the Full Motion Video options. You can also specify custom templates.
- You can display features in KML and KMZ format in the video player and map.
Stereo mapping
- In a stereo map view, the next stereo pair can be automatically loaded as you pan across the data.
Geoprocessing tools
See Image Analyst toolbox for the complete list of geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Raster functions
See Raster functions for the complete list of raster function enhancements. Raster functions that require an Image Analyst extension license are identified.
Network Analyst extension
- Use the Ignore invalid locations at solve time setting to run network analysis on valid locations only. This setting can be enabled on geoprocessing tools that make analysis layers or in the Layer Properties dialog box for a network analysis layer.
- Visualize and customize network dataset layer symbology in the Symbology pane.
- Turn-by-turn directions are supported in Slovak (sk).
See the Network Analyst module in the Python section for Python enhancements.
Spatial Analyst extension
Suitability Modeler
- The Suitability Modeler can now also be run on servers using ArcGIS Pro as a client. This requires you to be signed in to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has ArcGIS Image Server configured for raster analytics.
- A new Output type parameter on the Suitability and Locate tabs allows you to select between running the suitability modeling workflow locally or on servers.
- You can use the new Sources tab to see the sources for each criterion, identify which criteria in the model are transformed, and change the source for a criterion. This tab can also be used to convert local criteria into web imagery layers, which are the required input to run the analysis on servers.
- On the Range of Classes tab in the Transformation pane, you can now enter suitability values directly into the transformation table. Use the Classify button to change the number of classes and select from seven classification methods.
Geoprocessing tools
See Spatial Analyst toolbox for the complete list of geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Raster functions
See Raster functions for the complete list of raster function enhancements. Raster functions that require a Spatial Analyst extension license are identified.
Geoprocessing tools
3D Analyst toolbox
3D Features toolset > Extraction toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Extract Power Lines From Point Cloud—Chordal sag and distance to sag points have been added to the attribute table.
- Regularize Building Footprint—A new Circle method is available. The Any Angles method has new alignment parameters.
Point Cloud toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Extract LAS—Supports writing more LAS attributes, if present, with a point cloud scene layer input.
Point Cloud toolset > Classification (Deep Learning) toolset
New tools:
- Evaluate Point Cloud Classification Model—Evaluates the quality of one or more point cloud classification models using a well-classified point cloud as a baseline for comparing the classification results obtained from each model.
Enhanced tools:
- Prepare Point Cloud Training Data—Shows a point count histogram in the message window.
- Train Point Cloud Classification Model —The Learning Rate Strategy parameter includes a Fixed Learning Rate option.
Raster toolset > Interpolation toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Natural Neighbor—Now processes very large input datasets, up to approximately 2 billion points.
Raster toolset > Reclass toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Slice:
- The Slice method parameter has four new options: Standard deviation (mean-centered), Standard deviation (mean as a break), Defined interval, and Geometric interval.
- The new Interval size parameter helps implement the following slice method options: Standard deviation (mean-centered), Standard deviation (mean as a break), and Defined interval.
- The new Change NoData to value for output parameter allows NoData values to be replaced by an integer in the output raster.
- The parameter labelled Base zone for output in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and earlier versions is now labeled Starting value for output.
Raster toolset > Surface toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Surface Parameters—The Parameter type parameter has four new options: Plan (projected contour) curvature, Contour geodesic torsion, Gaussian curvature, and Casorati curvature.
Visibility toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Skyline Graph—Creates an output image of the graph results.
Aviation toolbox
Airports toolset > Analysis toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Analyze Airport Features—The output table includes input feature distance from the displaced threshold, feature distance from the runway centerline, and feature distance from the end of the runway.
Airports toolset > Obstruction Identification Surfaces toolset
New tools:
- FAA 13A Runway Protection Surfaces—Generates runway protection surfaces based on the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A specifications. These surfaces can be used to perform obstacle analysis around an aerodrome. You can configure how these surfaces are generated using the Customize OIS utility in the ArcGIS Aviation Airports Product Files package.
Charting toolset > Data Exchange toolset
New tools:
- Export AIXM 5.1 Message—Exports Aeronautical Information System (AIS) data to a standard AIXM 5.1 .xml file.
Charting toolset > Data Management toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Generate Aviation Cartographic Features—Honors the MapId_Txt value of the input AirspaceAreas and AirspaceLines features.
Cartography toolbox
Generalization toolset
New tools:
- Collapse Hydro Polygon—Collapses or partially collapses hydro polygons to a centerline based on a collapse width.
Conversion toolbox
From PDF toolset
New tools:
- PDF To TIFF—Exports a PDF to Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). See PDF to TIFF geoprocessing tool in the Highlights section.
Graphics toolset
New tools:
- Features To Graphics—Converts an input layer's symbolized features to graphic elements in a graphics layer.
- Graphics To Features—Converts an input graphics layer's elements to a feature layer. Only one geometry type at a time can be converted.
SAS toolset
Enhanced tools:
- SAS To Table and Table To SAS—Added support for remote deployments of SAS, including Workspace Server, UNIX, and Mainframe.
To Raster toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Multipatch To Raster—A new Cell assignment method parameter allows cell value assignment using the maximum or minimum z-value detected at cell center locations.
Transit Feed (GTFS) toolset
- The tools in this toolset were moved and renamed. See the Conversion toolset in the Public Transit Tools toolbox for details.
Data Management toolbox
Distributed Geodatabase toolset
New tools:
- Create Replica From Server—Creates a replica using a specified list of feature classes, layers, feature datasets, and tables from a remote geodatabase using a geodata service published on ArcGIS Server.
- Export Acknowledgement Message—Creates an output acknowledgement file to acknowledge the reception of previously received data change messages.
- Export Data Change Message—Creates an output delta file containing updates from an input replica.
- Import Message— Imports changes from a delta file into a replica geodatabase or imports an acknowledgment message into a replica geodatabase.
- Re-export Unacknowledged Messages—Creates an output delta file containing unacknowledged replica updates from a one-way or two-way replica geodatabase.
These tools were previously available in ArcGIS Desktop. They are new in ArcGIS Pro.
Enhanced tools:
- Create replica—Two new parameters have been added: Output Type and XML file to replicate data to. The Geodatabase to replicate data to parameter is now optional.
