See what's new and improved in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.
Video overview
This video was created by the ArcGIS Pro development teams and the product support teams to highlight new functionality in this release.
The Highlights section includes featured new functionality.
Flood Simulation
You can perform flood simulation in 3D scenes using elevation surfaces and buildings to realistically model water flow. After defining a flood scenario for an area of interest, you can configure the following behaviors:
- How water is added through rainfall, water source points, and initial depth
- How barriers and channels redirect flow
- How water is removed by infiltration and evaporation

The definition of a flood simulation scenario is stored in a simulation layer and appears in a new category in the scene's Contents pane.
When you run a simulation, the area of interest is scanned, and an elevation surface raster is created at the analysis processing cell size. Water is added to each cell and moved over the surface using shallow water equations. You can reconfigure the simulation with what-if scenarios—for example, to add more rain or extra barriers—and compare the results. You can use symbology to represent water flow rate or water depth.
Finally, you can export the analysis results as a series of raster images that capture snapshots in time. These images can be used to generate reports, statistics, and maps.
Presentations are a new project item that allow you to organize maps, scenes, text, images, and videos and display them in full-screen mode. You can use presentations to tell the story of a project from within ArcGIS Pro.
A presentation consists of a series of pages. Each page features selected content, such as a map or image, and page properties, which include transitions, duration, and background color. Pages can be turned off and on, reordered, or locked in the Contents pane. Map pages can be activated and navigated, and allow you to control layer visibility.
To play a presentation, you activate Full Screen mode and move through the pages with forward and back buttons. In Full Screen mode, maps and scenes can be navigated and explored with pop-ups.
You can share a presentation as a PDF, a video, or a collection of images.

Add a PDF to a map
Standard and georeferenced PDF documents can be used in imagery and mapping workflows. An individual page of a PDF can be added as a raster layer to a map or scene with the Add Data command , from the Catalog pane, or from the file system.
PDF layers can be visualized, enhanced, georeferenced, and analyzed using the same raster functions and geoprocessing tools that work on other raster layers. Annotation, labeling, attribute edits, and spatial reference updates can be saved to the source file. PDF layers can be exported to other raster formats and shared as web layers.
The PDF Options dialog box allows you to choose the page of the file to add, and to specify a resolution and a color mode.

Hyperlinks in layouts and reports
Hyperlinks are now supported in text for layouts and reports. If a URL or full file path is added to a text element, it is automatically recognized and linked. URLs and paths in layout table frames and report text are also recognized and tagged automatically.
You can hyperlink any layout or report text using the new Hyperlink window. Existing hyperlinks can also be updated in this window. When editing inline text, you can access the Hyperlink window on the Text tab of the ribbon, from the text element's context menu, or with the Ctrl+K shortcut.
Hyperlinks are included in PDF exports unless the Output as image option is selected. (This option rasterizes all text.)

Export attachments
The Export Attachments geoprocessing tool exports file attachments from the records of a geodatabase feature class or table to a specified folder. Attachments can also be exported from applicable feature services. The tool honors selected features in an active map or selected rows in a table. Invalid characters that cannot be used to rename files are replaced with underscores or other special characters as needed.

The numbers in the image above correspond to the numbers in the following table:
Convert schema report
The Convert Schema Report geoprocessing tool converts the output of the Generate Schema Report geoprocessing tool to another file format (.xlsx, .pdf, .html, .json, or .xml). Converting a schema report allows you to make substantial schema changes in a schema report and incorporate them in a new geodatabase. For example, you can reorder fields in several feature classes, make their spatial references match, assign new domain values to a number of fields, and output those schema changes to a new geodatabase.
The following steps outline the workflow, which can be applied to any number of data modeling tasks.
- Generate a schema report and export the geodatabase to an .xlsx or .json file.
- Open the Excel workbook or JSON document and make schema changes.
- Convert the schema report from its original format to an .xml file.
- Create a geodatabase from the Catalog pane, a catalog view, or a geoprocessing tool.
- Import the XML workspace document containing the schema changes to the new geodatabase.

Classify size or color variables with unique values symbology
You can classify categorical data with unique values symbology by specifying a size variable or color variable to combine multiple visualization techniques. This is similar to the Quantity by category symbology option in ArcMap.
For example, in a layer of point features representing different types of power plants, you can classify plants by type and use symbol size to show power capacity. This allows you to see the variance in capacity by plant type.
The legend can show one size or color variation, or the size or color variation for each unique value symbol class.

Performance and productivity
Performance and productivity have been improved in ArcGIS Pro 3.3. Some examples are listed below; you can find more throughout this topic and elsewhere in the help.
- The geoprocessing framework uses workspace caching to improve performance when running scripts or repeated processes. See what's new in Analysis and geoprocessing.
- The Enrich Layer tool is faster. See what's new in the Business Analyst toolbox.
- The Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation tools are faster when specific parameters or options are used. See what's new in the Raster Analysis toolbox and the Spatial Analyst toolbox.
- Network dataset processing performance is improved when building or dissolving network datasets or when packaging a full network dataset into a mobile map package. See what's new in the Network Analyst extension.
- Performance is improved for the Extract LAS and Point Cloud To Raster tools when downloading I3S point cloud services. See what's new in the 3D Analyst toolbox.
- On a layout, you can convert text elements to rectangle text elements and vice versa. In addition, new fitting strategies are available for rectangle text. See what's new in Layouts.
- When exporting a map or layout, you can specify whether to show the selection symbol for selected features. See what's new in Print and export maps and layouts.
- You can preview a report before you export it. See what's new in Reports.
- When selecting features, you can enlarge the selection area with a pixel buffer. See what's new in Mapping and visualization.
- You can right-click a ribbon command to add or modify a shortcut. See what's new in Get started.
- Bar charts can match unique values and graduated colors symbology. See what's new in Charts.
Get started
- You can configure shortcuts for ribbon commands from the command's context menu. Use Configure Shortcut to add a command to the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box or to edit the command's current shortcut.
- A new Join data spatially quick-start tutorial is available. In this tutorial, you'll perform a spatial join, append data to a layer, and calculate field values in an attribute table.
- The Author and share a local scene quick-start tutorial has been rewritten with new workflows. In this tutorial, you'll create and symbolize a 3D feature, use a 3D basemap, and share a local scene to the web.
- The Manage data quick-start tutorial has been rewritten with new workflows. In this tutorial, you'll clip and copy data using batch geoprocessing tools, select features by location, and preview and edit metadata.
Analysis and geoprocessing
- The processing extent control includes the following new options:
- Draw Extent
—Interactively draw a rectangle on the map.
- Extent of a Layer
—Optionally, get the extent of the selected or visible features in a layer.
- Clipboard
—Copy and paste the extent values.
- Draw Extent
- The geoprocessing framework uses workspace caching to improve performance when running scripts or repeated processes. This improvement applies particularly to remote data sources, such as enterprise geodatabases.
In some cases, workspace caching may result in schema locks. Use the Clear Workspace Cache tool to clear the cache and free any locks.
