Overview of desktop editing
A quick tour of editing
Get started editing
Editing options
Change general editing tool settings
Geometry options for editing
Productivity options for editing
Change settings for saving edits
Configure follow feature settings
Customize vertex handles
Change selection settings for editing
Add project units for editing
Enable or disable editor tracking
Customize the editing tool gallery
Configure the editing toolbar
Add a feature service for editing
Configure a scene for 3D editing
Edit a utility network
Filter undo and redo for editing
Link the pointer across maps
Save or discard edits
Step through features on a layer
Manage editability
Enable and disable editing
Specify which layers can be edited
View layer permissions for editing
Enable snapping
Snap while creating geometry
Disable snapping for a layer
Change snapping settings
Enable the editing grid
Customize the editing grid
Geometric constraints
Constrain a segment parallel
Constrain a segment perpendicular
Constrain a 3D segment vertical
Constrain a deflection angle
Enable dynamic constraints
Inference constraints
Direction, distance and elevation commands
Constrain direction for a segment
Constrain distance for a segment
Specify an elevation for 3D features
Specify a direction and distance
Specify an xyz distance
Specify an xyz location
Intersection tools
Create a point or vertex at the intersection of two distances
Create a point or vertex at a direction and distance
Create a point or vertex at the intersection of two directions
Create a point or vertex at an inferred intersection
Create a point or vertex between two locations
Introduction to feature templates
Create a preset template
Create a feature template
Create a group template
Create a table template
Delete a feature template
Organize favorite feature templates
Filter and search for templates
Configure a feature template
Configure a group template
Configure a preset template
Configure a multipatch feature template
Feature builder reference
Multiple point features (Point)
Buffer (Point)
Radial lines (Point)
Offset (Polyline)
Point at start of line (Polyline)
Point at end of line (Polyline)
Point at every intersection (Polyline)
Point at every vertex (Polyline)
Point at every vertex except start (Polyline)
Point at every vertex except end (Polyline)
Point at every vertex except start and end (Polyline)
Buffer (Polyline)
Multiple single part lines (Polyline)
Two-point lines (Polyline)
Point at every vertex (Polygon)
Point at every vertex except start (Polygon)
Point at start only (Polygon)
Point at centroid (Polygon)
Buffer (Polygon)
Multiple polygon features (Polygon)
Two point lines (Polygon)
Single line feature (Polygon)
Introduction to creating 2D and 3D features
Copy and paste using the clipboard
Paste special
Create features from GNSS device locations
Enter attributes for new features
Replace sketch geometry
Feature template messages
Create annotation features
Generate feature-linked annotation
Create dimension features
Create linear dimensions
Create point and multipoint features
Create point features along a line
Polyline and polygon construction tools
Create polyline features
Create densified line segments
Create split polylines
Create polygon features
Create adjoining polygons
Create squares and rectangles
Create arc segments and curves
Create Bezier curves
Create tangent circular arcs
Create circles and ellipses
Create features with right angles
Create segments by streaming vertices
Create segments by tracing other features
Trim or extend an unfinished line
Create multipatch features
Add prebuilt multipatch features
Create multipatch features from 3D models
Introduction to COGO
Create a cul-de-sac
Create a traverse
Set traverse units
Enter a traverse
Adjust traverse closure
Create parcel seed features
Create spiral curves
Import or export a traverse file
Introduction to ground to grid
Turn ground to grid corrections on or off
Introduction to modifying features
Select features for editing
Add or remove a leader line
Change annotation baseline geometry
Convert annotation to multiple parts
Reshape annotation baseline geometry
Edit annotation text
Edit text to follow a feature
Flip annotation
Modify annotation features
Stack, unstack, or flip annotation
Align or distribute features
Align features to a traced line
Move or rotate or scale a feature
Move a feature to specified location
Rubbersheet features
Transform a feature
Modify a dimension
Create a fillet between two segments
Trim a polyline feature
Cut a hole in a polygon feature
Fill a hole in a polygon feature
Extend or Trim polyline features
Generalize a feature
Replace feature geometry
Reshape a feature
Resume editing a finished feature
Modify feature vertices
Modify feature segments
Edit vertex m-values
Edit vertex z-values
Reverse the direction of a polyline
Clip features using another feature
Divide a polyline by a value
Divide a polygon by a value
Planarize polyline features
Split a feature
Split lines at an intersection
Construct geodetic features
Construct polygons from features
Copy line features parallel
Create a 2D or 3D buffer
Create features along a line at an offset
Create a mirror copy of a feature
Copy an array of features
Duplicate 3D features vertically
Merge features into one feature
Apply textures to a multipatch feature
Explode a multipatch feature
Modify a multipatch feature
Offset a multipatch face
Replace a multipatch feature
Slice a multipatch feature
Edit 3D objects by directly accessing model files
Add features to a multipart or multipoint feature
Delete features and parts of features
Explode a multipart feature
Split lines into COGO lines
Create a route from line features
Create a complex route
Calibrate a selected route
Define a portion of a route
Edit feature attributes
Edit feature relationships
Edit annotation symbol attributes
Edit file attachments
Format annotation features
Configure field mapping
Transfer attributes between features
Update COGO attributes
Assign sequential attributes by drawing a line
View utility network associations
Edit topology
Introduction to editing topology
Align topology edges
Edit topology segments
Edit topology vertices
Move topology edges and nodes
Move a topology node
Reshape a topology edge
Geodatabase topology
Validate and fix geodatabase topology
Geodatabase topology rules for point features
Geodatabase topology rules for polygon features
Geodatabase topology rules for polyline features
3D z value reference for editing
Direction formats for editing
Distance formats for editing
Keyboard shortcuts for editing
Modify Features tool reference
Utility Network reference for editing
Terminology for editing
Message: Annotation cannot be edited
Message: CAD layers cannot be edited
Message: Coverage annotation layers cannot be edited
Message: Coverage layers cannot be edited
Message: Dimensions cannot be edited
Message: Event source table cannot be edited
Message: Geometric network cannot be edited
Message: Image server layers cannot be edited
Message: IMS sub feature layers cannot be edited
Message: KML cannot be edited
Message: LAS datasets can be edited using tools on the Data tab
Message: Layer type cannot be edited
Message: Layer with heat map renderer is not editable
Message: Parcel fabrics cannot be edited
Message: Raster layers cannot be edited
Message: Relationship query tables cannot be edited
Message: Representation layer cannot be edited
Message: Services of this type cannot be edited
Message: Tiled service layers cannot be edited
Message: TIN layers cannot be edited
Message: Workspace cannot be edited
Message: Insufficient licensing to edit this layer
Message: Not licensed to edit topology
Message: Not licensed to edit data in relationships
Message: A later version of the parcel fabric is available
Message: <data type> layer cannot be found
Message: 3D layer offset is disabled while editing
Message: Dimensions cannot be edited when projected on the fly
Message: Edits made to this layer cannot be undone
Message: Feature layer is locked by another application
Message: Geometric network cannot be edited when projected on the fly
Message: Layer cannot be edited
Message: Layer cannot be edited when projected on the fly
Message: Layer is projected on the fly
Message: Layer is time enabled
Message: Layer or table is not registered as versioned
Message: Branch versioned data can only be edited through a feature service
Message: This table is registered as versioned with a different model than the connected version. Edits cannot be made.