Features toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Check Geometry and Repair Geometry—Support feature classes stored in an enterprise database, OGC GeoPackage, or SQLite database.
Fields toolset
New tools:
- Field Statistics To Table—Creates a table of descriptive statistics for one or more input fields in a table or feature class.
Geodatabase Administration toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Create Enterprise Geodatabase—A new Spatial Type parameter allows you to specify whether the geodatabase you create in PostgreSQL will use the Esri ST_Geometry spatial type or a PostGIS spatial type.
Package toolset > Scene Layers toolset
New tools:
- Create Voxel Scene Layer Content—Creates a scene layer package (.slpk file) from a voxel layer input.
Enhanced tools:
- Create 3D Object Scene Layer Content (formerly Create 3D Object Scene Layer Package)—Includes a Target Cloud Connection parameter that supports output to a cloud store. The Output Scene Layer Package parameter is optional.
- Create Building Scene Layer Content (formerly Create Building Scene Layer Package)—Includes a Target Cloud Connection parameter that supports output to a cloud store. The Output Scene Layer Package parameter is optional.
- Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Content (formerly Create Integrated Mesh Scene Layer Package)—The Texture Optimization parameter has new All and Mobile options.
- Point Scene Layer Content (formerly Create Point Scene Layer Package)—Includes a Target Cloud Connection parameter that supports output to a cloud store. The Output Scene Layer Package parameter is optional.
In addition, the Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Package tool has been renamed Create Point Cloud Scene Layer Content.
Raster toolset > Raster Dataset toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Copy Raster—Supports the Zarr output format (.zarr file).
- Create Raster Dataset—A raster dataset created in CRF format is expandable. The extent of an expandable CRF is adjusted automatically by other tools that accept CRF as an input.
Raster toolset > Raster Properties toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Build Raster Attribute Table—The new Convert colormap parameter outputs a raster attribute table with Red, Green, and Blue fields that contain color values from the color map.
- Set Raster Properties—Supports the Multidimensional information parameter, which converts a dimensionless raster into a multidimensional raster.
Workspace toolset
New tools:
- Refresh Excel—Refreshes a Microsoft Excel file in ArcGIS Pro.
Enhanced tools:
- Create Spatial Type—Supports adding ST_Geometry to an enterprise geodatabase that was created in PostgreSQL to use only PostGIS spatial types. (Previously, you could run the tool only on databases.)
Defense toolbox
Gridded Reference Graphic toolset > Number and Letter toolset
New tools:
- Letter Features—Adds a sequential letter to a new or existing field of a set of input features.
- Letter Intersections—Identifies intersections in a line feature class and adds sequential letters to an output set of point features.
- Number Features by Sector—Adds a sequential number to a new or existing field of a set of input features based on a geographic grouping to which the features belong.
Enhanced tools:
- Number Features—Four new parameters have been added: Starting With, Increment By, Center Point, and Add Distance and Bearing to Center. The Spatial Sort Method parameter has three new options: Center, Spiral right, and Spiral left.
GeoAnalytics Desktop toolbox
Summarize Data toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Summarize Within—Added weighted standard deviation and weighted variance summary statistics.
Use Proximity toolset
New tools:
- Group By Proximity—Groups features that are within spatial or spatiotemporal proximity of each other.
GeoAnalytics Server toolbox
Summarize Data toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Summarize Within—Added weighted standard deviation and weighted variance summary statistics.
Use Proximity toolset
New tools:
- Group By Proximity—Groups features that are within spatial or spatiotemporal proximity of each other.
Geocoding toolbox
Enhanced tools:
- Create Locator—Locators for Japan can now be created in Japanese or English. The Country or Region parameter supports Japan. The Language Code parameter supports Japanese.
- Geocode Addresses:
- The Location Only option of the Output Fields parameter supports rematching geocode results.
- The Input Address Fields parameter has a new Single Field and Country Field option. Use this option when the complete address and country are split into separate fields such as Address (303 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308) and Country (USA).
Portal toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Geocode File and Geocode Locations From Table:
- The Location Only option of the Output Fields parameter supports rematching geocode results.
- The Address Field Mapping parameter has a new Single Field and Country Field option. Use this option when the complete address and country are split into separate fields such as Address (303 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30308) and Country (USA).
Image Analyst toolbox
Change Detection toolset
Enhanced tools:
- The Compute Change Raster—Two new parameters have been added: From Classes and To Classes.
Classification and Pattern Recognition toolset
New tools:
- Train K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier—Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classification method.
Enhanced tools:
- Create Accuracy Assessment Points—Supports multidimensional rasters and has a new Dimension Field for Feature Class parameter.
- Train Random Trees Regression Model—Three new parameters have been added: Percent of Samples for Testing, Output Scatter Plots, and Output Sample Features.
- The Update Accuracy Assessment Points—Supports multidimensional rasters and has two new parameters: Dimension Field for Feature Class and Dimension Field for Test Points.
Deep Learning toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Export Training Data For Deep Learning:
- The Metadata Format parameter has a new Imagenet keyword option for object classification and object tracking. The RCNN Masks keyword has been enhanced to not only be used for object detection, but also for object tracking.
- The Crop Mode parameter is now applicable when the ImageNet keyword is set.
- Train Deep Learning Model:
- The Input Training Data parameter accepts multiple folders as an input.
- The Model Type parameter has three new keyword options: Siam Mask, MMDetection, and MMSegmentation.
- The Model Arguments parameter has a new monitor keyword option. This keyword specifies a metric that determines whether the tool should stop training.
- Several additional deep learning models are supported, including SIAMMASK, PIX2PIXHD, MMDETECTION, DEEPSORT, and MMSEGMENTATION.
Multidimensional Analysis toolset
New tools:
- Dimensional Moving Statistics—Calculates statistics over a moving window on multidimensional data along a specified dimension.
- Multidimensional Principal Components—Transforms multidimensional rasters into their principal components, loadings, and eigenvalues.
Statistical toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Cell Statistics—A new Percentile overlay statistic option is available. This option enables the Percentile value parameter. A new Percentile interpolation type parameter is available when the overlay statistic is Percentile or Median.
Indoors toolbox
Enhanced tools:
- Create Indoors Database—Creates a geodatabase with a streamlined schema of the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model and contains a new Coordinate System parameter.