- The search box in the Geoprocessing pane uses a semantic search engine. Semantic search is an AI-enhanced smart search technology that provides improved search results.
- Tool suggestions are available on the Favorites tab in the Geoprocessing pane and on the tool status banner. Suggestions are based on previous tools you have run in the project and may help guide your geoprocessing workflow.
Tool suggestions can be accessed from the tool status banner. - You can override default parameter values used by geoprocessing tools with an application setting.
- The Geoprocessing tab on the Options dialog box includes a new Add output layers to the top of map contents option.
- The Map and Scene tab on the Options dialog box includes a new Layer Data Sources section to control the behavior when a layer's data source is deleted or renamed.
- Script tools honor the Automatically select related data option on the Selection tab of the Layer Properties dialog box.
- The Tool Properties dialog box includes an Environments tab that you can use to configure the supported environments that display on a custom tool's Environments tab.
- If editing is manually disabled, tools that allow you to undo results display a warning that indicates the tool will not run in an edit session and cannot be undone.
- The geoprocessing tool status banner that displays the tool run status closes automatically after you modify a parameter value.
- Nonlinear trend line types are now available for scatter plot and scatter plot matrix charts.
- Bar charts can display null values as a separate category.
- Bar charts can match Unique Values and Graduated Colors symbology.
- Custom grid intervals are available for bar chart, line chart, histogram, scatter plot, box plot, and QQ plot charts.
- A tooltip display field can be added to scatter plots to provide additional information about individual points.
Geoprocessing services
- You can share a web tool or geoprocessing service with the Areal Unit parameter type.
- You can remove the default value for any input or output parameter when sharing a web tool or geoprocessing service.
- The Iterate Tables tool supports additional table types, including database tables, text files, and Microsoft Excel sheets.
- The Iterate Time tool supports the Date Only and Time Only field types.
- Diagram layout and routing for models with labels was improved.
Raster functions
New raster functions:
- Subset Bands—Allows you to extract a subset of bands using ranges or lists. This function supports both multispectral and hyperspectral images and maintains the same band order as the input.
3D Analyst extension
- The Create Terrain wizard guides you through the workflow of building a terrain dataset.
- On the new Display tab in the TIN layer properties, you can choose the default display field. Optionally, you can turn on MapTips to see the display field value when you hover over a TIN location in a map or scene.
Lidar and LAS datasets
The following detailed workflows were added to the documentation:
Geoprocessing tools
- See 3D Analyst toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Business Analyst extension
- The color-coded layer workflow contains a new group layer symbology pane to
interactively work with multiple geography levels and set areas of
interest. Variable calculation types, such as percentages or medians, are
automatically assigned the best classification methods and you can
instantly switch them on the map.
The Symbology pane provides new options when building a color-coded layer with local data. - Searching is improved in the data browser and the points of interest search workflow when using online data or 2024 local Business Analyst datasets. Semantic search returns broader results related to the search terms you provide.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Business Analyst toolbox for enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- See Territory Design toolbox for enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Image Analyst extension
Motion imagery
- You can measure the speed of an object by marking a start and finish time interval as the video plays.
- The H265 video format is now supported.
- The Orient Camera tool on the video player orients the SceneView camera to the perspective of the video frame outline and the platform position.
- When signed in to a portal that provides video layers, you can add videos to maps. Videos can be filtered by several options, including Item Type, Layers, and Video Layers.
- The Tracked Objects Manager pane was updated and now includes Delete Object and Remove Objects buttons.
Geoprocessing tools and raster functions
- See Image Analyst toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- See Raster functions for new and enhanced raster functions.
Network Analyst extension
- Last Mile Delivery is a new network analysis solver that focuses on the subset of vehicle routing problems associated with delivering packages to their final customers. You can work with the solver in the following ways:
- Create an analysis layer from the Network Analysis drop-down menu on the ribbon.
- Use the Make Last Mile Delivery geoprocessing tool.
- Use the arcpy.nax module to perform last mile delivery analysis in Python.
- Network dataset processing performance has been significantly improved in the following areas:
- Building a network dataset
- Dissolving a network dataset
- Packaging a full network dataset into a mobile map package
Geoprocessing tools and Python
- See Network Analyst toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- See Network Analyst module in the Python section for Network Analyst module enhancements.
Spatial Analyst extension
Suitability Modeler
- The new capability to exclude restricted locations in Suitability Modeler allows you to prevent certain locations from being considered in suitability analysis. For example, when siting a new housing development, you can restrict certain locations for zoning, habitat preservation, or proximity requirements.
- You can generate a suitability model report as a PDF that identifies the key decisions made when creating the model. You can share the report with stakeholders and decision makers, or use it to better understand the model.
- The saturation for all color schemes has been improved to better accentuate analysis for the full range of values for maps, legends, and plots in suitability models.
- You can enable color vision deficient (CVD) color schemes to support people with deuteranopia (green-blindness), protanopia (red-blindness), and tritanopia (blue-blindness).
Geoprocessing tools, raster functions, and Python
- See Spatial Analyst toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- See Spatial Analyst module in the Python section for Spatial Analyst module enhancements.
Geoprocessing tools
3D Analyst toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Extract Objects From Point Cloud—Improved approximation of feature geometry is provided through alpha radius controls.
- LAS Building Multipatch—Height profile information is leveraged to produce smoother buildings.
- The following tools have improved performance when downloading I3S point cloud services:
- Interactive input support is available for the following tools:
- Generate Clearance Surface—Point features are supported as input.
- Convert LAS—Creates backward compatible .zlas files for use in ArcGIS Pro versions earlier than 3.2.
- Train Point Cloud Classification Model—GPU memory handling was improved.
Aviation toolbox
New tools
- Update Aviation Annotation—Batch updates aviation-specific annotation layers to streamline chart production and finishing.
Bathymetry toolbox
New tools
- Add Point Data To BIS—Registers point cloud or elevation point data to a Bathymetric Information System (BIS).
- Analyze BIS—Analyzes a BIS.
- Remove Data From BIS—Removes data from a BIS geodatabase.
The following tools were previously available with the ArcGIS Bathymetry product data files at ArcGIS Pro 3.1 and ArcGIS Pro 3.2 and are provided with the ArcGIS Pro 3.3 installation:
- Add Data To BIS—Registers raster and feature class data to a BIS.
At ArcGIS Pro 3.3, this tool accepts TIN datasets as input.
- BIS To Mosaic Dataset—Creates a mosaic dataset from a BIS.
- Create BIS—Creates a BIS in a designated geodatabase workspace.
- Reduce Point Density—Thins points from a point or multipoint feature class. This tool was previously available in the Maritime toolbox.
- Smooth Bathymetric TIN—Smooths a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset in a manner that strictly preserves a shallow bias. This tool was previously available in the Maritime toolbox.
Business Analyst toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Color Coded Layer—The new Area of Interest parameter is supported with local data and stores output in a feature dataset.
- Enrich Layer—Returns results faster for standard geographies using local data.