- Import BIM To Indoor Dataset tool:
- A new Room Properties Mapping parameter maps extended properties from the Rooms layer in the source BIM file to the Units feature class.
- Four new parameters have been added to identify target feature classes: Target Unit Features, Target Detail Features, Target Level Features, and Target Facility Features. Target features can be contained in a file geodatabase, enterprise geodatabase, or feature service.
- New Facility Name, Facility ID, and Allow insert of new overlapping facility parameters have been added.
- Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase—New parameters have been added to identify target feature classes: Target Unit Features, Target Detail Features, Target Level Features, Target Facility Features, Target Section Features, and Target Zone Features. Target features can be contained in a file geodatabase, enterprise geodatabase, or feature service.
The Configure Indoor Positioning tool will be deprecated at the next major release of ArcGIS Pro. Use the Enable Indoor Positioning tool in the Indoor Positioning toolbox to configure your indoor positioning system.
Intelligence toolbox
Movement toolset
New tools:
- Select Movement Tracks—Selects movement tracks that intersect an area of interest.
- Find Frequented Locations—Identifies locations where multiple unique movement tracks have dwelled for a defined time period.
Enhanced tools:
- Find Meeting Locations—New Minimum Meeting Duration and Maximum Meeting Duration filters have been added.
Location Referencing toolbox
New tools:
- Calculate Route Concurrencies—Calculates and reports concurrent route sections in an LRS Network if the routes share the same centerline.
Configuration toolset > LRS Event toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Configure External Event With LRS—The Reverse Rule parameter has been added to specify the event behavior rule for the new reverse route editing activity. Stay put, Retire, and Move are the supported event behavior rules for route reversal.
- Modify Event Behavior Rules:
- A Reverse Rule parameter has been added to specify the event behavior rule for the new reverse route editing activity. Stay put, Retire, and Move are the supported event behavior rules for route reversal.
- A new Cover behavior rule has been added for the extend route and realign route editing activities.
- A new Snap behavior rule has been added for the realign route editing activity.
Configuration toolset > LRS Network toolset
New tools:
- Configure Route Dominance Rules—Configures a set of rules to determine the dominant route in a network where there are concurrent routes.
Learn more about route dominance and concurrent routes in Pipeline Referencing or route dominance and concurrent routes in Roads and Highways.
Enhanced tools:
- Configure External Event With LRS—A Reverse Rule parameter has been added to specify the event behavior rule for the new reverse route editing activity. Stay put, Retire, and Move are the supported event behavior rules for route reversal.
- Modify Network Calibration Rules—A new Update route measures in cartographic realignment parameter specifies whether route measures will be recalibrated based on length changes during cartographic realignment.
Maritime toolbox
S-100 toolset
Enhanced tools:
- The Convert S-57 to S-101 Cell tool includes updates to configuration options to support IHO conversion guidance.
S-57 toolset
New tools:
- Generate Depth Areas—Creates depth area polygon features using a TIN to query depth information and find whether a closed contour is trending deeper or shallower.
- Generate Land Areas—Creates land area polygon features by examining existing land topology features, such as coastline and shoreline construction, and splitting the area of interest into polygons.
Parcel toolbox
Enhanced tools:
- Import Parcel Fabric Points—A new Update And Create Options parameter specifies whether points will be updated, created, or both.
Administration toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Upgrade ArcMap Parcel Fabric—A new Delete identical overlapping lines parameter specifies whether identical, coincident lines are deleted during the upgrade process.
Public Transit toolbox
The Public Transit Tools toolbox is new at this release.
Analysis toolset
New tools:
- Calculate Transit Service Frequency—Calculates the frequency of scheduled public transit service available within one or more specified time windows at public transit stops, along public transit lines, at points of interest, or in areas.
Conversion toolset
The tools formerly in the Transit Feed (GTFS) toolset of the Conversion toolbox were moved to this toolset and renamed as follows:
- GTFS To Network Dataset Transit Sources is now GTFS To Public Transit Data Model.
- Connect Network Dataset Transit Sources To Streets is now Connect Public Transit Data Model To Streets.
Raster Analysis toolbox
- Many raster analysis tools that output a raster now support the pyramid environment.
Server toolbox
Caching toolset
New tools:
- Convert Map Server Cache Storage Format—Converts the storage of a web map image layer in ArcGIS Enterprise, or of a map or image service cache on a stand-alone server, between the exploded format and the compactV2 format.
- Manage Map Server Cache Scales—Updates the scale levels of a web map image layer in ArcGIS Enterprise or in a cached map or image service on a stand-alone server.
These tools were previously available in ArcGIS Desktop. They are new in ArcGIS Pro.
Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox
Space Time Pattern Analysis Toolset
New tools:
- Change Point Detection—Detects time steps when a statistical property of the time series changes for each location of a space-time cube.
Time Series Forecasting toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Forest-based Forecast—Includes the ability to incorporate explanatory variables in the forecasts and estimate lagged effects between the variables.
Spatial Analyst toolbox
Interpolation toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Natural Neighbor—Processes very large input datasets, up to approximately 2 billion points.
Local toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Cell Statistics—A new Percentile overlay statistic option is available. This option enables the Percentile value parameter. A new Percentile interpolation type parameter is available when the overlay statistic is Percentile or Median.
Multidimensional Analysis toolset
New tools:
- Dimensional Moving Statistics—Calculates statistics over a moving window on multidimensional data along a specified dimension.
Reclass toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Slice:
- The Slice method parameter has four new options: Standard deviation (mean-centered), Standard deviation (mean as a break), Defined interval, and Geometric interval.
- The new Interval size parameter helps implement the following slice method options: Standard deviation (mean-centered), Standard deviation (mean as a break), and Defined interval.
- The new Change NoData to value for output parameter allows NoData values to be replaced by an integer in the output raster.
- The parameter labelled Base zone for output in ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and earlier versions is now labeled Starting value for output.
Segmentation and Classification toolset
New tools:
- Train K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier—Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classification method.
Enhanced tools:
- Create Accuracy Assessment Points—Supports multidimensional rasters and has a new Dimension Field for Feature Class parameter.
- Export Training Data For Deep Learning:
- The Metadata Format parameter has a new Imagenet keyword option for object classification and object tracking. The RCNN Masks keyword has been enhanced to not only be used for object detection, but also for object tracking.
- The Crop Mode parameter is now applicable when the ImageNet keyword is set.
- Update Accuracy Assessment Points—Supports multidimensional rasters and has two new parameters: Dimension Field for Feature Class and Dimension Field for Test Points.
Surface toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Surface Parameters—The Parameter type parameter has four new options: Plan (projected contour) curvature, Contour geodesic torsion, Gaussian curvature, and Casorati curvature.
Spatial Statistics toolbox
Mapping Clusters toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Spatial Outlier Detection—Added the ability to detect global spatial outliers in addition to local spatial outliers. Global outlier detection is now the default.
Modeling Spatial Relationships toolset
- Presence-only Prediction (MaxEnt)—Estimates the presence of a phenomenon in a study area using previously-known presence locations and explanatory factors. See Presence-only Prediction in the Highlights section.
Territory Design toolbox
Analysis toolset
New tools:
- Add Territory Seed Points—Creates a point feature that is used to determine the starting point for creating territories.
Topographic Production toolbox
Cartography toolset > Banding toolset
New tools:
- Generate Elevation Bands From Features—Generates band features that represent elevation levels on a map product.
Cartography toolset > Features toolset
New tools:
- Calculate Max Elevation Figures—Calculates the maximum elevation figures (MEF) for each polygon cell or quadrangle in a polygon layer.
- Generate Location Diagram Features—Generates location diagram features for a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) map sheet.
Data Management toolset > Features toolset
New tools:
- Merge Lines By Pseudo Node—Dissolves features where pseudo nodes occur.
Data Management toolset > Geodatabase toolset
New tools:
- Create Cross-Reference Geodatabase—Creates a cross-reference geodatabase that the Load Data tool uses to map source data to target data when loading batch data.
Workflow toolset > Data Management toolset
New tools:
- Create Task Group Jobs—Creates task group jobs based on the properties of an existing job.
- Set Task Group Dependencies—Creates dependencies between a job and other existing task group jobs based on the criteria defined in the extended properties.
Utility Network toolbox
Enhanced tools:
- Export Subnetwork:
- The new Include domain descriptions parameter allows you to include domain descriptions to communicate domain mapping for controllers, feature elements, connectivity, and associations in the output .json file.
- Asynchronous processing is supported by default for enterprise geodatabases with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.
- Trace:
- The Run in asynchronous mode on the server parameter allows you to process trace operations asynchronously for enterprise geodatabases with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.
- The Result Types parameter has two new options:
- Connectivity returns trace results as a connectivity graph of feature connections through geometric coincidence or connectivity associations. This option enables the new Output JSON parameter, which specifies the name and location of the .json file that is generated for the connectivity graph.
- Elements returns trace results as feature-based information in an output .json file. This option enables the new Output JSON parameter.
- Update Is Connected—Supports asynchronous processing by default for enterprise geodatabases with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.
Utility Network toolbox > Administration toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Disable Network Topology and Enable Network Topology—Support asynchronous processing by default for enterprise geodatabases with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions.
Data management and workflows
- The user-defined property sets of Civil 3D drawings are read as feature attributes.
- CAD file properties available from the context menu for CAD file items in the catalog can be used to gain insight into the contents and geospatial positioning information of the files.
- Support for Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 has been added.
Data Interoperability extension
- ArcGIS Pro 2.9 contains the Safe Software FME 2021.1.2 engine, which supports the following new formats and new and improved tools:
- Mobile geodatabase, Apache Parquet, HEIF, Uber H3, OGC Web Map Tile, OGC API Features, Pixar USD, and FME Augmented Reality formats
- New and improved transformers and FME Hub connectors, including enhancements to Esri ArcGIS Online Connector
- Improvements to Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader/Writer benefiting Trace Network and Utility Network enterprise users
- Updates to the user interface and user experience, including the following:
- The new FME Quick Translator ribbon tool
for the Quick Translator application.
- An improved Spatial ETL tool dialog box.
- Run quick tools from geoprocessing history using parameters from previous tool runs.
- The new FME Quick Translator ribbon tool
Data Reviewer
- Attribute rules, similar to map-based Reviewer rules, evaluate the quality of data and supersede map rules. Map-based Reviewer rules will be removed from ArcGIS Pro at the next major release.
- New checks to automate validation of data with Data Reviewer-enabled attribute rules are described in the following table. For a complete list of checks, view a poster of the checks available in Data Reviewer.
Check Description Find features that contain an elevation (z) change greater than a specified tolerance.
Find features or rows based on the results from multiple Reviewer checks.
Find polyline features that spatially intersect other polyline or polygon features a specified number of times.
Find features with z-values that fall within specified parameters.
Find polyline features that have dangles within a specified tolerance.
Find polyline features that are not connected to other features in the same data source or other data sources.
Find gaps between polygon features that are below a specified thinness ratio.
Find overlaps between polygon features that are below a specified thinness ratio.
Find polygon features with a thinness ratio below a specified threshold.
Find features and rows that contain text values that do not match a defined pattern.
Find rows in features classes and stand-alone tables that violate cardinality or relationship rules defined in a relationship class.
Find unclosed rings in polygon features.
Find rows in feature classes and stand-alone tables that contain values that are not unique in a field or a list of fields that are editable.
- The Feature on Feature check now supports a custom relationship based on the Dimensionally Extended 9-Intersection Model (DE-9IM) string you specify.
- Locators have a new Suggestions for partial subaddresses property that returns suggestions for subaddresses when only part of the subaddress is provided in the Locate pane or in Suggest REST requests. This setting can be enabled for locators based on the Point Address role that supports subaddresses.
- This property is supported for locators shared to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or published to ArcGIS Server 10.9.1.
- When you geocode a table, you can use the new One field and Country field option if the complete address and the country are split into separate fields, such as Address and Country.
- Review and rematch results produced by geocoding tools when the Location Only option is selected in the tool's Output Fields parameter.
- Three new tutorials guide you through the process of creating locators:
See Geocoding toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements. See Python > Geocoding module for Python enhancements.
Geodatabases and databases
- Geodatabase functionality can be enabled and disabled through a new Manage tab on a dataset's Properties dialog box. Learn more about this new interface for managing geodatabase functionality.
- File geodatabase datasets now include a Compression property to indicate whether the datasets are compressed or uncompressed.