Cartography toolbox
New tools
- Collapse Dual Lines To Centerline—Generates a centerline from dual-line (double-line) features using a width tolerance.
- Convert Marker Placement To Points—Converts markers placed in symbolized polygon features to point features.
Data Management toolbox
Attachments toolset
New tools:
- Export Attachments—Exports file attachments from the records of a geodatabase feature class or table to a specified folder. See Export attachments in the Highlights section.
Data Loading toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Create Data Loading Workspace—Shape manipulation functions were added to convert features between varying geometry types.
Features toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Points To Line—The Line Field parameter supports the GUID field as an input.
Fields toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Add Field—Date (high precision) fields are supported using the Field Type parameter.
- Add Fields (multiple)—Date (high precision) fields are supported using the Field Type parameter.
General toolset
New tools:
- Extract Data From Geodatabase—Extracts data from one geodatabase to another geodatabase, an .xml file, and to a different spatial reference.
Enhanced tools:
- Append—When the tool is run, tool messages and a new derived output parameter indicate the number of rows appended and updated in the target dataset.
Joins and Relates toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Add Join—You can use the Join Operation parameter to specify a one-to-first or one-to-many join operation.
Package toolset
New tools:
- Package 3D Tiles—Packages a 3D tiles layer or folder into a 3D tiles archive file.
Projections and Transformations toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Create Custom Vertical Transformation—The Vertical Transformation Method parameter supports VERTCON3.
Raster toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Compute Block Adjustment—The Adjustment Options parameter includes a rigCamera option that supports processing of a multiple camera rig in the block adjustment.
- Calculate Statistics—The Parallel Processing Factor environment is supported.
- Color Balance Mosaic Dataset:
- Several new parameters are available, including DEM Raster, Z Factor, Z Offset, Apply Geoid Correction, Input Solution Points, Target Raster Object ID, Refine Estimation by Correlation, Reduce Shadow Influence, and Reduce Cloud Influence.
- The Color Surface Type parameter supports a new Color grid option.
- Create Pansharpened Raster Dataset—You can pan sharpen data collected by the Vision-1 satellite sensor.
- Generate Point Cloud—The Extent, Geographic Transformations, and Output Coordinate System environments are supported.
Sampling toolset
New tools:
- Create Spatial Sampling Locations—Creates sample locations within a continuous study area using simple random, stratified, systematic (gridded), or cluster sampling designs.
Versions toolset
Enhanced tools:
- Create Version—The optional Version Description parameter was added.
Workspace toolset
New tools:
- Convert Schema Report—Converts a schema report in JSON or XLSX format to another format or to an XML workspace document that can be used to create a geodatabase. See Convert schema report in the Highlights section.
Defense toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Generate Reference System Grid From Area—The Grid Square Size parameter supports 25-meter and 50-meter grid squares.
Geocoding toolbox
New tools
- Assign Streets To Points—Links point addresses to street features by comparing address information, such as house numbers and street names, as well as distance, to find the best street feature candidate for a point. Address information is prioritized over distance.
Image Analyst toolbox
New tools
- Deburst—Merges the multiple bursts from the input Sentinel-1 Single Look Complex (SLC) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and outputs a single, seamless subswath raster.
- Extract Water—Finds water bodies using input SAR data and a DEM.
- Multidimensional Raster Correlation—Analyzes correlations between two variables in one or two multidimensional rasters.
Enhanced tools
- The following tools support the H265 video format:
- Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning and Detect Objects Using Deep Learning—The new Use pixel space parameter allows you to perform inferencing in pixel (image x,y) space or map coordinate space. The Arguments parameter has the following new options: n_timestep, schedule, and sampling_type.
- Train Deep Learning Model—The following enhancements were made:
- The Model Type parameter supports the new SAMLoRA pixel classifier model.
- The Model Arguments parameter supports the following new options: attn_res, channel_mults, dropout, inner_channel, linear_start, linear_end, n_timestep, norm_groups, and res_blocks.
- The Backbone Model parameter supports the following new deep learning backbones: SR3, ViT-B, ViT-L, and ViT-H.
- Download Orbit File—The new Cloud Storage Connection parameter stores the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem cloud storage connection file. The new Folder parameter is an alternate location for storing the downloaded orbit state vector file.
Indoor Positioning toolbox
New tools
- Create IPS Data Model—Creates an IPS Data Model containing the following components:
- IPS Positioning Datasets
- IPS Positioning Signals
- IPS Positioning Points
- IPS Recordings
- IPS Beacons
- Generate Indoor Positioning Dataset—Generates an Indoor Positioning Dataset for an existing ArcGIS IPS installation. You can use a survey-based or survey-less method to generate the dataset.
- Share Indoor Positioning Data Service—Publishes an Indoor Positioning Data Service to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online. An Indoor Positioning Data Service contains the data required for enabling indoor positioning. It is used by the IndoorsLocationDataSource objects of the ArcGIS Maps SDKs to compute an estimated position.
Indoors toolbox
New tools
- Import Indoor Images—Imports 360-degree and panoramic images to an Indoors workspace from .e57 files.
Enhanced tools
- Import CAD To Indoor Dataset—The Source CAD Data parameter now accepts multiple CAD files as input to support cases when data for a single level is stored in multiple files.
- Import IFC To Indoor Dataset:
- New Target Facility 3D Features, Target Unit 3D Features, and Target Detail 3D Features parameters allow you to import 3D data from an IFC model into multipatch layers created using the Create Indoor 3D Dataset tool.
- The tool supports importing roofs as level features.
- Import BIM To Indoor Dataset:
- The new Linked Files parameter allows you to load linked .rvt files.
- The tool now supports importing roofs as level features.
- Update Occupant Features—The new Home Office Identifier parameter supports assigning occupants to home offices.
Location Referencing toolbox
New tools
- Configure Address Feature Classes—Configures the Address Range and Site Address feature classes from the Address Data Management solution for use with a linear referencing system (LRS) with the ArcGIS Roads and Highways extension.
Enhanced tools
- Append Routes:
- Pipeline Referencing—You can load centerlines first and associate them with routes appended subsequently using this tool. This ensures that the Remove Overlapping Centerlines tool is not required to be run when routes are appended to existing centerlines.
- Roads and Highways—You can load routes and associate them with existing centerlines. This ensures that the Remove Overlapping Centerlines tool is not required to be run when routes are appended to existing centerlines with addressing information, and these attributes are preserved.
- Overlay Events—Using the centerline as an input layer when the address block range layer is configured to be the LRS centerline is supported. The outputs of the tool include the centerline information and honor the centerline direction.
Maritime toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Export Geodatabase To S-57—You can add a feature catalogue with the S-100 Feature Catalogue parameter (Dual-Fuel S-101 Database).
Multidimension toolbox
New tools
- Describe NetCDF File—Describes the nature and content of an input netCDF dataset. The tool lists all the variables along with their dimensions and attributes.