- Versioning options for reconcile operations are found on the new Versioning tab of the Options dialog box. These options were previously located on the Editing tab.
- You can set a preference for displaying reconcile options to define and resolve conflicts.
- You can refresh a Microsoft Excel file in ArcGIS Pro to reflect updated data and schema edits made to the file outside of ArcGIS Pro.
- Use the
Create Replica from Server tool
to create a replica using a geodata service published on ArcGIS Server.
- You can use geodatabase replication in disconnected environments to create and synchronize replicas. When creating a replica for use in a disconnected environment, you can now replicate the data to an .xml file. Once the replica is created, disconnected synchronization is achieved through a process of message exchange using the following new tools:
See Data Management toolbox > Distributed Geodatabase toolset for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Attribute rules
- You can create and evaluate batch calculation and validation rules in a mobile geodatabase.
- When importing attribute rules from a .csv file in the attribute rules view, you can modify the imported attribute rules before saving changes.
- Performance improvements have been made for editing utility network associations using attribute rules that include the edit dictionary keyword in their script expression. Utility network rules are no longer included in the attribute rule evaluation process. These rules can be evaluated during network topology tasks such as enabling or validating a network topology.
Enterprise geodatabases and databases
- You can now make a database connection to Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL or Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server.
- The Create Enterprise Geodatabase and Create Spatial Type geoprocessing tools have been enhanced. See Data Management toolbox > Geodatabase Administration toolset and Data Management toolbox > Workspace toolset for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Cloud data warehouses
ArcGIS Pro 2.9 supports access to cloud data warehouses. See Cloud data warehouse support in the Highlights section.
Indoor positioning
- ArcGIS IPS is a new indoor positioning system (IPS) extension that provides accurate geolocation for a variety of indoor location use cases.
- Edit launch actions from the Configure Indoors Launch Actions pane.
- Create, edit, and remove launch actions in published web maps from the Configure Indoors Launch Actions pane.
- Create, edit, and remove categories in published web maps from the Configure Indoors Categories pane.
- The configuration file, used when importing CAD files to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model, contains a new worksheet for mapping CAD annotation to attribute fields.
- Share a floor-aware map with floor-aware layers as a map image layer-based web map.
- Update a feature layer-based web map's floor-aware properties in ArcGIS Pro.
- The ArcGIS Indoors Information Model contains a streamlined schema and a new Reservations feature class to support workspace reservations in Indoor Viewer and the Indoors mobile apps.
- Loading updated CAD and BIM floor plans now preserves attributes used for space planning and workspace reservations as well as custom modeled attributes. Loading floor plans is supported for branch version scenarios.
See Indoors toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Knowledge graphs
- ArcGIS Knowledge is a new user type extension available with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. It allows you to create knowledge graphs to simulate real-world systems in a nonspatial manner. See Knowledge graphs in the Highlights section.
Linear referencing
- The Linear Referencing tab on the ribbon provides a new way to manage, visualize, and process measured data. See Linear Referencing UI in the Highlights section.
- ArcGIS Arcade is now supported for step verification actions. Arcade verification expressions can both query the data and evaluate spatial and topological relationships between features.
Workflow Manager
- View and manage job properties in the Workflow pane.
- Shared searches in the Workflow pane now appear in the same order as in the Workflow Manager web app.
- Job tiles in the Workflow pane have been enhanced to show the job name, job assignment, and first three display fields configured in the shared search.
- The Sort button in the Workflow pane has been enhanced to provide additional job sorting options.
- Comments can be added to steps that are configured to allow them.
- Link Cursors
displays and synchronizes the active pointer in all views when you edit or measure features across multiple map views.
- Snapping settings
are available on the Editor Settings dialog box.
- The Attributes pane
includes the following enhancements for editing feature attributes:
- You can edit field values for feature classes or related tables that are not in the current project.
- Field border colors indicate whether a selected field is read-only or is actively being edited.
- You can follow a hyperlink in a text field by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the field text.
- The Auto Update setting for contingent values in the source attribute table is recognized by the Attributes pane. If it is turned on, contingent field values update when a unique combination is encountered.
- Table templates include the following enhancements:
- They are visible and available in the Attributes and Create Features panes.
- They can be filtered and searched in the Create Features pane.
- When you add a table template to a feature template, you can specify the number of records (rows) to create for each new feature.
- The Planarize tool
updates COGO attributes when they exist.
- In the editing options, you can choose whether or not the Move tool
is automatically activated when you paste features from the clipboard.
- On the segment construction toolbar, the Vertex Editing tool
can be turned on or off when you draw polyline or polygon feature geometry. When vertex editing is turned off, you can draw a closed polyline feature with the last segment vertex at the same location as the first vertex.
- When you select features for editing, notifications about filtered selections and feature editability appear as warnings and messages in editing panes for specific tools.
- Links to reference documentation have been added to modal dialog boxes, such as the Stream Options dialog box for the streaming feature construction tool
- The Save Edits and Discard Edits dialog boxes have a check box that allows you not to show the dialog box again. These settings can also be made in the editing options.
- Editing tools that modify utility network features now include a Stretch Topology command
and a Disconnect command
- When you edit feature vertices, you can pan and zoom to vertices using context menu commands in the geometry properties table of the Modify Features pane.
- Tangency is maintained in the traverse grid of a traverse line or curve. If a value in the Direction field is preceded by an asterisk, the line or curve remains tangent to the previous direction.
Parcel fabric
- Configured data quality layers are available for parcel fabric feature layers. These layers have been specifically configured to show potential data quality issues in the parcel fabric.
- Easier import of optional attribute rules is now supported for parcel fabric feature classes.
- The SHAPE IS FIXED attribute rule is now a default attribute rule on the Points feature class.
- The Highlight command
can be used to find and highlight gaps and overlaps between parcels in the current map extent.
- Improved labeling of lines is available using the Label Position field on the parcel Lines and Connection Lines feature classes.
- Parcel fabrics are now supported on mobile geodatabases (SQLite) in a single-use deployment.
- History parcel shapes are now included in the record polygon shape. A Retired Count field stores the number of historic parcels that are part of the record.
Imagery and raster data
- Reference documentation for NITF data was moved to the new NITF support and NITF layer topics. In the ArcGIS Pro help system, browse to Data > Data Types > NITF for more information.
- Raster symbology can now render elevation data as shaded relief, merging the elevation and hillshade parameters to display a color 3D representation.
- The Classify symbology options now use more intuitive rules to determine the default number of decimal places to use when labeling classes.
- The Raster and Imagery options now allow a default color scheme for each renderer type.
See Raster toolset in the Data Management toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Mapping and visualization
- You can now use feature clustering to dynamically aggregate point features. See Dynamic feature clustering in the Highlights section.
- The new Features To Graphics and Graphics To Features geoprocessing tools allow you to convert features to graphics and vice versa. See An overview of the Graphics toolset to learn more about these tools.
- You can filter the list of layers in the Contents pane of a map or scene by the following new criteria:
- Layers with a visibility range set
- Stand-alone tables
- Time-enabled layers
- Range-enabled layers
- Layers with display filters enabled
- You can now adjust illumination properties in a scene interactively from the ribbon, using a time slider and configurable calendar to play through the sun position for a day or a year. Local scenes can be illuminated by time of day, matching the illumination properties available in global scenes.
- Selected 3D features in a scene display with darkened shadows to make them easier to see.
- You can flash a feature using crosshairs that lead toward the feature from a pop-up, a table view, or the Attributes pane.
- Maps shared as web maps include display filters on map layers. (Not all web map clients honor display filters.)
- You can now use nonstandard ArcGIS service URLs to add data from a path. If the service type cannot be determined from the URL, you must specify the service type on the Add Data From Path dialog box.
- You can manage the feature cache for web feature layers manually.
3D scenes and scene layers
- You can now author and consume voxel scene services from ArcGIS Online in ArcGIS Pro.
Geological model and sewage system underneath the state museum of Hesse in Darmstadt, Germany. Copyright 2021: Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology and TU Darmstadt. - You can create voxel scene layer packages using the Create Voxel Scene Layer Content tool.
- You can clip 3D Object and Point Cloud scene layer packages using the Clip tool.
- You can clip and reproject Integrated mesh, 3D Object, and Point Cloud scene layer packages in the Create Mobile Scene Package tool.
- Vector tile layers are supported in mobile scene packages.
- You can extract scene layer packages in a cloud store to the same cloud store using the Extract Package tool.
- You can extract scene layer packages to Google Cloud.
See Data Management toolbox > Package toolset > Scene Layers toolset for additional geoprocessing tool enhancements.
- Support for multiple ranges has been improved. New keyframes capture all range values and interpolate between them. Additionally, the current active range is captured with the keyframe so it can be applied when you zoom to a keyframe. The Animation Properties pane has new sections for layers and ranges to distinguish between active and locked ranges.
- Exported animations now smooth the transition between elevation levels of detail (LOD), improving the display of the elevation surface as the camera zooms in and out.
Annotation and labeling
- Text symbol callouts accept negative margin values.
- You can use the Auto Text tool
to add descriptive text to a graphics layer by clicking a feature.
- You can narrow the list of label classes shown on the Labeling Summary dialog box with new searching and filtering options.
- ArcGIS Pro 2.9 supports Arcade version 1.15. For a summary of new features, see Release Notes for versions later than version 1.14.
Coordinate systems and transformations
- The plate carrée projection now supports an oblique variation.
- Several new vertical transformations based on geoids, quasi-geoids, or other conversion grids are available. You can use them to transform to or between gravity-related vertical coordinate systems for the following areas: Australia, Austria, Azores (central and eastern islands), Canada, Canary Islands, Europe (EVRF 2007 and EVRF 2019), France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Exploratory analysis tools
- The Elevation Profile tool now provides an indicator warning on the profile graph if no ground surface data source is available or if the ground surface is unchecked in the Contents pane. This prevents a horizontal elevation profile graph from being drawn.
Export a map or layout
- When you export to PDF, you can now write georeference information for maps.
- A Print as image printing option has been added. This sends data to the printer as raster, rather than vector, content. This makes printing faster in some situations.
- You can now save legends, legend items, table frames, and table frame fields as style items to reuse in various layouts and projects. A few default style items have been added to the ArcGIS 2D system style.
- A new context menu button, Zoom to Last Active Map
, is available when you right-click a map frame. It allows you to navigate the map frame extent to the last active map view without activating the map frame. You can also use the Zoom to Map View button
on the Layout tab to zoom to any open map view in the project.
- Transparency can now be applied to pictures. Once a picture has been added, set the Transparency value on the Format tab.
- You can use the new Fit to Margins buttons to make selected elements the same size, width, or height as the printer margins on the page.
- Grid labels can be set parallel to the grid edges and grid tricks can be set perpendicular to grid edges, allowing further customization to grids.
- Twelve new graphics were added for use on layouts and in map graphic layers.
- Pop-up elements now include a title and caption.
- You can copy the record of a feature (or features) from the Pop-up pane context menu.
- You can use relative paths in hyperlinks for pop-up elements.
- When you explore related records in the tree portion of a pop-up, only the first 200 related records load automatically. Use the Load all button to see the remaining records.
- You can use subreports to include multiple report sections in a single report document.
- You can use dynamic images in Group Header and Group Footer report subsections.
Visual effects in scenes
- Visual effects for scenes allow you to represent content artistically. The available effects are Black and White, Cross Mosaic, Halftone, Hex Mosaic, Monochromatic, Toon, and Watercolor.
- Depth of Field is a new camera effect that adjusts focus and blur.
- The Manage Styles button
now appears on the Gallery tab of the Format Symbol pane. Click it to manage the project styles in a catalog view.
- You can now view the style classes and properties of the style together in a catalog view.
- Two new system styles containing animated symbols have been added to the application: Animated and 3D animated. See Animated symbols in the Highlights section.
- Legends, legend items, table frames, and table
frame fields are new style classes in styles. A few default style items have been added to the ArcGIS 2D system style. Pictured below are a few examples. See all style items in the ArcGIS 2D PDF guide.
- Legend style items:
- Legend item style items:
- Table frame style items:
- Table frame field style items:
- Legend style items:
- New symbols depicting electric charging stations have been added to three system styles: ArcGIS 2D, Primitives, and Pushpins. Each symbol is available in three sizes.
- Animated marker symbol layers can be added to symbols to add movement to a map or scene. See Animated symbols in the Highlights section.