Network Analyst toolbox
New tools
- Make Last Mile Delivery Analysis Layer—Creates a last mile delivery network analysis layer and sets analysis properties for optimizing a set of routes using a fleet of vehicles.
Network Diagram toolbox
New tools
- Add Collapse Container By Category Rule—Adds a diagram rule to automatically collapse container contents during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. The collapse depends on whether the containers are tagged with specific network categories.
- Add Diagram Feature Capability By Category Rule—Adds a diagram rule to assign a particular capability to diagram features according to network categories. This assignment occurs during the building of diagrams based on an existing template.
- Add Expand Container By Category Rule—Adds a diagram rule to automatically expand container contents during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. This expansion depends on whether the containers are tagged with specific network categories.
- Add Reduce Junction By Category Rule—Adds a diagram rule to automatically reduce junctions during the building of diagrams based on an existing template. This reduction depends on whether the junctions are tagged with specific network categories.
- Add Remove Feature By Category Rule—Adds a diagram rule to automatically remove diagram features during diagram building based on an existing template. This removal depends on whether the diagram features are tagged with specific network categories.
Oriented Imagery toolbox
New tools
- Add Images From Custom Input Type—Adds images to an oriented imagery dataset from the input data defined by a custom input type.
- Generate Service From Oriented Imagery Dataset—Generates a hosted feature service with an oriented imagery layer from an input oriented imagery dataset.
Parcel toolbox
New tools
- Duplicate Parcels—Duplicates parcels in the same parcel type or in a different parcel type, or duplicates parcels multiple times to create strata parcels (floor levels).
- Select Parcel Features—Selects the related points and lines of the input parcel polygons.
Enhanced tools
- Merge Collinear Parcel Boundaries —Merging a sequence of collinear parcel curves is supported.
- Import Parcel Fabric Points—You can use the Target Parcel Fabric Points and Filter Target Parcel Fabric Points parameters to filter matching points found with an SQL expression.
Raster Analysis toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Create Viewshed—Six new parameters were added: Vertical Error, Refractivity Coefficient, Horizontal Start Angle, Horizontal End Angle, Vertical Upper Angle, and Vertical Lower Angle.
- Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation—The Vertical Factor parameter has new Hiking Time and Bidirectional Hiking Time options. The performance of these tools has been improved if the Distance Method parameter value is Geodesic, or if the Vertical Factor or Horizontal Factor parameters are set.
- Surface Parameters—The new Input Analysis Mask parameter allows you to define the locations where the analysis occurs.
Reality Mapping toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Compute Block Adjustment—The Adjustment Options parameter has a rigCamera option that supports processing of a multiple camera rig in the block adjustment.
- Reconstruct Surface—A True Ortho product can now be produced using satellite data.
Space Time Pattern Mining toolbox
New tools
- Time Series Cross Correlation—Calculates the cross correlation at various time lags between two time series stored in a space-time cube.
Spatial Analyst toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation—The Vertical Factor parameter has new Hiking Time and Bidirectional Hiking Time options. The performance of these tools has been improved if the Distance Method parameter value is Geodesic, or if the Vertical Factor or Horizontal Factor parameters are set.
- Feature Solar Radiation and Raster Solar Radiation—The new Sun Map Grid Level parameter allows you to control the number and size of the sun maps created across the analysis extent.
- Optimal Region Connections—The Parallel Processing Factor environment is supported.
- Space Time Kernel Density:
- A multidimensional output raster is created even if there is only one input elevation (z) or time (t) data value.
- The tool can be used with no restriction on the number of slices that can be processed for multidimensional raster output. This simplifies workflows for large datasets that require very fine spatial and temporal intervals, such as analyzing air pollution at a daily or hourly interval.
- The range allowed for the minimum and maximum elevation parameters was expanded, improving support for negative elevation values.
- A new help topic provides more information about how space time kernel density works.
Spatial Statistics toolbox
New tools
- Calculate Rates—Estimates rates using one of the following methods: Crude Rate, Global Empirical Bayes, Local Empirical Bayes, Locally Weighted Average, or Locally Weighted Median.
Enhanced tools
- Calculate Composite Index—The output features include charts in their pop-ups that display the value and range of the resulting index for the feature.
- Forest-based and Boosted Classification and Regression—The Include All Prediction Probabilities parameter allows you to predict the classification probabilities of each record. You can predict probabilities for all categories or only for the category of the record.
Territory Design toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Solve Territories—The following options were added to the Number of Territories Method parameter: Preferred and Optimal Max Coverage.
Topographic Production toolbox
Enhanced tools
- Generate Elevation Guide Features and Generate Location Diagram Features—The Minimum Island Area parameter specifies the area required for an island or hole to be included in the output features.
- Calculate Metrics—Rotating point feature symbology to face downhill is supported.
- Calculate Max Elevation Figures—The Input Terrain parameter accepts feature layers as input.
- GeoNames To Geodatabase—Works with the latest GNS downloadable files.
- Geodatabase To Shape—The Precision field value for integer data types is set to 7 to pass GAIT validation, which helps meet the specification requirements for Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) and MGCP Urban Vector Data (MUVD) map products.
Utility Network toolbox
New tools
- Rebuild Network Topology—Rebuilds the network topology and repairs inconsistencies for a specified extent when failures are encountered that prevent the validate network topology operation from completing. This operation ignores dirty areas and applies to all features in the specified extent.
Enhanced tools
- Trace and Add Trace Configuration—The following parameters were added:
- Use Digitized Direction—Specifies whether upstream and downstream trace operations determine flow using the digitized direction of the line and the Flow direction attribute. This parameter is only available and active for Utility Network Version 7 and later when the Trace Type parameter is set to the Upstream or Downstream option.
- Synthesize Geometries—Specifies whether geometries will be inferred and created (synthesized) for associations and edge objects traversed during a trace operation. This parameter is only applicable to the aggregated geometry result type.
- A new supportsTraceSynthesizeGeometries capability in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 broadcasts support for the Synthesize Geometries parameter in the Trace and Add Trace Configuration tools when working with an enterprise geodatabase.
ArcGIS Reality for ArcGIS Pro
- True orthos can be generated from satellite imagery.
- True orthos can be generated from drone thermal imagery.
- Support was added for drone imagery captured with a multicamera sensor rig.
- The appropriate UTM coordinate system is determined automatically when processing satellite imagery.
- Workspace reset options were enhanced in workspace creation workflows.
- You can specify a processing folder for storing temporary files in product generation workflows.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Reality Mapping toolbox for enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Data management and workflows
- Support was added for Revit 2024 format files.
- The BIM File Properties dialog box lists CAD files and other reference files linked to a Revit model.
- Toposolids in Revit design files are supported as feature geometry.
- Surface border elements and tunnel components in IFC files are supported as feature geometry.
- MicroStation item types used to store information on elements in a design file are supported as feature attributes.
- Parametric cell elements, parametric solids, and smart solid elements in MicroStation design files are supported as features.
- AutoCAD drawings with line styles that include shape markers are more closely approximated when displayed in a map.