- The Joint Military Symbology and NATO Joint Military Symbology dictionaries that are included in ArcGIS Pro now have a configuration option to define Control Measure Lines using ordered anchor points as defined in symbol specifications.
- The quality of the Tapered polygon symbol effect has been improved, especially for long, sinuous linear features.
- Line and polygon symbols can now be preserved when you share a web map to client applications that render CIM symbols. See the Share your work section for more information.
- For data management purposes, table views can now be opened independently of a map. Open a table directly from the Catalog pane or a catalog view.
- Stand-alone tables can now be added to group layers.
- You can now save a stand-alone table as a layer file (*.lyrx).
- Text fields in a table display a link for text that meets a combination of URI schemes and file extensions. You can define the URI schemes and file extensions used to recognize hyperlinks in a text field.
- You can use the Clear Sort button
at the bottom of a table view to clear the sort order on a field.
- The Evaluate Obstacle tool allows you to analyze obstacle features against an Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) to determine flight hazards in an aerodrome.
- The Terrain and Obstacle Profile (TOP) element has been updated to show shadowing obstacles along an approach path. You can use the Generate OIS Obstacle Data geoprocessing tool to configure shadowing features.
- You can add a vertical scale bar to your aeronautical chart. This map element can be used in conjunction with the TOP element for terrain and obstacle analysis.
Aviation Charting
- The Chart Changes tool now populates the AIS_ChartChanges table's ExtendedInformation field with geometry information from your chart.
- Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (IENC) and Bathymetric Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (bIENC) production are now supported.
- Maritime schemas are now part of the ArcGIS Maritime product files.
See Maritime toolbox for geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Military Symbology Editor
- The Military Symbology Editor data model now has a Symbol ID Code field that is updated based on changes made to a symbol.
Pipeline Referencing
- A new Reverse Route tool is available on the Location Referencing tab.
- Cover event behavior has been added for route extension and route realignment. When Cover is configured using the Modify Event Behavior Rules geoprocessing tool, events that touch the beginning or end of the route where a route is extended are stretched to cover the entirety of the extended portion. For route realignment, events that touched the realigned portion are stretched to cover the realigned portion as well.
- You can now add, move, and delete calibration points with core editing tools. These tools automatically update calibration on routes in the same way as the calibration point tools on the Location Referencing tab.
- An Exclude manual calibration from event behaviors option has been added for manual calibration point edits. This option regenerates the shape of impacted events without applying event behaviors.
- New cartographic realignment options allow you to ignore or delete calibration points located on a cartographically realigned area in a feature service.
- A new warning appears if a route edit that will result in gapped routes is added. You can turn off the warning in the Location Referencing options.
- An Update route measures in cartographic realignment configuration option has been added. When this option is enabled for an LRS Network, any routes in the network impacted by a centerline edit during cartographic realignment results in the change in centerline length being propagated to the measures on the route.
- Honor Referent Location is a new event behavior for cartographic realignments. When this behavior is configured, events impacted by a cartographic realignment are located by their referent location instead of their route and measure.
- Support for managing route dominance and concurrencies has been added with two new geoprocessing tools: Configure Route Dominance Rules and Calculate Route Concurrencies. Additionally, concurrency support for cover event behavior has been added to the Extend Route and Realign Route tools on the Location Referencing tab. The tools support placing events with cover behavior onto the dominant route. You can view configured rules using the new LRS Network properties for route dominance.
- Snapping behavior is supported when you realign routes. You can configure the snapping behavior to be applied with the Modify Event Behavior Rules geoprocessing tool.
- New lock transfer capabilities assist in conflict prevention. Locks can now be transferred between LRS users in both ArcGIS Pro and Event Editor. To transfer a lock, a user must be in the same version in which the lock exists and the current lock owner can’t have an edit session open on that version.
- An enhancement to the geometryToMeasure REST endpoint orders the results based on distance.
See Location Referencing toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools in this release.
Roads and Highways
- A new Reverse Route tool is available on the Location Referencing tab.
- Cover event behavior has been added for route extension and route realignment. When cover is configured using the Modify Event Behavior Rules geoprocessing tool, events that touch the beginning or end of the route where a route is extended are stretched to cover the entirety of the extended portion. For route realignment, events that touched the realigned portion are stretched to cover the realigned portion as well.
- You can now add, move, and delete calibration points with core editing tools. These tools automatically update calibration on routes in the same way as the calibration point tools on the Location Referencing tab.
- An Exclude manual calibration from event behaviors option has been added for manual calibration point edits. This option regenerates the shape of impacted events without applying event behaviors.
- New cartographic realignment options allow you to ignore or delete calibration points located on a cartographically realigned area in a feature service.
- A new warning appears if a route edit that will result in gapped routes is added. You can turn off the warning in the Location Referencing options.
- An Update route measures in cartographic realignment configuration option has been added. When this option is enabled for an LRS Network, any routes in the network impacted by a centerline edit during cartographic realignment results in the change in centerline length being propagated to the measures on the route.
- Honor Referent Location is a new event behavior for cartographic realignments. When this behavior is configured, events impacted by a cartographic realignment are located by their referent location instead of their route and measure.
- Support for managing route dominance and concurrencies has been added with two new geoprocessing tools: Configure Route Dominance Rules and Calculate Route Concurrencies. Additionally, concurrency support for cover event behavior has been added to the Extend Route and Realign Route tools on the Location Referencing tab. The tools support placing events with cover behavior onto the dominant route. You can view configured rules using the new LRS Network properties for route dominance.
- Snapping behavior is supported when you realign routes. You can configure the snapping behavior to be applied with the Modify Event Behavior Rules geoprocessing tool.
- New lock transfer capabilities assist in conflict prevention. Locks can now be transferred between LRS users in both ArcGIS Pro and Event Editor. To transfer a lock, a user must be in the same version in which the lock exists and the current lock owner can’t have an edit session open on that version.
- An enhancement to the geometryToMeasure REST endpoint orders the results based on distance.
See Location Referencing toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools in this release.
- Customize your catalog browsing experience with a new set of options. See Performance and productivity in the Highlights section.
- You can now alias folder connections in your project.
- Menus for adding catalog connections have been streamlined.
- Catalog views and browse dialog boxes display badges for portal items. Badges indicate a range of item properties, such as how an item is shared and whether its content is authoritative.
- ArcGIS Pro now supports editing metadata that complies with the current INSPIRE Metadata Directive (version 2.0.1).
- New application settings give software administrators more control over metadata standards. See the Get started section for more information.
Share your work
- Publish query layers from cloud data warehouses as map image layers. You can configure the service to reference a materialized view or a snapshot of the data stored with the relational data store on the hosting server. Learn more about working with materialized views in Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake.
- Share local scenes in the WGS 1984 coordinate system as web scenes to ArcGIS Online.
- Publish a voxel scene layer in a local scene at the December 2021 release of ArcGIS Online. The web scene layer is cached locally.
- The Ensure map is set to allow assignment of unique IDs option has been added when you share or overwrite web feature layers, map image layers, or map services. This option analyzes your map to confirm that the Allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers option in Map Properties is enabled. Authoring your map with assigned layer and table IDs ensures that IDs remain static if the contents or layer ordering in your map change.
- When you share a web map, uncheck Use symbol types compatible with all clients to preserve line and polygon symbols as ArcGIS Pro symbols, also known as Esri Cartographic Information Model (CIM) symbols. (Previously, only 2D point symbols were supported.) Choose this option if your web map will be used in client applications that support rendering CIM symbols, such as Map Viewer or ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4x. Alternate symbols in the source map are also written to the web map when this option is unchecked.
Trace networks
- Trace networks are now supported in mobile geodatabases.
- You can migrate trace network datasets between geodatabases for staging and testing with the Export XML Workspace Document and Import XML Workspace Document tools.
- Two new Result Types options are available:
- Connectivity—Returns trace results as a connectivity graph of feature connections through geometric coincidence. This option enables the new Output JSON parameter that specifies the name and location of the .json file that is generated when returning the connectivity graph.
- Elements—Returns trace results as feature-based information in an output .json file. This option enables the new Output JSON parameter.
Utility networks
- Performance has been improved when you import associations through the Import Associations tool and when you create and edit associations through attribute rules.
- The full analytic capabilities of the utility network are supported in mobile geodatabases.
- You can migrate utility network datasets between geodatabases for staging and testing using Copy
and Paste
tools and the Export XML Workspace Document and Import XML Workspace Document geoprocessing tools.
- A new Error Inspector pane provides tools to understand and address errors identified for features and objects in the utility network. Additional information about selected errors is displayed on the Details tab.
- Traces can be configured to run asynchronously on the server with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 and later versions. In addition, new result types are available.
See Utility Network toolbox for additional geoprocessing tool enhancements.
Network diagrams
- Network diagrams are supported in mobile geodatabases.
- Network diagrams related to trace networks or utility networks can be migrated between geodatabases for staging and testing with the Export XML Workspace Document and Import XML Workspace Document tools. Those related to utility networks can also be migrated between geodatabases using Copy
and Paste
- The Trace rule supports the Shortest path trace type for a utility network.
- The Remove Feature rule allows you to remove junctions based on connectivity constraints.
- GDAL has been upgraded to version 3.3. This version includes
improvements to the Python bindings.
- Top-level imports of gdal, gdalconst, gdalnumeric, ogr, and osr are no longer supported, and should be converted to use the osgeo module. For example, convert import gdal to from osgeo import gdal.
- The new utility module osgeo_utils can be accessed with import osgeo_utils.
ArcGIS Notebooks
- Rich notebook representations of ArcPy objects including SpatialReference, Describe, Extent, and Result objects are available.
- SpatialReference objects can be created with their internal names.
- The setting of an invalid environment name with the arcpy.env class now fails with an AttributeError exception.
- The ValueTable object has the following improvements
- The getTrueValue method now returns native Python types.
- The setValue and setRow methods accept a list of native Python objects.
- When you create a ValueTable, the class constructor allows you specify the column types.
- A new getTrueRow method returns the row as a list of native Python types.
- A new addColumn method is available. It is equivalent to the existing setColumn method.
- A new TableToArrowTable function supports the conversion of a table or feature class to an Apache Arrow table.
- The GetPortalDescription function has a new orgCapabilities property that returns subscription information about the current portal by ID, for authentication of organizational extensions.
Geocoding module
- The following new Locator object properties are supported:
- supportedCategories
- supportedCountries
- sideOffset
- endOffset
- intersectionConnectors
- partialSubaddressSuggestions
- The geocode and geocodeWithSuggest methods support the outFields parameter for geocode services.
Image Analysis module
The following updates have been made to the Image Analysis module (arcpy.ia) in this release:
- Mensuration—Calculates measurements on an image with a sensor model, including point, distance, area, and feature height measurements.
- The Aggregate function has the new dimension parameter, and the Percentile option was added to the raster_function parameter.
Mapping module
The following changes have been made to the mapping module ( in this release:
- The listDefinitionQueries and updateDefinitionQueries methods have been added to the Layer and Table classes to support multiple definition queries.
- A timeDimension parameter has been added to the enableTime method on the Layer class to support NetCDF time dimensions.
- A URI property has been added to the Layer, Table, Map, and Layout classes. URI is a unique identifier for a layer, table, map, or layout in a project and is sometimes required when using Python CIM Access.
- A pdf_accessibility parameter has been added to the exportToPDF methods on the Layout and MapSeries classes to output a tagged .pdf file where text can be read by screen readers or other assistive technology.
- A locked property has been added to the following Layout elements: GraphicsElement, LegendElement, MapFrame, MapsurroundElement, PictureElement and TextElement.
- The listTables method has been added to the Layer and LayerFile classes to support tables that reside in group layers or layer files.
- The ArcGIS Pro project options settings on the display tab (such as antialiasing mode) are now honored when exporting (for example, exportToPDF) a Layout, MapSeries, MapFrame or MapView.
Network Analyst module
- The OriginDestinationCostMatrixResult object has a new toArrowTable method which returns the OD Cost Matrix result in Apache Arrow format.
Sharing module
- Your map or layer metadata (depending upon what is shared) is now directly applied to web layers or map services published using arcpy.sharing.
- The ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET allows you to extend ArcGIS Pro with your own unique tools and workflows using SDK add-ins and configurations. See What's New for Developers at 2.9.
To learn more about near-term, mid-term, and long-term development goals, refer to the latest ArcGIS Pro roadmap.