- A new Web Layers tab on the CAD File Properties dialog box displays a list of web layers referenced in an ArcGIS for AutoCAD drawing.
Data Reviewer
- The Feature on Feature check now supports z-values.
- Visual review is now available for feature services published from branch versioned enterprise geodatabases. Enabling visual review provides access to the Browse Features and Flag Missing Features tools.
- The following new and improved locator properties are available:
- The Return Input Location property allows you to enable or disable returning the input location as the geometry or the matched address for reverse geocode results. This property is supported for local locators. It is also configurable for ArcGIS Pro locator views for geocoding services shared to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or published to ArcGIS Server 11.3, and for the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service.
- The Street Address role supports searching for a location on a street between two cross streets. The Addr_type value returned for this type of search is StreetBetween. The Street Between category can be enabled or disabled. This search type and category are supported for locators shared to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or published to ArcGIS Server 11.3.
- Locators support enabling and disabling the fields included in the reverse geocode results on the Output fields tab of the Locator Properties dialog box. This property is supported for local locators. It is also configurable for ArcGIS Pro locator views for geocoding services shared to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or published to ArcGIS Server 11.3, and for the ArcGIS World Geocoding Service.
- Configured layer search supports Starts With as a search mode. You can find case-sensitive, exact matches to the beginning text of field values.
- The following improved documentation and data modeling examples are available to help you create locators for specialized use cases:
Geoprocessing tools and Python
- See Geocoding toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- See Geocoding module in the Python section for geocoding module enhancements.
Geodatabases and databases
- The Convert Schema Report geoprocessing tool converts a schema report to other formats. See Convert schema report in the Highlights section.
- Licensing restrictions have been relaxed for a number of geodatabase capabilities. With a Basic license, you can view, edit, and manage relationship classes, attachments, and annotations.
- The Extract Data From Geodatabase geoprocessing tool extracts data from one geodatabase to another geodatabase or an .xml file. The tool provides similar functionality to copying data from one geodatabase to another and supports several methods of extracting subsets of data.
- The Import XML Workspace Document Wizard displays the data being imported in a data grid. This allows you to visualize the data, correct naming conflicts, and set configuration keywords.
- You can create range and coded value domains from existing field values in the Fields view
or Subtypes view
of a layer attribute table.
- You can edit or recalculate the extent of a feature class on the Feature Class Properties dialog box.
- You can update the extent of a query layer in the Layer Properties dialog box.
- With a query layer selected in the Contents pane, you can use the Ctrl+Q keyboard shortcut to open the Edit Query Layer dialog box.
Attribute rules
- When you share layers with validation or batch calculation attribute rules that have the Validation capability enabled, all four error tables must be present in the map view. A missing table results in an analyzer warning. You can add a missing table by right-clicking the error and clicking Add to map.
Enterprise geodatabases and databases
- If your enterprise geodatabase contains branch versioned data, it is strongly recommended that you upgrade the geodatabase at ArcGIS Pro 3.3. See How Upgrade Geodatabase works for more information.
- Options in the Database Connections dialog box have been improved to help you connect to Oracle. Rather than typing a connection string in an Instance field, you choose the connection type to be guided to provide the correct information.
- If you have an existing database connection to Oracle, the information in the Instance field is parsed and placed in the correct new fields in the Database Connections dialog box after you update ArcGIS Pro.
- A new authentication method, Microsoft Entra Integrated, is available when you connect to Microsoft Azure SQL Database or Microsoft Azure SQL Managed Instance.
- Administrators can update the Pro.settingsConfig file to manage application settings for versioning settings and geodatabase replication settings.
- The New Version option
is available on the context menu of a version-enabled data source on the List By Data Source tab
of the Contents pane.
- You can configure oriented imagery layers as floor aware.
- New domains added to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model support workspace areas in the Indoors web and mobile apps.
ArcGIS Knowledge
- Arcade scripts can be used to process data as you load data into a knowledge graph.
- After configuring a new ArcGIS Enterprise deployment, creating a knowledge graph on the new Enterprise portal, and loading the data, you can update an existing project to use the new knowledge graph with an existing investigation as well as for knowledge graph layers in an existing map or an existing link chart.
- You can customize the Overview tab in an investigation to provide access to important information for each entity or relationship type.
- For feature layers in a map, you can use an Arcade query to derive information from a knowledge graph that is related to the spatial data. The result can be shown in a pop-up.
- When analyzing a knowledge graph's data, the Filtered Find Paths pane allows you to incorporate time and duration restrictions. You can preview the paths found and adjust criteria before adding the results to a link chart. You can add the entities and relationships found to new or existing link charts, and choose the layout.
- Knowledge graph layers can be shared in web maps to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later versions.
- Link charts that include content from knowledge graphs can be shared as web link charts to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later versions.
- Twelve project and application options for editing are available as administrator settings.
- The Points along builder
is available for group templates to generate multiple point features along a sketched line. You can specify the number of points to be created or the distance between each point feature.
- You can use the Snap Chip button
to snap to a feature that shares the same location with other coincident feature geometry. For example, you can snap a utility network power line to a source or load terminal, or snap a z-aware feature to one of several coincident features with different elevation values.
- The Traverse tool
has sequential numbering for traverse courses.
- Geodetic line direction types can be used when entering lines with the Traverse tool
Parcel fabric
- When merging points with the Merge Points tool
, you can choose the merged point location to use and the merged point attributes to preserve.
- The Extend or Trim option is available when using the Copy Parallel tool
to create parallel parcel lines. Copied lines can be extended or trimmed to prevent dangles or gaps.
- The Split parcel lines option is available when using the Divide tool
to divide parcels by area. Parent parcel lines are split by the dividing intersecting lines.
- When creating links for aligning parcels, the Create Links By Rectangle tool
allows you to create links by dragging a rectangle over a pair of points.
- Attachments can be added to parcel records in the Manage Records pane. Attachments must be enabled on the Records feature class for this functionality to be available.
- Field mapping is enabled for the Duplicate Parcels command
. Field mapping can be used when duplicating parcels to different parcel types that do not have matching schemas.
- The Highlight command
can detect gaps and overlaps on multiple visible parcel types at the same time.
Imagery and remote sensing
Oriented imagery
- You can view oriented imagery layers in a 3D scene.
- Footprint graphics are displayed as 3D frustums.
- When you pan and zoom in the oriented imagery viewer, the current 3D footprint graphic dynamically updates to reflect the coverage of the image in the scene.
- Camera location points are z-enabled to display their location in three dimensions.
Raster data types and sensors
New and improved raster types are listed below:
- Portable Document Format (PDF)—Geospatial .pdf files are supported by extracting georeferencing information and rasterizing the data. See Add a PDF to a map in the Highlights section.
- The Build Frames & Cameras Tables tool supports camera roll, pitch, and yaw to compute camera orientation.
- KEA is an image file format that supports multiple bands and different data types that are smaller in file size.
- Phase One IIQ is a proprietary camera RAW format created for the Phase One camera. It stores the image data in a RAW lossless and smart compressed format.
- Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) trajectory type properties are supported.
- WebP is an image format that provides lossy compression for photographic images.
Two new sensors are supported:
- Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) provides satellite imagery consisting of 285 bands with wavelengths ranging between 381–2492 nanometers (nm).
- Vision-1 provides satellite imagery consisting of 0.9 meter resolution in the panchromatic band and 3.5 meter in the multispectral bands (NIR, RGB), with a 20.8 kilometer swath width.
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
- The new Select assets dialog box allows you to identify and select available assets in a collection.
- Dynamic and static catalogs can be identified and explored using the Explore STAC pane. You can view, search, and select the STAC collections from the Parameters tab. You can use filters to refine a search on dynamic catalogs. On the Results tab, you can view and select the STAC items from the collections based on the search parameters, and add them to a map, scene, or mosaic dataset.
Geoprocessing tools and raster functions
- See Raster toolset in the Data Management toolbox for new and enhanced raster geoprocessing tools.
- See Oriented Imagery toolbox for new oriented imagery geoprocessing tools.
- See Raster functions for new and enhanced raster functions.
Mapping and visualization
- The Add Data drop-down menu
on the Map tab was redesigned for improved access to tools and easier navigation.
- You can temporarily turn off layer masking for a map or scene without impacting the masking settings of individual layers.
- You can turn the scale range of a layer on and off without resetting the range values.
- You can see and manage the metadata of WMS and WMTS layers in a map or scene.
- When selecting map features with a single click, you can now increase the selection area by enabling a pixel buffer on the Selection tab of the Options dialog box. The setting can also be used when you identify features with pop-ups.
- The Measure tool
on the Map tab includes a result options button
that allows you to choose which results are displayed and reduce the size of the tool overlay.
3D scenes and scene layers
- Visualize weather effects such as sun, clouds, rain, or fog in global scenes.
- Changing the Time or Range property of an elevation source layer refreshes the layer only instead of the whole scene.
Mount St. Helens in Washington state is shown before and after its eruption. - Symbols in a scene that are displayed in screen units can be viewed with the Improved perspective option that scales the symbols according to their distance from the camera.
- The Fly along path keyframe creation method
creates keyframes at the vertices of a single selected linear feature. For best results, ensure that the feature is simplified and unidirectional. The method is available in both maps and scenes.
Annotation and labeling
- Feature-linked annotation feature classes can be created and edited at all license levels.
- VPF annotation can be viewed in ArcGIS Pro and converted to geodatabase annotation.
- The Labeling Summary report provides improved reporting and filtering.
- You can reorder rows in the Abbreviation Dictionaries dialog box.
- ArcGIS Pro 3.3 supports Arcade 1.26. For a summary of new features, see the Arcade release notes for versions 1.26 and later.
Catalog layers
- Drawing order weight behavior was modified. See View catalog layer attributes for more information.
Coordinate systems and transformations
- Available coordinate systems and transformations have been updated to EPSG v11.003. These include the Equi7 projected coordinate systems, which divide the world into seven continental areas and are designed for imagery use.
- New vertical transformations based on geoids, quasi-geoids, or other conversion grids can transform to or between gravity-related vertical coordinate systems for the British Isles, Corsica (France), Finland, New Zealand, St. Helena Island, and the United States.
- The National Geodetic Survey's historic geoid models (GEOID99, GEOID03, GEOID06, and GEOID09) and VERTCON 3.0 conversion grids for the United States are supported. Vertical transformations using VERTCON 2.1 grids are deprecated but remain available. Transformations using VERTCON 2.1 grids appear at the bottom of the list of transformation paths.
ENC layers
- You can select spatial objects and table records in ENC layers.
- ENC layers have sublayers and subtables corresponding to object types in the cell. Attribute tables of the sublayers and subtables can be viewed.
- Feature layers and stand-alone tables can be created from ENC sublayers and subtables.
- Data Set Identification (DSID), Data Set Structure Information (DSSI), and Data Set Parameter (DSPM) attributes for each cell are viewable on the Source tab of the Properties dialog box of the ENC layer.
- Hyperlinks are available in layouts. See Hyperlinks in layouts and reports in the Highlights section.
- New fitting strategies for rectangle text elements allow you to fit long text without resizing the text box.
- You can change the intervals and units of layout rulers.
- Drawing alerts appear in layouts.
- You can convert between rectangle and straight text element types using the context menu instead of creating a new element.
- You can limit the number of records returned in a table frame using the Row limit option.
- You can set a visibility range for grids, scale bars, north arrows, legends, chart frames, and table frames. When set, the element only draws on the layout if the scale of the map frame associated with the element is within the visibility range. This is particularly useful for customizing scale-based elements in a map series.
- When you identify map features with a single click, the new pixel buffer value set on the Selection tab of the Options dialog box can be applied. You can apply this buffer using the Include the selection buffer when identifying features option on the Navigation tab of the Options dialog box.
- Chart elements were improved in the following ways:
- Axis labels are limited to 10 characters. If a label is longer than 10 characters, the middle of the label is replaced by an ellipsis. You can hover over the shortened label to see the full label.
- You can hover over each column, line vertex, or pie slice of a chart to view the alias, field name, and attribute value. Numeric formatting of attribute values is honored.
- Presentations are a new item stored in the project. A presentation is a collection of pages that can interactively display the maps or scenes in a project—along with supporting descriptive text, images, or videos—directly from ArcGIS Pro. See Presentations in the Highlights section.
Print and export maps and layouts
- You can export in true black and white with 1-bit color, using a threshold value to define image intensities as white or black. This bit depth is available for map and layout exports to TIFF, PNG, BMP, and GIF formats.
- When exporting a map or layout, you can include or exclude the selection symbology using the Show selection symbology check box in the Export Map or Export Layout pane.
- A new export preset, Default AIX - Map, was added.
- When exporting maps and layouts to PDF or SVG format, you can include all map layers, regardless of their visibility status. This makes several views of the data possible in a single output file.
- You can preview a report before exporting it. On the ribbon, click the Preview button
on the Report tab to open the preview window.
- You can limit the polygon features that appear in a map frame to those included in a subsection. To do this, use the Clip to index features option in the Element properties of the map frame.
- Hyperlinks are clickable when you export a report to PDF format. See Hyperlinks in layouts and reports in the Highlights section.
- Related reports can be reordered in the Contents pane. You can drag the related report to its new position.
- Expressions are supported as the source of a field or statistic text element. Expressions are authored in the report properties.
- When adding a field to the Details subsection of a report, you can check the Add associated labels to header option to create a label for the field in the preceding header.
- Grouping and sorting has changed as follows:
- The Grouping and Sorting tab of the Report Properties dialog box is now named Sorting.
- Grouping levels are listed on the Sorting tab but are read-only. Their sort direction can be changed; however, changing associated fields or removing groups is no longer supported on this tab. Use the Group Header tab to change the field used for grouping.
- You can right-click a group header in the Contents pane and click Move Up
or Move Down
to reorder multiple group headers.
- You can now perform flood simulation in a local scene. Add culverts, water sources, and barriers to impact how water flows within an area of interest. See Simulation modeling in the Highlights section.
- Six color schemes were added to the ArcGIS Colors system style to support flood simulation.
- An additional 39 color schemes were added to the ArcGIS Colors system style for generic use.
- Three sizes of a POI symbol with a number have been added to the ArcGIS 2D system style. Three sizes of a pushpin with a number have been added to the Pushpin system style. The number in these symbols can be changed manually or updated on a per-feature basis when used with attribute-driven symbology.
- The PANTONE® Formula Guide Solid Coated, PANTONE® Formula Guide Solid Uncoated, PANTONE® Pastels & Neons Coated, PANTONE® Pastels & Neons Uncoated, PANTONE® Metallics Coated Guide, PANTONE® Extended Gamut Guide Coated, PANTONE® Color Bridge Coated, and PANTONE® Color Bridge Uncoated system styles have been updated to the latest color specifications. This update includes 448 new colors.
- With unique values symbology, you can visualize both quantitative and categorical data for a feature layer. See Classify size or color variables with unique values symbology in the Highlights section.
- Add descriptions to symbol classes in graduated symbols and graduated colors symbology to include on legends in layouts.
- You can use the Keep upright marker placement option to prevent markers placed along lines from appearing upside down.
- Dictionary symbology now supports setting feature drawing order.
- glTF markers support textures using the Basis Universal supercompression format, defined by the KHR_texture_basisu extension.
- You can reference pictures in marker symbol layers from a Base64 encoded image stored in a string field.
- You can print a table. On the Table tab, in the Output group, click Print
or press Ctrl+P on the keyboard to open the Print Table pane. Options include printing all records, only the selected records, or a range of records.
- You can copy the attribute table row count to the clipboard by right-clicking the text at the bottom of the table and clicking Copy.
- You can control the visibility of a layer within a fixed time extent while also filtering the display of features based on date or time attributes. Previously, you could do one or the other but not both.
Aviation Charting
- You can change the label output of a selected annotation feature during inspection of a chart with the Aviation Abbreviate command
on the Annotation tool context menu.
- You can configure preferences for the Abbreviate Annotation command
on the Aviation Preferences tab.
Aviation Charting geoprocessing tools
- See Aviation toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- You can view datasets sorted with the Compose Surface tool on the Datasets tab of the Compose Surface pane.
Bathymetry geoprocessing tools
See Bathymetry toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Clearing Grids
- You can create a grid from the ribbon using an existing layer or by drawing a rectangle.
- You can create an MGRS grid or a reference grid.
- You can label an MGRS grid with MGRS coordinates or MGRS coordinates combined with reference values on rows and columns.
- You can create a grid with the following cell size values (in meters): 10, 25, 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000.
Defense Mapping
- A Glossary Table element is available.
- The following enhancements were made to the product data files that are available for download with the extension:
- The color descriptions for spot colors were simplified to streamline spot color print processes with PDFs. This includes the following:
- All symbols and labels in the layout templates (.pagx)
- All colors in the .stylx files for Topographic Map (TM) and Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Topographic Map (MTM) map products
- The masking rule files used when finalizing a map product
Original spot color descriptions (top image) and simplified descriptions (bottom image) in the Replace Colors tool.
- The MTM building offset files support more barrier features.
- A new version (1.2) of the MGCP Urban Vector Data (MUVD) file geodatabase is included.
- The color descriptions for spot colors were simplified to streamline spot color print processes with PDFs. This includes the following:
Geoprocessing tools
- See Topographic Production toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- You can add an INT2 scale bar to paper chart layouts.
- You can create a Zones of Confidence diagram using the Create ZOC Diagram tool.
- You can view MCS WMS Server metadata in the layer properties.
- Custom fields can be added to the Maritime Attributes editor.
- The ProductDefinition table template in the S-101 geodatabase schema was updated to include default values for S-101 metadata. This table is generated when the Import S-100 Feature Catalogue tool is used on an S-101 feature catalogue XML.
- S-58 Edition 7.0.0 is supported.
- S-101 Edition 1.2.0 is supported.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Maritime toolbox for enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Pipeline Referencing
The following enhancements were made to the ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing tools:
- The Snap To Vertex option is available for use in cartographic realignment. The option snaps calibration points in the section of the centerline or route being cartographically realigned to the new location of the vertex they were associated with before the shape of the centerline or route changed.
- You can configure snap event behavior in route retirement. When you retire a route and configure snap behavior, events that are impacted by the retirement are snapped to any concurrent route in the retired section.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Location Referencing toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Production Mapping
- A Glossary Table element is available.
- The following enhancements were made to the product data files that are included with the extension:
- The color descriptions for spot colors were simplified to streamline spot color print processes with PDFs. This includes the following:
- All symbols and labels in the layout templates (.pagx)
- All colors in the .stylx files for Topographic Map (TM) and Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) Topographic Map (MTM) map products
- The masking rule files used when finalizing a map product
Original spot color descriptions (top image) and simplified descriptions (bottom image) in the Replace Colors tool.
- The color descriptions for spot colors were simplified to streamline spot color print processes with PDFs. This includes the following:
Geoprocessing tools
- See Topographic Production toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Roads and Highways
The following enhancements were made to the ArcGIS Roads and Highways tools:
- You can configure snap event behavior in route retirement. When you retire a route and configure snap behavior, events that are impacted by the retirement are snapped to any concurrent route in the retired section.
- The Snap To Vertex option is available for use in cartographic realignment. The option snaps calibration points in the section of the centerline or route being cartographically realigned to the new location of the vertex they were associated with before the shape of the centerline or route changed.
- You can deploy Roads and Highways with the Address Data Management solution to manage and edit address information together with roadway characteristics in a single geodatabase.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Location Referencing toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
- Search results for local, network, and enterprise geodatabase items can be spatially filtered by the extent of a map or scene in a project or by an ArcGIS Geocoding service location. The map extent filter includes options for intersection and containment.
- ArcGIS Pro supports configuring custom OAuth-based authentication connections with external authentication providers.
- In the location bar of a catalog view or browse dialog box, or in the Name text box of a browse dialog box, you can type a partial path followed by a backslash separator (\) to access a drop-down list of matching path names. You can click a path in the list to browse to its location.
- You can delete geoprocessing history items when you edit an item's metadata.
Share your work
- Knowledge graph layers can be shared in web maps to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later.
- Link charts that include content from knowledge graphs can be shared as web link charts to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later.
- You can share stand-alone tables as map image layers and map services that reference registered data without having to include data layers in the map.
- Subtype group tables can be shared as map image layers or web feature layers to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later.
- You can manually assign unique IDs to relates for layers and tables participating in a relate.
- You can share 3D tiles layers to ArcGIS Online.
- The Package Project and Create Project Template panes have options to include valid geoprocessing history items only or include all items.
- Support for registering cloud stores as data stores has been expanded as follows:
- The following Microsoft Azure Storage authentication types are supported by ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later:
- Shared access signature (SAS)
- User-assigned managed identity
- Anonymous
- Service principal (requires ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 or later)
- Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 is a supported provider when registering cloud stores to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later. (It is currently not supported for ArcGIS Enterprise on Kubernetes.)
- The following Microsoft Azure Storage authentication types are supported by ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later:
- System administrators who manage application settings can specify environment variables in paths when configuring share and download options.
Trace networks
- Trace Network Version 4 is available to support schema changes to the information model. Upgrading the dataset is only required if you want to use the new functionality.
- When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the version of ArcGIS Pro and the connected ArcGIS Enterprise portal's federated servers determine the compatible Trace Network Version value when you create or upgrade a trace network, or convert a geometric network.
Utility networks
- A new version of the utility network dataset supports schema changes to the information model. Upgrading to Utility Network Version 7 is necessary only if you want to use the following new functionality:
- Use 64-bit object ID fields with utility network feature classes and system tables to store more than 2.14 billion records.
- Configure and perform an upstream or downstream trace using the digitized direction of the line, the From and To global ID of the edge object in the association, and the Flow direction attribute. This is useful in models that rely on the digitized direction of lines to determine the direction that resources flow in the network.
- The new supportsFlowDirections capability in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 broadcasts support for the Use Digitized Direction parameter in the Trace and Add Trace Configuration tools.
- Create and assign big integer network attributes for use with big integer field data types. Big integer network attributes can be used when defining summaries as part of the subnetwork trace configuration and when performing trace operations.
- A Rebuild current extent option was added to the Validate command drop-down menu on the Utility Network tab. This option allows you to rebuild the network topology and repair inconsistencies for the current extent of the active map when the validate operation fails.
- Visualize the path of associations and edge objects that are traversed during a trace by synthesizing geometries in the aggregated geometry output.
- Subtype group tables are now supported with the utility network and can be shared as web feature layers to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 and later versions.
Geoprocessing tools
- See Utility Network toolbox for new and enhanced geoprocessing tools.
Network diagrams
With Utility Network Version 7 and Trace Network Version 4, network diagrams support the following functionality:
- A new Info field is created in diagram feature classes to support custom rendering or labeling of diagram features. This text field can be filled in and managed at your convenience using custom add-ins based on the Network Diagrams API available with ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET. The field can store complex information aggregated in diagrams, such as information derived from network features or network objects, that is not easy to manage using Arcade functions.
- Network diagram feature classes support 64-bit object ID fields.
- The Reduce Junction, Remove Feature, Expand Container, Collapse Container, and Add Diagram Feature Capability diagram rules can be added to a diagram template to process features on network categories.
- When configuring a Trace rule on a diagram template, you can benefit from existing named trace configurations.
- The Trace rule supports upstream or downstream trace operations that determine flow using digitized line direction.
- The default Python environment includes the following updates. For a full list of libraries in the default ArcGIS Pro environment, see Available Python libraries.
- Python has been upgraded from version 3.9.18 to version 3.11.8. For a list of updates to Python, see What's New in Python 3.10 and What's New in Python 3.11 at
- The NumPy library has been upgraded to 1.24.3.
- The SciPy library has been upgraded to 1.9.3.
- Type hints were added to geoprocessing tools, the arcpy.da module, and a number of other arcpy functions and classes. Type hints provide an improved code authoring experience in modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs).
- The RefreshLayer function can be used to refresh map views containing specified layers.
- The PauseDrawing context manager can be used to temporarily pause the update of a map.
- When a geoprocessing tool is run from Python in ArcGIS Pro using a geometry object as the output, the tool now returns a list of geometry objects. (Previously, it returned a path.) The new behavior is consistent with running the same operation from stand-alone Python., arcpy.Geometry())
- With a database connection, the Describe function returns the database client through dbClient in the connectionProperties property set. See Workspace properties for more information.
- Geoprocessing tools accept Arrow tables generated from GeoParquet files as input.
arrow_table = parquet.read_table('c:\\path\\geoparquetfile.parquet'), 'c:\\path\\gdb.gdb\\features')
- All geometry objects can now be scaled or moved using the scale and move methods.
- Geometry objects now include a has_id parameter to enable point IDs.
- The SpatialReference object's exportToString method has a new encoding parameter to support writing to the WKT 2 specification.
Data access module
- The performance of the Walk function has been improved when filtering by type.
Geocoding module
- The Locator class supports the new returnInputLocation and reverseOutputFields properties.
Mapping module
- The following enhancements were made to the ArcGISProject class:
- The styles and toolboxes properties were added.
- The createReport, updateToolboxes, and updateStyles methods were added.
- The log_files parameter was added to the importDocument method.
- In the listStyleItems method, the style_class parameter supports the LEGEND_ITEM and TABLE_FRAME options.
- The following properties were added to the GraphicElement, LegendElement, MapFrame, MapSurroundElement, PictureElement, and TextElement classes:
- longName
- parentGroupElement
- The applyStyleItem method was added to the GraphicElement, LegendElement, LegendItem, MapFrame, MapSurroundElement, and TextElement classes.
- The following enhancements were made to the GroupElement class:
- The elements, longName, and parentGroupElement properties were added.
- The ungroupElements method was added.
- The getDefinition and setDefinition methods were added to the LabelClass class.
- The following enhancements were made to the Layer class:
- The groupType and pageQuery properties were added.
- The createLabelClass, setGroupType, and setPageQuery methods were added.
- The changePageSize and createTableFrameElement methods were added to the Layout class.
- The fields and statistics properties were added to the ReportSection class.
- The following enhancements were made to the Table class:
- The isTimeEnabled and time properties were added.
- The disableTime and enableTime methods were added.
- The convertGridToFeatures method was added to the MapFrame class.
- The new TableFrameElement class with a list of new properties and methods was added.
Network Analyst module
- The NetworkDataset class includes three new properties: edgeCount, junctionCount, and turnCount. These provide the count of edges, junctions, and turns, respectively, in the network.
- The new LastMileDelivery class allows you to perform last mile delivery analysis in Python.
Sharing module
- The useCIMSymbols property was added to the FeatureSharingDraft and MapImageSharingDraft classes. You can set this property to use Esri Cartographic Information Model (CIM) symbols supported by newer clients such as ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x.
Spatial Analyst module
- The following new vertical factor classes were added:
- The VfBidirHikingTime class defines the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical relative moving angle through a bidirectional hiking function.
- The VfHikingTime class defines the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical relative moving angle through the reciprocal of Tobler's function.
The ArcGIS Pro SDK allows you to extend ArcGIS Pro with your own unique tools and workflows using SDK add-ins and configurations. See What's New for Developers at 3.3.
To learn more about near-term, mid-term, and long-term development goals, refer to the latest ArcGIS Pro roadmap.
Deprecated functionality
See Release notes for ArcGIS Pro 3.3 for information about functionality that has been removed at ArcGIS Pro 3.3 or will be removed in a future release.